Perhaps more than any other issue this one is most misunderstood.

I didn't.
You didnā€™t post this?

ā€œI could be mistaken, but my impression is supporters of all things Don think his admin had great success in reducing illegal immigration. Or what right wingers like to call (since a Dem is in the WH) the invasion at the border. The numbers tell a different story.ā€
There are plenty of threads covering that allegation. This one is about misconceptions of Trump's success on various policy issues by The Following.
It wasnt President Trump that didnt finish what he promised but Nancy Piglosi and her cabala of witches that kept President Trump always in impeachment. Oh you forgot about that bullshit? Stop taking the drugs coming across the border that Joe Bidumb so diligently allows...
Fast forward to Trumpā€™s 2023 presidential campaign, where with his loyal anti-immigration mastermind Stephen Miller, heā€™s laying the groundwork for the second Trump administration, which will involve an even more extreme and sweeping assault on immigration. As Miller put it: ā€œTrump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdownā€¦The immigration legal activists wonā€™t know whatā€™s happening.ā€

ā€œWhat former President Trump and Stephen Miller are laying out has crossed a line that should set off alerts for every American.ā€
ā€œWhat former President Trump and Stephen Miller are laying out has crossed a line that should set off alerts for every American,ā€ Vanessa Cardenas, executive director of Americaā€™s Voice, said during a recent press call with reporters. ā€œCalling his political opponents ā€˜vermin,ā€™ saying that the blood of America is being poisoned, and the continuous calls to violence, election denialism, and white nationalism cannot be normalized or go unchallenged. What Trump is describing is not just about immigration policiesā€¦Heā€™s openly talking about changing who we are as a nation, who is considered American, who belongs to this country.ā€

This ineffectual, bigoted nonsense is music to The Following's ears.

Youā€™re scouring all the leftist kook sites today.

President Trump Reduced Legal Immigration. He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration

President Trump entered the White House with the goal of reducing legal immigration by 63 percent. Trump was wildly successful in reducing legal immigration. By November 2020, the Trump administration reduced the number of green cards issued to people abroad by at least 418,453 and the number of nonā€immigrant visas by at least 11,178,668 during his first term through November 2020. President Trump also entered the White House with the goal of eliminating illegal immigration but Trump oversaw a virtual collapse in interior immigration enforcement and the stabilization of the illegal immigrant population. Thus, Trump succeeded in reduce legal immigration and failed to eliminate illegal immigration.

I could be mistaken, but my impression is supporters of all things Don think his admin had great success in reducing illegal immigration. Or what right wingers like to call (since a Dem is in the WH) the invasion at the border. The numbers tell a different story.

As it happens, there are a number of misconceptions about Don's tenure reverberating around the right wing media sound chamber. Here are a few more.

The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016. The number of Americans lacking health insurance rose by 3 million. The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.

Tax reform worked? Trumpā€™s tax cut conferred most of its benefits on big corporations and the rich, while enlarging the budget deficit. Giant banks and financial services companies got huge gains based on the new, lower corporate rate (21%), as well as the more preferable tax treatment of pass-through companies.

Right about China? As the Brookings Institution found, Trumpā€™s China policy only made China less restrained in pursuit of its ambitions. Confrontation has intensified, areas of cooperation have vanished, and the capacity of both countries to solve problems or manage competing interests has atrophied.

So here's the thing. I hear over and over from Trump devotees their support of him is based on his policy successes. IOW, The Following is still The Following despite his legal and moral violations because he was an affective prez. Was he? But hey, he sure did get the libtards upset and isn't that what really matters?
What a bunch of horseshit. They were not lined up by the tens of thousands per day during Trump's years. Besides, according to you lefties, there is no such thing as an illegal, they're all just migrants.
What a bunch of horseshit. They were not lined up by the tens of thousands per day during Trump's years. Besides, according to you lefties, there is no such thing as an illegal, they're all just migrants.
Yea, actually they were lined up by the thousandsā€¦ and then they were separated from their kids and put into cages
Yea, actually they were lined up by the thousandsā€¦ and then they were separated from their kids and put into cages
I said tens of thousands but you knew that and lied anyway. We need them to be separated from their kids so that these people decide not to come here in the first place. Obama and Biden put people in cages.
How border apprehensions, ICE arrests and deportations have changed under Trump

And dont forget the wall, that the bug eyed bitch AOC went to weeping about how the illegals there were not allowed to come in. Of course there werent any illegals at the wall, so AOC looked even more foolish.

But then Joe Bidumb, who stole the 2020 election, opened the flood gates of hell, and now the US , many blue devil cities have to deal with that influx of diseased criminals who came here illegally...
Trump didnā€™t decrease ā€˜illegalā€™ immigration because thatā€™s Congressā€™ responsibility.

In fact, presidents can only enforce existing immigration laws ā€“ laws that are outdated and very much in need of reform.

Because thereā€™s little a given president can do to address immigration, Congress must enact immigration reform and pass effective immigration provisions and policies.

And itā€™s Congressional Republicans who refuse to enact meaningful immigration reform, Congressional Republicans are at fault for immigration issues and problems ā€“ not the president, Trump or President Biden.
ā€œPerhaps more than any other issue this one is most misunderstood.ā€

Misunderstood, by some; but for most on the dishonest right itā€™s willful ignorance.

The racist, bigoted right use lies about ā€˜illegalā€™ immigration to advance their agenda of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, keeping the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.
How border apprehensions, ICE arrests and deportations have changed under Trump

And dont forget the wall, that the bug eyed bitch AOC went to weeping about how the illegals there were not allowed to come in. Of course there werent any illegals at the wall, so AOC looked even more foolish.

But then Joe Bidumb, who stole the 2020 election, opened the flood gates of hell, and now the US , many blue devil cities have to deal with that influx of diseased criminals who came here illegally...
Every time republicans build more border wall illegal immigration goes up
Trump was at least trying to do something about the Southern border people can disagree on the policy if they want. What cannot be disputed is Biden came in on day one undid the Trump policies and the problem has gotten exponentially worse. When Trump and the Republicans wanted to repeal Obamacare one of the main criticisms from the left was what will you replace it with this was a legitimate criticism. The same criticism applies to Biden on the border you want to end Trumps border policies ok what's your better plan? Just saying if your going to come here illegally don't do it and ignoring the problem till it became a major liability to you is not a better policy.
Yea, actually they were lined up by the thousandsā€¦ and then they were separated from their kids and put into cages

How many illegals died trying to get into the country under Kid Drowning *Joe as compared to Trump?
I said tens of thousands but you knew that and lied anyway. We need them to be separated from their kids so that these people decide not to come here in the first place. Obama and Biden put people in cages.

Obama didn't separate any families. He was dealing with UNACCOMPANIED Minors.
Trump was at least trying to do something about the Southern border people can disagree on the policy if they want. What cannot be disputed is Biden came in on day one undid the Trump policies and the problem has gotten exponentially worse. When Trump and the Republicans wanted to repeal Obamacare one of the main criticisms from the left was what will you replace it with this was a legitimate criticism. The same criticism applies to Biden on the border you want to end Trumps border policies ok what's your better plan? Just saying if your going to come here illegally don't do it and ignoring the problem till it became a major liability to you is not a better policy.

You replace it with strong enforcement against the businesses willing to hire them. Problem is NEITHER party is willing to actually do this and enforce it.

You can go back and read that I was saying the same thing when Trump was president and noting that since his supporters were not holding him accountable for this that the problem would only get worse going forward.

And here we are.

The Republicans have the House. That's where it all starts. Why isn't it?

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