President Biden's Press Conference, Reason For Americans To Worry!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Watching President Biden's two-hour press conference two days ago I think it should permanently put to rest any question on Joseph Biden's competency to be President he is not suffering from any mental impairment, this issue in the media is a distraction for the country and needs to go away! It is not to say that this Press Conference should make any good American happy about who the President is and the prospects for American's future under his tenure. President Biden showed himself to be really clueless about his performance over the past year and what he needs to do to be a great President or for that matter even a President that competently addresses many of the serious problems facing the country! At the Press Conference one journalist asked President Biden a question like you have lost the support of many of the moderates and independents that voted for you in the 2020 election because of your left-wing course and what are you going to do about it and President Biden was like I completely disagree with the premise of the question I haven't lost the moderates and independents. This is the core of President Joe Biden's problem why most of the country is alarmed and dismayed with his performance it is because of his left-wing policy approach unless he pivots to the center the country is in really bad straits we are not going to make major headway on our nation's problems and things will likely get much worse. President Biden desperately needs to have a "come to Jesus" moment he was characterizing himself on Wednesday as a mainstream Democrat he assumes that is good that everything is wonderful as long as he is in that mold; he couldn't be more wrong to the majority of Americans if the policies bantered around during the last Democrat Presidential primary get implemented in America it will bring about the ruin of America. To most Americans it is scary as hell how you mainstream Democrats want to spend money like it grows on trees. Mainstream Democrat is not okay, mainstream Democrat means reckless spending, ultimately higher taxes on everyone, extensive over regulation that ruins capitalism in America resulting in the permanent loss of prosperity for America; a moderate, center-left Democrat should be the North Star for a Democrat politician interested in being a good elected official. That is the stark choice Joe do you want to ruin America with left wing policies or improve America with centrist ones!

You know what the funny thing is about all the terrible policy initiatives going on in Washington and the hopelessness emanating from there is one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to fix it; it just takes using common sense a person with common intelligence and common virtue can do the job well. Joe could readily do it if he would only screw his head on properly! The titanic size problem America is facing today is inflation and what President Biden said is his response is a threefold response. One is to fix the supply chain problems and his major offering in this area is the bipartisan infrastructure law; really Joe this is the solace you offer the American people infrastructure spending that will take years to implement. Why don't you try Joe that for all these U.S. ports where America has lines of ships waiting to unload like she has never seen before and it is now a problem lingering way too long you are going to call out the national guard in that state where the port is located to drive the tractor trailers that need to be driven to break the shipping container logjam at these ports and eliminate this supply chain bottleneck.

The second fold response from President Biden is to pass the Build Back Better Act, President Biden acts like this is the silver bullet to the inflation problem; this is so foolish yes it will lower child care cost and for some lower prescription drug costs and for some other costs. But on balance the Build Back Better Act if passed into law will be like pouring a can of Kerosene on a fire the inflation fire. This Build Back Better law will lead to a massive truly massive government hiring spree stemming from the way the law divvies out funding to an enormous number of programs which means the private sector will have to compete for this labor which means they will have to offer higher salaries which will be passed on to consumers and Build Back Better with its $1.8 trillion dollar price tag will act like a $1.8 trillion stimulus into the economy it will significantly increase demand into a system which cannot keep up with the already current demand and so fundamental economic dynamics will result in the larger gap between demand and supply significantly escalating prices. This leads to another serious shortfall in President Joseph Biden's performance is that he is not well versed in policy, he doesn't have a full mastery of policy and that leads to bad policy decisions and terrible Presidential leadership; in part he needs to spend more time studying these bills that he wants to shove down America's throat! During the Press Conference President Biden was trying to claim the BBB Act is the solution for inflation because it will do things like reduce the price of insulin to a $35.00 co-pay, he misled on the issue because this mandate only applies for those Americans on Medicare (Sec. 139401) a lot of Americans are continue to be walloped with the price of their insulin. He was claiming the that the BBB Act would lower Americans energy bills not necessarily Joe the BBB Act puts a mandate on power generators where they have to increase the amount of clean power they generate by something like four percent a year or pay a fine where do you think power generation companies are going to get the money to pay for the technology to meet this mandate that is right charge utilities more for the electricity they use which will be passed on to the end user, ordinary Americans (Sec. 30411). President Biden claims the BBB bill is paid for, won't increase the deficit, but it expands social programs for only a limited number of years and ordinary Americans know this will make Americans dependent on these programs so when their term ends they will be extended without pay-fors so ultimately increasing the deficit which is already at dangerous levels.

