Perhaps the rightwing wouldn’t be so extreme if Ayn Rand never existed

Well thats kind of what the wings do , innit? They try to push things too far and the other side reels them back in. I know you don't believe in gender roles but the left/right dichotomy is basic feminine/masculine human nature stuff and goes way back before there was even such a thing as republicans and democrats.
Um I do believe in gender roles. I just don’t pretend a person is born with them. What you don’t seem to understand is that cultural values dictate those gender roles more than nature does. I’ll agree that there are some gender specific traits one is born with, but my point is most behaviors are dictated by the values of a given culture. What you might consider to be “manly” or “feminine” isn’t considered the same in other cultures.

Name some of those other cultures.
In Europe it’s socially acceptable for straight men to share a bed while they sleep. You might think that’s “gay” but because nothing sexual ever occurs it is by definition not gay.

I was thinking more along the lines of a society where little girls grow up playing with toy swords and roughhousing while little boys pretend to cook and take care of babies.
Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Are you going to lecture the women who compared to men are vastly over represented in the nursing and elder care fields that they chose the wrong career because of patriarchal gender norms?
Why are we still talking about Marx? Lol perhaps you lack the reading comprehension to realize my political beliefs I said in my OP were very much not Marxist.'re IDENTIFYING as not being a Marxist! Got it!

Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Actually, even Time magazine discovered that Men and Women are indeed different. As you know too, infants prefer toys typed to their gender. GO FIGURE!

Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

Thank you for boldly demonstrating that you are indeed NOT a SOCIALIST, you are a full-fledged COMMUNIST!

Once again, in my lifetime, Jeff Bezos has acquired about $114 BILLION and Bill Gates about $104 BILLION.

Specifically how much has that taken out of your pocket? How much RICHER would you be if they never existed?
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Um I do believe in gender roles. I just don’t pretend a person is born with them. What you don’t seem to understand is that cultural values dictate those gender roles more than nature does. I’ll agree that there are some gender specific traits one is born with, but my point is most behaviors are dictated by the values of a given culture. What you might consider to be “manly” or “feminine” isn’t considered the same in other cultures.

Name some of those other cultures.
In Europe it’s socially acceptable for straight men to share a bed while they sleep. You might think that’s “gay” but because nothing sexual ever occurs it is by definition not gay.

I was thinking more along the lines of a society where little girls grow up playing with toy swords and roughhousing while little boys pretend to cook and take care of babies.
Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Are you going to lecture the women who compared to men are vastly over represented in the nursing and elder care fields that they chose the wrong career because of patriarchal gender norms?
Uh no why would I give a shit? People can do whatever they want. That’s my entire point lol
The right wing freed the slaves....

Oh snap

Like clockwork. A right winger has to sneak in this 'we freed the slaves' thing. Do you honestly think that so many of today's modern republicans who worship money and hate dark skinned minorities so much would go around freeing slaves if they hadn't already been freed?
You'd be out there with your beloved guns getting the rewards for returning escaped slaves to their masters. Look how you guys high fived each other when trump separated thousands of dark skinned babes from their parents down at the border.
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Name some of those other cultures.
In Europe it’s socially acceptable for straight men to share a bed while they sleep. You might think that’s “gay” but because nothing sexual ever occurs it is by definition not gay.

I was thinking more along the lines of a society where little girls grow up playing with toy swords and roughhousing while little boys pretend to cook and take care of babies.
Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Are you going to lecture the women who compared to men are vastly over represented in the nursing and elder care fields that they chose the wrong career because of patriarchal gender norms?
Uh no why would I give a shit? People can do whatever they want. That’s my entire point lol

Except hold racist views and hire accordingly, right?
Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Actually, even Time magazine discovered that Men and Women are indeed different. As you know too, infants prefer toys typed to their gender. GO FIGURE!

