“Poor” Country’s Food Healthier Than America’s?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
worth reading the whole article if you have allergies;

August 14, 2015

Is The Food Better In This Third World Country Than In The United States?

Many Americans would be hard-pressed to believe that countries believed to be “third-world” or otherwise impoverished could possibly provide better nutritional food than a super-power like the US.

However, according to one family, after spending many years in America battling food allergies and related health problems, they, quite by accident, stumbled onto an unexpected solution. For years they felt the could not eat regular food because the gluten or dairy would cause real discomfort.

You can imagine their trepidation as they prepared to travel to Bolivia where there is limited consumer safety mechanisms as well as sanitation issues.

It so happens that while in Bolivia they found a solution to their gluten and dairy issues. The solution? Eat whatever the heck they wanted!

The difference, they believe is that in Bolivia there are No GMOs. No Monsanto. No USDA. No Big-Pharma. No FDA.................................................

Another informative article; concerning how large supplies of synthetic citric and ascorbic acids are made

Just what is your food made of, anyway? Try industrial synthesis, genetically modified mold secretions, hydrochloric acid, mercury-contaminated caustic soda, ferrocyanide… and, of course, lots of GMO corn.
Didn't Kofi Annan once recommend we eat bugs?

Another example of leftist stupidity at the highest levels.

Kofi Annan: Eat Bugs To Stop Global Warming
A lot of people do not actually know what is in their food or water. We have more allergies now than ever before because so many depend on merely reading labels and the FDA considers fake C the same as natural C just as Hormone filled milk products are penned in as being equal with naturally fed milk cows when they are not equal.
I can understand how third world countries have healthier food than the US.

In US people are fed by MonSatan ...I mean Monsanto, the poison expert which has control over all the agriculture and the spraying of crops,all genetically modified, etc....it really has managed to turn food into poison...

People have to realize this, it's too late now, but still, people must have a voice and stop that,because it is slowly killing them!


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