Public Schools Losing Enrollment

More parents pulling their kids out of failed public schools is accelerating at a rapid pace.

Are you aware thought that those teachers were doing it decades ago

and those politicians trying to kill charter schools and parental choice were doing it decades ago

Across the country, roughly 10% of students attend a private school while American public school teachers enroll their children at nearly twice that rate, 21.5%
Specific figures showed that 41% of representatives in the House and 46% of U.S. senators send or have sent at least one of their children to a private institution. That contrasts with the rest of the country, where only 10% of families send kids to private schools.
(a). The biggest thing keeping the public schools alive and well-populated is the property tax. It is one thing to sacrifice so your kid can go to a private or parochial school, but it is an order of magnitude more difficult when you must do this IN ADDITION TO paying a pile of money in property (or other) taxes to fund the local school district.

(b). In a sane world, the State would attach a small pile of virtual money to each individual kid for each K-12 school year (say, $7,500), and allow the parents to "spend" that money wherever they like...public school, private school, charter school, parochial long as it is spent in a way that furthers their education as it would have been in a State school. The teachers' unions, which own the Democrat party, fight this sort of initiative with lethal force.

(c). There are many exemplary public schools and public school districts where students learn about as much as they would in a middling private school. (I happen to live in such a district). This has little to do with the school or its employees, and everything to do with the parents and families who live there.

(d). Every successful private enterprise has the ability to "flex its budget." That is to say, if revenues are down significantly in any year, they can make changes to expenses, and especially headcount, to remain profitable in such lean years. Public sector organization lack that ability, because they cannot easily lay people off (the employees have a virtual guarantee of lifetime employment). School districts have the additional impediment of parents who make a huge stink when their neighborhood school building is faced with a shutdown; these campaigns make school board members very reluctant to do the right thing and close school buildings, even when it makes a great deal of economic sense.

(e). As a result, when public school enrollment declines, the budgets stay the same and the taxpayers never get to realize the savings that would rightly result from a decline in the number of students. Near to where I live, in the Pittsburgh school district, school enrollment has declined by almost half in recent decades, and yet the budget remains steady or increases slightly. And I don't need to document here that academic results are not improving. On the contrary...
Public schools have become indoctrinational instead of educational institutions.
I am very happy that my daughter, right now at least, is homeschooling her daughter.
Now - first of all, she is only 3, so that term is loose. What I mean by it, is she is not enrolled in preschools.
And those preschools are loaded with LGBQT messaging.
They start them early.
She plans to homeschool her through grade school at this point.

She is 3. She knows her ABC,s, and can recognize all of the letters, and knows the sound about 1/2 of them make. She can count to 10... not just verbally, but understands what a number represents.
The number 5 represents 5 things etc. Not just verbally memorizing 1-10.
She has immediate recognition of how many items there are, without counting, up to 4 right now.
That is solid for a child that turned 3 just 3 weeks ago. Above average.
Here in Mexifornia core Americans are pulling their kids out of public schools because they don’t want their kids growing up with Mexico’s children. If they wanted their children to be influenced by Mexico’s culture they would have moved to Mexico.
Further, teachers are distracted, their time consumed by ESL children.
Public education is a complete shit-show from top to bottom. Good job Unkotare

It’s actually quite sad that you think so low of core Americans…The globalist purple hair lefty parent with nose rings and neck tattoos says….”How could good parents possibly want to send their children to school to be influenced by children from good secure homes, from homes teaching the same values, morals, principles, culture and language they teach in their homes….how dare they prefer to send their children to schools to be influenced by likeminded, like-kind children.”
Fucking sad!
"The teachers" don't know the immigration status of their students.
What percentage of teachers are willing to dumb themselves down and play stupid?
”Little Humberto only speaks Spanish, his parents only speak Spanish but I’m going to pretend I don’t know they’re here without The Peoples consent.”
There can’t be that many retarded fools teaching can there?
hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha "more money for teachers" hahahahahahahahahahahaha


Also, do you always dismiss facts you don't like as non-facts?

What are you, a liberal?
More illegals = more opportunities for teachers = more money earning potential….this really isn’t a big secret.