President Biden's third fold response to inflation is to increase competition; contrary to many Republicans and Independents I applaud that goal but that ain't going to make a meaningful difference in 2022 and 2023 when the inflation beast is on the rampage and the nation's hired hunter to slay the beast has only one rifle to do the job and it fires recession promoting bullets; unless Washington sets forth policy that reins in inflation the American people are getting the shaft that is a recession. On this whole inflation problem for the nation President Biden needs to just act like a sensible centrist address the causes for inflation like that employers cannot find workers! Employers cannot find workers because some parents cannot afford child care so they don't work, others are content with the government sending them $300 per month per kid to do things like sit at home and watch TV. Some employers like meat packers cannot find workers because those jobs are really hard jobs so many Americans don't want them. President Biden needs to pass a small social programs bill largely just renew the American Rescue Act child care tax credit program and make the tax credit an advanceable one like the ACA's so a parent can use it to pay the day care provider for their kid when it bills the parent and renew the ARA $3000 child credit but just put a work requirement on the program's beneficiaries and find out how many workers the meat packing industry is short this year and next and just increase the number of visas issued for a foreign worker visa program to get the industry that number! President Biden is really shooting a blank on this issue at the Press Conference he said amongst his Democrat caucus there is a consensus to spend around $500 billion on a multitude of Energy and Environment programs, Joe all that crap spending is secondary the aforementioned provisions and maybe some pocketbook provisions for Americans are the priority they will get America's economy back to a humming state again, focus Joe on getting this small package through!

President Biden is too cynical about Republicans, Senator McConnell is very partisan only a stupid person would argue otherwise but he had it in for President Obama and President Obama got some bipartisan support during his Presidency. Senators are their own people Joe of all people should know that having spent thirty-five years in that chamber. The Titanic size mistake President Biden makes is that his bills he wants to pass are mammoth, the Freedom to Vote bill and the Build Back Better bills touch on so many issues it is unbelievable. A reasonable Republican could find an area or two or three to work with Democrats on to come up with something good to pass but is bowled over by the mountain of garbage, bad, provisions in these bills. President Biden needs to use common sense go small, find common ground and pass things that move the ball forward for the country. President Biden during his Press Conference was having himself a really nice and good time painting the Republicans with the brush of what do they stand for we know what their against he says well Joe I will tell you one thing they are for and you can bet the house that the majority of Americans stand with them on it is the Republicans are for America's Energy Independence they don't support putting America's critical energy future in the hands of a ruthless dictator Vladimir Putin and a selfish Saudi Prince MBS that if he had a drop of patriotism would permanently resign because he has a world-wide reputation equal to camel dong and that is unfixable. Mr. President might you consider that a competent President would recognize that the price of a barrel of oil is almost certainly heading over one-hundred dollars and that will be an unmitigated disaster it will cause excruciating pain to ordinary Americans and raise the trajectory of inflation into the red zone and if you cannot fix this problem where you have a short window to do so you are a complete idiot!

President Biden has a problem where he doesn't see the other sides perspective he says Republicans in the past renewed the voting rights act so why don't they support the John Lewis voting rights advancement act. Well Joe the renewals of the VRA dealt clearly with discrimination issues things like making sure ballots are in Spanish so Americans that don't read English can understand the ballot so they can exercise their constitutional right to vote or that government policies that aren't intentionally discriminatory but have the effect of being clearly discriminatory are wrong but Joe the John Lewis bill in truth is essentially a power grab by the Democrats over states it is going to subject a whole slew of states and counties to Federal government preclearance on their voting and election policies not only that it is going to give that Federal power to the Department of Justice that in current times is clearly too political, it is an unfair overreach piece of legislation. If you want to stop discrimination in voting like stopping hour plus waits in black majority voting districts put together legislation that brings about more polling sites in minority communities, solve the legitimate problems.