If you actually read the subtitle of that story, it makes a point I already made on this thread. Yes, boys and girls do have gender specific differences at birth, but obviously a lot of it is still a matter of environment. Gender, like any subject in psychology is both nature and nurture. You just like to pretend it is all nature and you sound stupid.
Rand was a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

The problem with philosophers like her was their extremism and black and white values. The idea of rejecting any form of collectivism is ridiculous and impossible to live one’s life by. Rand, specifically, accepted Medicare which ran completely counter to the values she spewed. It’s impossible to live one’s life on a purely individual basis. Society could not function without a degree of collectivism.

“Degree” is a keyword here. What many republicans fail to understand is that there must be an inevitable middle ground between individualism and collectivism in order for civilization to exist. Obviously, a degree of individual freedom is critical to human happiness, but that doesn’t mean one must reject collective values like socialism. Hell, America has embraced socialism since the founding. Paying taxes for services one benefits from has always been a socialist idea. Just because you support our defense budget, our military, public education for kids, Social Security, etc does not mean these aren’t socialist principles. The problem is that republicans don’t really understand what socialism actually means. They think socialism is all about not having job and living off welfare and capitalism being a mutually exclusive idea. Granted those ideas are socialist in nature, but it doesn’t mean that is some catch-all definition or that American progressives support those ideas.

This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

Thank you for boldly demonstrating that you are indeed NOT a SOCIALIST, you are a full-fledged COMMUNIST!
Clearly you have no idea what the fuck communism vs other types of socialism are. Or you are a disingenuous moron because I clearly stated in the same post that I don’t think everyone should be paid the same wage.
In Europe it’s socially acceptable for straight men to share a bed while they sleep. You might think that’s “gay” but because nothing sexual ever occurs it is by definition not gay.

I was thinking more along the lines of a society where little girls grow up playing with toy swords and roughhousing while little boys pretend to cook and take care of babies.
Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Are you going to lecture the women who compared to men are vastly over represented in the nursing and elder care fields that they chose the wrong career because of patriarchal gender norms?
Uh no why would I give a shit? People can do whatever they want. That’s my entire point lol

Except hold racist views and hire accordingly, right?
What the fuck are you even talking about?
I was thinking more along the lines of a society where little girls grow up playing with toy swords and roughhousing while little boys pretend to cook and take care of babies.
Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Are you going to lecture the women who compared to men are vastly over represented in the nursing and elder care fields that they chose the wrong career because of patriarchal gender norms?
Uh no why would I give a shit? People can do whatever they want. That’s my entire point lol

Except hold racist views and hire accordingly, right?
What the fuck are you even talking about?

You said it yourself, people can do whatever they want. Which should include racially discriminatory hiring practices.
Lol you’ll find kids all around the world like that including here in the US. It’s my basic point is that kids aren’t born to like that shit.

Are you going to lecture the women who compared to men are vastly over represented in the nursing and elder care fields that they chose the wrong career because of patriarchal gender norms?
Uh no why would I give a shit? People can do whatever they want. That’s my entire point lol

Except hold racist views and hire accordingly, right?
What the fuck are you even talking about?

You said it yourself, people can do whatever they want. Which should include racially discriminatory hiring practices.
Right I’m sure you’d be thrilled if most employers turned you down because you were white.
Like clockwork. A right winger has to sneak in this 'we freed the slaves' thing. Do you honestly think that today's modern republicans who worship money and hate dark skinned minorities so much would go around freeing slave if they hadn't already been freed?
You'd be out there with your beloved guns getting the rewards for returning escaped slaves to their masters. Look how you guys high fived each other when trump separated thousands of dark skinned babes from their parents down at the border.

That's just stupid.


Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama

Former President Bill Clinton


Are you going to lecture the women who compared to men are vastly over represented in the nursing and elder care fields that they chose the wrong career because of patriarchal gender norms?
Uh no why would I give a shit? People can do whatever they want. That’s my entire point lol

Except hold racist views and hire accordingly, right?
What the fuck are you even talking about?

You said it yourself, people can do whatever they want. Which should include racially discriminatory hiring practices.
Right I’m sure you’d be thrilled if most employers turned you down because you were white.

