Poll: Record number of Americans believe in Man-made Climate change

abu afak said:
Uh, um, duh...
It IS fair to have a single issue Poll about.. a single issue....
In the "single issue" environment/climate section.

One doesn't have to rank it with one's immediate health, or ability to pay one's mortgage, to make it a Valid Concern.

This from someone who regularly/Obtusely posts Weather/cold spells as debate against warming (at all!).
Ha ha, it is clear you have no idea what I am talking about, and that I repeatedly showed that when there are MULTIPLE concerns allowed in the poll, the global warming/climate change concern drops to the BOTTOM section of such polls. Go read them little boy, only a few people in the polls I posted are concerned over it.

This is so simple that even came men are smarter than you.....
No, it's clear you have (well down into) a 2 digit IQ.

I can post a Biden/Trump poll to withOUT posting Trump against ALL the democrats at once, which would dilute each of the latter's positions dramatically, and not give a real picture of what a 1-on-1 election result WOULD/WILL be.

You are dimmer than I thought. Using all the sci charts as cover.
You have -0- common sense, which is why you Always lose to me/put me on ignore for 2 years.

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abu afak said:
Uh, um, duh...
It IS fair to have a single issue Poll about.. a single issue....
In the "single issue" environment/climate section.

One doesn't have to rank it with one's immediate health, or ability to pay one's mortgage, to make it a Valid Concern.

This from someone who regularly/Obtusely posts Weather/cold spells as debate against warming (at all!).
Ha ha, it is clear you have no idea what I am talking about, and that I repeatedly showed that when there are MULTIPLE concerns allowed in the poll, the global warming/climate change concern drops to the BOTTOM section of such polls. Go read them little boy, only a few people in the polls I posted are concerned over it.

This is so simple that even came men are smarter than you.....
No, it's clear you have (well down into) a 2 digit IQ.

I can post a Biden/Trump poll to withOUT posting Trump against ALL the democrats at once, which would dilute each of the latter's positions dramatically, and not give a real picture of what a 1-on-1 election result WOULD/WILL be.

You are dimmer than I thought. Using all the sci charts as cover.
You have -0- common sense, which is why you Always lose to me/put me on ignore for 2 years.


Here is one of the polls YOU IGNORED, that destroys your post one claims and supports my recurring narrative that when multiple concerns are allowed in a poll, global warming/climate change concern level drops to the bottom, or this case not a concern at all!

New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

"In general, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time? What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?"

LINK to the PDF

Your insults and avoidance of the links I posted makes clear you have no argument to offer.

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Trump ally Lindsey Graham says president should 'admit climate change is real'
Ledyard King, USA TODAY
July 12, 2019
Trump ally Lindsey Graham says president should 'admit climate change is real'

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump should "admit that climate change is real" and start figuring out ways to confront it.

That wasn't advice from prominent congressional Democrats Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez but rather from one of the president's staunchest allies in Congress: Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

"I'm tired of playing defense on the environment," Graham told reporters on Capitol Hill Wednesday as he and other GOP lawmakers announced the formation of the Roosevelt Conservation Caucus, which will "embrace and promote constructive efforts to resolve conservation and environmental problems."

In response to a question about the president's environmental record, Graham said Trump should agree with the overwhelming scientific consensus that the planet is warming and come up with an aggressive response."..."

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So a few hundred useful idiots believe in the excuse for yet another grab of the ECONOMY, and income redistribution from the people that can least afford it. The working poor and middle income earner. That's who these carbon and fossil fuel taxes will effect the most. Then people, and companies will be paying more for all products, and services, not just energy, so companies will have to lay off.

It will cause an economic meltdown not seen before over a HOAX and a government elitist SCAM.
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Yes, another Poll - Gutting the Clowns who regularly say Americans "don't care".
In fact, that's the main 'argument' of at least a few of them.
Not only a fallacious Argumentum ad Populum, but a wrong/Lying one at that!

Not only do they care about GW, they care about AGW.
We see Record Temps and Record numbers of Americans who acknowledge the trend and cause.

Poll: Record number of Americans believe in man-made climate change
BY JUSTIN WISE - 07/11/18 - TheHill
Poll: Record number of Americans believe in man-made climate change

A record number of Americans believe that global warming is real and that humans are at least partially responsible, according to a new poll from the University of Michigan's Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy.

The survey says that 60% of respondents say that global warming is taking place and that human activity is either primarily or partially why temperatures are rising. That passes a previous high of 58%, which was recorded in 2008, 2009 and 2017.

34% of respondents said that humans were primarily responsible for global warming, while 26% said human activity was partially responsible.

On the other hand, 12% of respondents said that climate change was caused by natural patterns, with another 12% saying they weren't sure if it is occurring at all. 15% of respondents said the climate is not changing.​

In addition, the poll found that more Americans believe there is solid evidence of global warming than at any time since 2008. 73% of respondents agreed with the statement.

There is a stark divide along party lines, with 50% of Republicans saying they believe there is solid evidence of global warming, compared to 90% of Democrats. The divide is the largest since 2008.

The survey was conducted from April 29 to May 25 among a population of 751 adults. The margin of error is 4 percentage points.

They also believed in a flat Earth, Salem witch trials, raising the minimum wage will get you somewhere..

What's your point?

I don't believe in Climate Change. We have real problems to concentrate on.
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