My daughter, an educator, refuses to educate those here on stolen citizenships. She‘s got integrity….she won’t work for our public school system, she will not teach at a shithole full of Mexico’s children….She refuses to steal from the American taxpayer. The American taxpayer and ALL good real core Americans know that Plyler v. Doe is/was complete bullshit.

No, what you MEANT to say is that in the Before Times, more kids could have equaled better JOB SECURITY. Because more kids NEVER equal more money for us. But you wouldn't know that, because you just don't know. But everyone thinks they know what it's like to be a teacher bc everyone sat at a desk.
I see I have pissed you off again

But this is not personal with me

Our education system is under performing and the educators either dont know or dont care
"The teachers" don't know the immigration status of their students.

What percentage of teachers are willing to dumb themselves down and play stupid?
”Little Humberto only speaks Spanish, his parents only speak Spanish but I’m going to pretend I don’t know they’re here without The Peoples consent.”
There can’t be that many retarded fools teaching can there?

He said "immigration status" not whether English was the students primary language or if the language was spoken at home.

Those are two different things.

He said "immigration status" not whether English was the students primary language or if the language was spoken at home.

Those are two different things.

I get that…he likes to self-manipulate and play silly pretend games with himself. But I don’t think sane educators whom are not globalist fools are willing to do the same.
Those of us in-touch with reality know that ALL real Americans speak the English language.
I get that…he likes to self-manipulate and play silly pretend games with himself. But I don’t think sane educators whom are not globalist fools are willing to do the same.
Those of us in-touch with reality know that ALL real Americans speak the English language.

You previous post was to say that anyone that didn't speak English wasn't here legally. That is false.

You appear to again perpetuate that false claim with "ALL real Americans speak the English language". We're not talking about Americans.

We are talking about legal v. illegal aliens. Legal aliens are here with the peoples consent because the are legal, they entered through the proper means.

You previous post was to say that anyone that didn't speak English wasn't here legally. That is false.

You appear to again perpetuate that false claim with "ALL real Americans speak the English language". We're not talking about Americans.

We are talking about legal v. illegal aliens. Legal aliens are here with the peoples consent because the are legal, they entered through the proper means.

Taking pride in playing stupid is pretty stupid. In all my years I’ve never once met a legit real American, who couldn’t articulate the English language.

The Naturalization Interview and Test​

During your naturalization interview, a USCIS officer will ask you questions about your application and background. Unless you qualify for an exemption, you will also take a naturalization test which is made up of two components, an English and civics test.
  • During the English test, you must demonstrate an understanding of the English language including the ability to read, write, and speak basic English.
  • During the civics test, you will answer important questions about American government and history.
Taking pride in playing stupid is pretty stupid. In all my years I’ve never once met a legit real American, who couldn’t articulate the English language.

We aren't talkinga about legit real American's.

We were talking about legal v. illegal aliens.

Your claim that "real Americans" all speak English is irrelevant.

hahaha…I’ll play along in the word game...don’t you globalist Libs try to pretend there is no such thing as an illegal?
View attachment 887462

Don't know what type of picture you are trying to create but...

IMHO, there is a difference between legal aliens and illegal aliens. If you are illegal:
  • You should be apprehended and immediately deported.
  • Non-Citizen children of illegal aliens are themselves illegally present and should not be allowed to attend public schools. (Which isn't a big deal as they well be deported with their parents.)
  • If an illegal alien has a child (who is then a citizen) the parent should be deported. The parent then has a choice, the child goes with the parent and the child can return when they reach the age of majority or the parent can relinquish parental status (be deported) but the child can remain in the US as a citizen. (What happens to the child depends on the situation but can include custody assumed by a relative that is a legal resident or citizen, the child is put up for adoption, or the child becomes a ward of the government.)
  • Illegal aliens should not be eligible for free health care beyond stabilization for an emergency life threatening condition. Once stabilized, deportation to their home country is warranted.
  • Employers that hire illegals should be heavily penalized to include a minimum of BOTH (a) all compensation paid to the illegal alien and (b) an additional punitive fine.
  • Being an illegal alien should immediately disqualify from receiving any government (local, state and federal) social services.
  • All government entities should be MANDATORY reporters in terms of illegal aliens trying to access government services (school, social services, etc.) so they can be apprehended and deported.
Any other questions?


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