One thing I found very disconcerting about President Biden and his thinking on Ukraine is that he seems to be of a mindset that whatever response is taken to Vladimir Putin sending his army into Ukraine and taking their territory in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty has to be something that the countries in NATO have to sign off on, in Joseph Biden's mind if German Chancellor Olaf Scholz or French President Emmanuel Macron says no on an American proposal against Putin here America won't proceed. That is wrongful thinking President Biden at the end of the day it is your job to decide and decide alone what action America should be taking to protect America's interests especially her long-term interests. I am all for a U.S. President respecting other countries in the NATO alliance and holding extensive consultation with them but the American President is got to protect the interests of the American people especially considering that many of these NATO countries are compromised allies when it comes to Russia because they are too dependent on Russian oil and natural gas, for many of these countries it would be too economically painful related to energy issues to give the country of Russia what Russia deserves over its invasion of Ukraine! One side note, the U.S. media seems to not challenge the White House's decision to completely take off the table the use of any military power to repel any Russian invasion of Ukraine. I don't care what Bill Clinton says today but good past Democrat Presidents like Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy would put the use of the U.S. air force on the table for this matter and this would be enough to repel or at least stem a Russian invasion of Ukraine. I say this because both men understood that they were crafters and stewards of America's history and thus the World's history and both men would conclude the world's not going back in time where the world has to deal with a reassembled Soviet Union; there is a line here Russia isn't going to be permitted to conquer Russian neighboring countries it just isn't going to be permitted, the world is permanently done with a Soviet Union military aggression! To be clear I am not advocating for any U.S. ground troops be put into Ukraine to repel the Russian invasion, the ground fighting is clearly going to be extremely bloody and brutal Russia will have a large invasion force, it is ultimately the responsibility of Ukrainian citizens to defend their own country they have the wherewithal meaning the man power to do the ground fighting here and win this aspect of the war!
Watching President Biden's two-hour press conference two days ago I think it should permanently put to rest any question on Joseph Biden's competency to be President he is not suffering from any mental impairment, this issue in the media is a distraction for the country and needs to go away! It is not to say that this Press Conference should make any good American happy about who the President is and the prospects for American's future under his tenure. President Biden showed himself to be really clueless about his performance over the past year and what he needs to do to be a great President or for that matter even a President that competently addresses many of the serious problems facing the country! At the Press Conference one journalist asked President Biden a question like you have lost the support of many of the moderates and independents that voted for you in the 2020 election because of your left-wing course and what are you going to do about it and President Biden was like I completely disagree with the premise of the question I haven't lost the moderates and independents. This is the core of President Joe Biden's problem why most of the country is alarmed and dismayed with his performance it is because of his left-wing policy approach unless he pivots to the center the country is in really bad straits we are not going to make major headway on our nation's problems and things will likely get much worse. President Biden desperately needs to have a "come to Jesus" moment he was characterizing himself on Wednesday as a mainstream Democrat he assumes that is good that everything is wonderful as long as he is in that mold; he couldn't be more wrong to the majority of Americans if the policies bantered around during the last Democrat Presidential primary get implemented in America it will bring about the ruin of America. To most Americans it is scary as hell how you mainstream Democrats want to spend money like it grows on trees. Mainstream Democrat is not okay, mainstream Democrat means reckless spending, ultimately higher taxes on everyone, extensive over regulation that ruins capitalism in America resulting in the permanent loss of prosperity for America; a moderate, center-left Democrat should be the North Star for a Democrat politician interested in being a good elected official. That is the stark choice Joe do you want to ruin America with left wing policies or improve America with centrist ones!

You know what the funny thing is about all the terrible policy initiatives going on in Washington and the hopelessness emanating from there is one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to fix it; it just takes using common sense a person with common intelligence and common virtue can do the job well. Joe could readily do it if he would only screw his head on properly! The titanic size problem America is facing today is inflation and what President Biden said is his response is a threefold response. One is to fix the supply chain problems and his major offering in this area is the bipartisan infrastructure law; really Joe this is the solace you offer the American people infrastructure spending that will take years to implement. Why don't you try Joe that for all these U.S. ports where America has lines of ships waiting to unload like she has never seen before and it is now a problem lingering way too long you are going to call out the national guard in that state where the port is located to drive the tractor trailers that need to be driven to break the shipping container logjam at these ports and eliminate this supply chain bottleneck.