The point is, there are some necessary limits put on what people are allowed to do. That includes protecting kids from bad parenting. Parents who brainwash their little boys to think they are girls should not be celebrated.
Uh no why would I give a shit? People can do whatever they want. That’s my entire point lol

That's a lie.

You demand that SOMEONE pay everyone a "living wage". Although you don't know what that is and who will foot the bill.

You demand that NO ONE earn TOO MUCH MONEY. How is that letting people do whatever they want?
This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

Thank you for boldly demonstrating that you are indeed NOT a SOCIALIST, you are a full-fledged COMMUNIST!
Clearly you have no idea what the fuck communism vs other types of socialism are. Or you are a disingenuous moron because I clearly stated in the same post that I don’t think everyone should be paid the same wage.

Right, you just don't want them to earn too little...or too much!

Got it!

Like clockwork. A right winger has to sneak in this 'we freed the slaves' thing. Do you honestly think that today's modern republicans who worship money and hate dark skinned minorities so much would go around freeing slave if they hadn't already been freed?
You'd be out there with your beloved guns getting the rewards for returning escaped slaves to their masters. Look how you guys high fived each other when trump separated thousands of dark skinned babes from their parents down at the border.

That's just stupid.


Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama

Former President Bill Clinton


Children were only separated under Obama in the RARE case that their parents committed separate crimes. In any of those cases, the kids weren’t kept here in the US indefinitely like they are now. More importantly, ANY example of immigrants seeking asylum which has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL were not separated from their parents. Moreover, Obama didn't even come up with the policy. It existed long before him. Man do you people struggle with facts.

Also, Schumer didn’t contradict himself. He was referring to kids who either followed their parents across the border or were born here after.
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This is worth repeating: while there are some few exceptions, American progressives by and large don’t want to abolish the private market nor do we want everyone being unemployed and living off the dole. We also don’t want everyone making the same wage regardless of the work. Obviously wealthy people serve a vital purpose to our economy - they just need strict limitations that currently aren’t in place. The ideology is quite nuanced, but republicans like to pretend otherwise.

Thank you for boldly demonstrating that you are indeed NOT a SOCIALIST, you are a full-fledged COMMUNIST!
Clearly you have no idea what the fuck communism vs other types of socialism are. Or you are a disingenuous moron because I clearly stated in the same post that I don’t think everyone should be paid the same wage.

Right, you just don't want them to earn too little...or too much!

Got it!

Uh yeah dumbass your right. That is my point. If people earn too little and work 40 hours a week, the mega rich obviously make too much.

You know, deep down I know it bothers you that a half a dozen people make more wealth than the bottom 50% of Americans COMBINED, but you are too much of a pussy to admit it on this board. Hell, 78% of American workers report working paycheck to paycheck. Facts are what they are.
Uh yeah dumbass your right. That is my point. If people earn too little and work 40 hours a week, the mega rich obviously make too much.

You know, deep down I know it bothers you that a half a dozen people make more wealth than the bottom 50% of Americans COMBINED, but you are too much of a pussy to admit it on this board. Hell, 78% of American workers report working paycheck to paycheck. Facts are what they are.

Why are you afraid to answer my question?

Once again, in my lifetime, Jeff Bezos has acquired about $114 BILLION and Bill Gates about $104 BILLION.

Specifically how much has that taken out of your pocket? How much RICHER would you be if they never existed?

IF 78 percent of American workers live paycheck to paycheck, isn't that their personal responsibility? It is also a great thing since nearly four out of five workers are confident that they will be employed next paycheck and the next. Also, if they don't like their job, they can quit, find another job and not be injured.

Thank you!

As for my being bothered that Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates have nearly a QUARTER OF A TRILLION in wealth between them, I am thrilled! How many multi-millionaires have both of them created? How many high paying jobs?

My personal income (I'm a Realtor) increased when I adopted computers in the day of the green screen, no photos and program it yourself to merge a letter and print envelopes. It skyrocketed when I bought Microsoft Office.

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