Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

Saint Ignatius of Antioch, an early Christian martyr

Ignatius was a disciple of John. Legend has it that, much earlier in his life, Ignatius was the child whom Jesus took in his arms in a passage recorded by Mark:

[Jesus] sat down and called the twelve; and he said to them, “If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” And he took a child, and put him in the midst of them; and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” (Mark 9:35-37)

At Antioch, Ignatius was ordained by Paul, and then... was appointed bishop of Antioch by Peter. He reigned there for many years before his martyrdom in Rome. On his way to Rome to be martyred, he wrote several letters to fellow Christians.. expounding on Christian theology. He especially emphasized unity among Christians (see John 17) and became known as an Apostolic Father of the Church.

In one of his letters (to Christians in Smyrna), he wrote, “Where there is Christ Jesus, there is the Catholic Church.” This is the earliest known written record of the term “Catholic Church” (written around A.D. 107), but Ignatius seemingly used it with the presumption that the Christians of his day were quite familiar with it.

In other words, even though his is the earliest known written record of the term, the term likely had been in use for quite some time by then, dating back to the time of the apostles.
not really. They broke off from the Original

It was the other way around, actually.

I don't at all agree w/ that historical time line, so called.

True, I can't prove it's wrong

But you can't prove it's right
not true

But you can do the same research I've done. I have studied Church history. I dare say most posters here have not. They don't want to be disabused of their tightly-held notions, esp RE the Catholic Church

The Coptic church was founded in 42 AD.

Are you persecuted or something?
In part ... but it goes WAY beyond that. Think big!!

The Roman occupation was the burning issue of Jesus day. Remember what he said about Caesar's money.

The Sermon on the Mount was studied by Gandhi and Martin Luther King jr.
The Roman occupation was the burning issue of Jesus day. Remember what he said about Caesar's money.

The Sermon on the Mount was studied by Gandhi and Martin Luther King jr.
Jesus is timeless as are His Words. Think big!!
The Catholic Church was founded before then
The use of the Latin word for universal should not be confused with the Church of Rome's propagandist appropriation of it.
"Protestant" churches merely reflect the immense diversity of Christian revelation. Intercessors are not necessary and attempts to impose them only separate believers from what Jesus' message is.
Jesus is timeless as are His Words. Think big!!
As for the parable of the image on the coin, Jesus' intense irony is turned upon his critics, but mostly it is not truly recognized to what extent he turned their arguments and their thinking against them.
The Roman occupation was the burning issue of Jesus day. Remember what he said about Caesar's money.

what possibly could that mean, surada the jew ...

jesus is the repudiation of judaism - hereditary idolatry, false commandments - they and those others gave their lives for.

- were what surada belies, jesus would have landed in rome.
the Church began with Jesus. I don't know what the RCC has always taught about exactly WHEN in Jesus's life the Church began but I believe it was at the Resurrection. Or it was when the Holy Spirit descended on the 12/Mary in the Upper Room.
RCC screwed it all up. It was not the religion Jesus began. They created God into a trinity. It does not exist.
RCC screwed it all up. It was not the religion Jesus began. They created God into a trinity. It does not exist.
I asked you a while back to post some verse from your version of the Bible so we could compare and contrast them with the KJV. Did you ever do that?

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