The second fold response from President Biden is to pass the Build Back Better Act, President Biden acts like this is the silver bullet to the inflation problem; this is so foolish yes it will lower child care cost and for some lower prescription drug costs and for some other costs. But on balance the Build Back Better Act if passed into law will be like pouring a can of Kerosene on a fire the inflation fire. This Build Back Better law will lead to a massive truly massive government hiring spree stemming from the way the law divvies out funding to an enormous number of programs which means the private sector will have to compete for this labor which means they will have to offer higher salaries which will be passed on to consumers and Build Back Better with its $1.8 trillion dollar price tag will act like a $1.8 trillion stimulus into the economy it will significantly increase demand into a system which cannot keep up with the already current demand and so fundamental economic dynamics will result in the larger gap between demand and supply significantly escalating prices. This leads to another serious shortfall in President Joseph Biden's performance is that he is not well versed in policy, he doesn't have a full mastery of policy and that leads to bad policy decisions and terrible Presidential leadership; in part he needs to spend more time studying these bills that he wants to shove down America's throat! During the Press Conference President Biden was trying to claim the BBB Act is the solution for inflation because it will do things like reduce the price of insulin to a $35.00 co-pay, he misled on the issue because this mandate only applies for those Americans on Medicare (Sec. 139401) a lot of Americans are continue to be walloped with the price of their insulin. He was claiming the that the BBB Act would lower Americans energy bills not necessarily Joe the BBB Act puts a mandate on power generators where they have to increase the amount of clean power they generate by something like four percent a year or pay a fine where do you think power generation companies are going to get the money to pay for the technology to meet this mandate that is right charge utilities more for the electricity they use which will be passed on to the end user, ordinary Americans (Sec. 30411). President Biden claims the BBB bill is paid for, won't increase the deficit, but it expands social programs for only a limited number of years and ordinary Americans know this will make Americans dependent on these programs so when their term ends they will be extended without pay-fors so ultimately increasing the deficit which is already at dangerous levels.

President Biden's third fold response to inflation is to increase competition; contrary to many Republicans and Independents I applaud that goal but that ain't going to make a meaningful difference in 2022 and 2023 when the inflation beast is on the rampage and the nation's hired hunter to slay the beast has only one rifle to do the job and it fires recession promoting bullets; unless Washington sets forth policy that reins in inflation the American people are getting the shaft that is a recession. On this whole inflation problem for the nation President Biden needs to just act like a sensible centrist address the causes for inflation like that employers cannot find workers! Employers cannot find workers because some parents cannot afford child care so they don't work, others are content with the government sending them $300 per month per kid to do things like sit at home and watch TV. Some employers like meat packers cannot find workers because those jobs are really hard jobs so many Americans don't want them. President Biden needs to pass a small social programs bill largely just renew the American Rescue Act child care tax credit program and make the tax credit an advanceable one like the ACA's so a parent can use it to pay the day care provider for their kid when it bills the parent and renew the ARA $3000 child credit but just put a work requirement on the program's beneficiaries and find out how many workers the meat packing industry is short this year and next and just increase the number of visas issued for a foreign worker visa program to get the industry that number! President Biden is really shooting a blank on this issue at the Press Conference he said amongst his Democrat caucus there is a consensus to spend around $500 billion on a multitude of Energy and Environment programs, Joe all that crap spending is secondary the aforementioned provisions and maybe some pocketbook provisions for Americans are the priority they will get America's economy back to a humming state again, focus Joe on getting this small package through!

President Biden is too cynical about Republicans, Senator McConnell is very partisan only a stupid person would argue otherwise but he had it in for President Obama and President Obama got some bipartisan support during his Presidency. Senators are their own people Joe of all people should know that having spent thirty-five years in that chamber. The Titanic size mistake President Biden makes is that his bills he wants to pass are mammoth, the Freedom to Vote bill and the Build Back Better bills touch on so many issues it is unbelievable. A reasonable Republican could find an area or two or three to work with Democrats on to come up with something good to pass but is bowled over by the mountain of garbage, bad, provisions in these bills. President Biden needs to use common sense go small, find common ground and pass things that move the ball forward for the country. President Biden during his Press Conference was having himself a really nice and good time painting the Republicans with the brush of what do they stand for we know what their against he says well Joe I will tell you one thing they are for and you can bet the house that the majority of Americans stand with them on it is the Republicans are for America's Energy Independence they don't support putting America's critical energy future in the hands of a ruthless dictator Vladimir Putin and a selfish Saudi Prince MBS that if he had a drop of patriotism would permanently resign because he has a world-wide reputation equal to camel dong and that is unfixable. Mr. President might you consider that a competent President would recognize that the price of a barrel of oil is almost certainly heading over one-hundred dollars and that will be an unmitigated disaster it will cause excruciating pain to ordinary Americans and raise the trajectory of inflation into the red zone and if you cannot fix this problem where you have a short window to do so you are a complete idiot!

President Biden has a problem where he doesn't see the other sides perspective he says Republicans in the past renewed the voting rights act so why don't they support the John Lewis voting rights advancement act. Well Joe the renewals of the VRA dealt clearly with discrimination issues things like making sure ballots are in Spanish so Americans that don't read English can understand the ballot so they can exercise their constitutional right to vote or that government policies that aren't intentionally discriminatory but have the effect of being clearly discriminatory are wrong but Joe the John Lewis bill in truth is essentially a power grab by the Democrats over states it is going to subject a whole slew of states and counties to Federal government preclearance on their voting and election policies not only that it is going to give that Federal power to the Department of Justice that in current times is clearly too political, it is an unfair overreach piece of legislation. If you want to stop discrimination in voting like stopping hour plus waits in black majority voting districts put together legislation that brings about more polling sites in minority communities, solve the legitimate problems.

One thing I found very disconcerting about President Biden and his thinking on Ukraine is that he seems to be of a mindset that whatever response is taken to Vladimir Putin sending his army into Ukraine and taking their territory in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty has to be something that the countries in NATO have to sign off on, in Joseph Biden's mind if German Chancellor Olaf Scholz or French President Emmanuel Macron says no on an American proposal against Putin here America won't proceed. That is wrongful thinking President Biden at the end of the day it is your job to decide and decide alone what action America should be taking to protect America's interests especially her long-term interests. I am all for a U.S. President respecting other countries in the NATO alliance and holding extensive consultation with them but the American President is got to protect the interests of the American people especially considering that many of these NATO countries are compromised allies when it comes to Russia because they are too dependent on Russian oil and natural gas, for many of these countries it would be too economically painful related to energy issues to give the country of Russia what Russia deserves over its invasion of Ukraine! One side note, the U.S. media seems to not challenge the White House's decision to completely take off the table the use of any military power to repel any Russian invasion of Ukraine. I don't care what Bill Clinton says today but good past Democrat Presidents like Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy would put the use of the U.S. air force on the table for this matter and this would be enough to repel or at least stem a Russian invasion of Ukraine. I say this because both men understood that they were crafters and stewards of America's history and thus the World's history and both men would conclude the world's not going back in time where the world has to deal with a reassembled Soviet Union; there is a line here Russia isn't going to be permitted to conquer Russian neighboring countries it just isn't going to be permitted, the world is permanently done with a Soviet Union military aggression! To be clear I am not advocating for any U.S. ground troops be put into Ukraine to repel the Russian invasion, the ground fighting is clearly going to be extremely bloody and brutal Russia will have a large invasion force, it is ultimately the responsibility of Ukrainian citizens to defend their own country they have the wherewithal meaning the man power to do the ground fighting here and win this aspect of the war!
OMG!....You wrote that......lolol

Talking about brain impairment yourself?
Watching President Biden's two-hour press conference two days ago I think it should permanently put to rest any question on Joseph Biden's competency to be President he is not suffering from any mental impairment, this issue in the media is a distraction for the country and needs to go away! It is not to say that this Press Conference should make any good American happy about who the President is and the prospects for American's future under his tenure. President Biden showed himself to be really clueless about his performance over the past year and what he needs to do to be a great President or for that matter even a President that competently addresses many of the serious problems facing the country! At the Press Conference one journalist asked President Biden a question like you have lost the support of many of the moderates and independents that voted for you in the 2020 election because of your left-wing course and what are you going to do about it and President Biden was like I completely disagree with the premise of the question I haven't lost the moderates and independents. This is the core of President Joe Biden's problem why most of the country is alarmed and dismayed with his performance it is because of his left-wing policy approach unless he pivots to the center the country is in really bad straits we are not going to make major headway on our nation's problems and things will likely get much worse. President Biden desperately needs to have a "come to Jesus" moment he was characterizing himself on Wednesday as a mainstream Democrat he assumes that is good that everything is wonderful as long as he is in that mold; he couldn't be more wrong to the majority of Americans if the policies bantered around during the last Democrat Presidential primary get implemented in America it will bring about the ruin of America. To most Americans it is scary as hell how you mainstream Democrats want to spend money like it grows on trees. Mainstream Democrat is not okay, mainstream Democrat means reckless spending, ultimately higher taxes on everyone, extensive over regulation that ruins capitalism in America resulting in the permanent loss of prosperity for America; a moderate, center-left Democrat should be the North Star for a Democrat politician interested in being a good elected official. That is the stark choice Joe do you want to ruin America with left wing policies or improve America with centrist ones!

You know what the funny thing is about all the terrible policy initiatives going on in Washington and the hopelessness emanating from there is one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to fix it; it just takes using common sense a person with common intelligence and common virtue can do the job well. Joe could readily do it if he would only screw his head on properly! The titanic size problem America is facing today is inflation and what President Biden said is his response is a threefold response. One is to fix the supply chain problems and his major offering in this area is the bipartisan infrastructure law; really Joe this is the solace you offer the American people infrastructure spending that will take years to implement. Why don't you try Joe that for all these U.S. ports where America has lines of ships waiting to unload like she has never seen before and it is now a problem lingering way too long you are going to call out the national guard in that state where the port is located to drive the tractor trailers that need to be driven to break the shipping container logjam at these ports and eliminate this supply chain bottleneck.

The second fold response from President Biden is to pass the Build Back Better Act, President Biden acts like this is the silver bullet to the inflation problem; this is so foolish yes it will lower child care cost and for some lower prescription drug costs and for some other costs. But on balance the Build Back Better Act if passed into law will be like pouring a can of Kerosene on a fire the inflation fire. This Build Back Better law will lead to a massive truly massive government hiring spree stemming from the way the law divvies out funding to an enormous number of programs which means the private sector will have to compete for this labor which means they will have to offer higher salaries which will be passed on to consumers and Build Back Better with its $1.8 trillion dollar price tag will act like a $1.8 trillion stimulus into the economy it will significantly increase demand into a system which cannot keep up with the already current demand and so fundamental economic dynamics will result in the larger gap between demand and supply significantly escalating prices. This leads to another serious shortfall in President Joseph Biden's performance is that he is not well versed in policy, he doesn't have a full mastery of policy and that leads to bad policy decisions and terrible Presidential leadership; in part he needs to spend more time studying these bills that he wants to shove down America's throat! During the Press Conference President Biden was trying to claim the BBB Act is the solution for inflation because it will do things like reduce the price of insulin to a $35.00 co-pay, he misled on the issue because this mandate only applies for those Americans on Medicare (Sec. 139401) a lot of Americans are continue to be walloped with the price of their insulin. He was claiming the that the BBB Act would lower Americans energy bills not necessarily Joe the BBB Act puts a mandate on power generators where they have to increase the amount of clean power they generate by something like four percent a year or pay a fine where do you think power generation companies are going to get the money to pay for the technology to meet this mandate that is right charge utilities more for the electricity they use which will be passed on to the end user, ordinary Americans (Sec. 30411). President Biden claims the BBB bill is paid for, won't increase the deficit, but it expands social programs for only a limited number of years and ordinary Americans know this will make Americans dependent on these programs so when their term ends they will be extended without pay-fors so ultimately increasing the deficit which is already at dangerous levels.

President Biden's third fold response to inflation is to increase competition; contrary to many Republicans and Independents I applaud that goal but that ain't going to make a meaningful difference in 2022 and 2023 when the inflation beast is on the rampage and the nation's hired hunter to slay the beast has only one rifle to do the job and it fires recession promoting bullets; unless Washington sets forth policy that reins in inflation the American people are getting the shaft that is a recession. On this whole inflation problem for the nation President Biden needs to just act like a sensible centrist address the causes for inflation like that employers cannot find workers! Employers cannot find workers because some parents cannot afford child care so they don't work, others are content with the government sending them $300 per month per kid to do things like sit at home and watch TV. Some employers like meat packers cannot find workers because those jobs are really hard jobs so many Americans don't want them. President Biden needs to pass a small social programs bill largely just renew the American Rescue Act child care tax credit program and make the tax credit an advanceable one like the ACA's so a parent can use it to pay the day care provider for their kid when it bills the parent and renew the ARA $3000 child credit but just put a work requirement on the program's beneficiaries and find out how many workers the meat packing industry is short this year and next and just increase the number of visas issued for a foreign worker visa program to get the industry that number! President Biden is really shooting a blank on this issue at the Press Conference he said amongst his Democrat caucus there is a consensus to spend around $500 billion on a multitude of Energy and Environment programs, Joe all that crap spending is secondary the aforementioned provisions and maybe some pocketbook provisions for Americans are the priority they will get America's economy back to a humming state again, focus Joe on getting this small package through!

President Biden is too cynical about Republicans, Senator McConnell is very partisan only a stupid person would argue otherwise but he had it in for President Obama and President Obama got some bipartisan support during his Presidency. Senators are their own people Joe of all people should know that having spent thirty-five years in that chamber. The Titanic size mistake President Biden makes is that his bills he wants to pass are mammoth, the Freedom to Vote bill and the Build Back Better bills touch on so many issues it is unbelievable. A reasonable Republican could find an area or two or three to work with Democrats on to come up with something good to pass but is bowled over by the mountain of garbage, bad, provisions in these bills. President Biden needs to use common sense go small, find common ground and pass things that move the ball forward for the country. President Biden during his Press Conference was having himself a really nice and good time painting the Republicans with the brush of what do they stand for we know what their against he says well Joe I will tell you one thing they are for and you can bet the house that the majority of Americans stand with them on it is the Republicans are for America's Energy Independence they don't support putting America's critical energy future in the hands of a ruthless dictator Vladimir Putin and a selfish Saudi Prince MBS that if he had a drop of patriotism would permanently resign because he has a world-wide reputation equal to camel dong and that is unfixable. Mr. President might you consider that a competent President would recognize that the price of a barrel of oil is almost certainly heading over one-hundred dollars and that will be an unmitigated disaster it will cause excruciating pain to ordinary Americans and raise the trajectory of inflation into the red zone and if you cannot fix this problem where you have a short window to do so you are a complete idiot!

President Biden has a problem where he doesn't see the other sides perspective he says Republicans in the past renewed the voting rights act so why don't they support the John Lewis voting rights advancement act. Well Joe the renewals of the VRA dealt clearly with discrimination issues things like making sure ballots are in Spanish so Americans that don't read English can understand the ballot so they can exercise their constitutional right to vote or that government policies that aren't intentionally discriminatory but have the effect of being clearly discriminatory are wrong but Joe the John Lewis bill in truth is essentially a power grab by the Democrats over states it is going to subject a whole slew of states and counties to Federal government preclearance on their voting and election policies not only that it is going to give that Federal power to the Department of Justice that in current times is clearly too political, it is an unfair overreach piece of legislation. If you want to stop discrimination in voting like stopping hour plus waits in black majority voting districts put together legislation that brings about more polling sites in minority communities, solve the legitimate problems.

One thing I found very disconcerting about President Biden and his thinking on Ukraine is that he seems to be of a mindset that whatever response is taken to Vladimir Putin sending his army into Ukraine and taking their territory in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty has to be something that the countries in NATO have to sign off on, in Joseph Biden's mind if German Chancellor Olaf Scholz or French President Emmanuel Macron says no on an American proposal against Putin here America won't proceed. That is wrongful thinking President Biden at the end of the day it is your job to decide and decide alone what action America should be taking to protect America's interests especially her long-term interests. I am all for a U.S. President respecting other countries in the NATO alliance and holding extensive consultation with them but the American President is got to protect the interests of the American people especially considering that many of these NATO countries are compromised allies when it comes to Russia because they are too dependent on Russian oil and natural gas, for many of these countries it would be too economically painful related to energy issues to give the country of Russia what Russia deserves over its invasion of Ukraine! One side note, the U.S. media seems to not challenge the White House's decision to completely take off the table the use of any military power to repel any Russian invasion of Ukraine. I don't care what Bill Clinton says today but good past Democrat Presidents like Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy would put the use of the U.S. air force on the table for this matter and this would be enough to repel or at least stem a Russian invasion of Ukraine. I say this because both men understood that they were crafters and stewards of America's history and thus the World's history and both men would conclude the world's not going back in time where the world has to deal with a reassembled Soviet Union; there is a line here Russia isn't going to be permitted to conquer Russian neighboring countries it just isn't going to be permitted, the world is permanently done with a Soviet Union military aggression! To be clear I am not advocating for any U.S. ground troops be put into Ukraine to repel the Russian invasion, the ground fighting is clearly going to be extremely bloody and brutal Russia will have a large invasion force, it is ultimately the responsibility of Ukrainian citizens to defend their own country they have the wherewithal meaning the man power to do the ground fighting here and win this aspect of the war!
fuck joe

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