Radical South African Political Leader Calls for Executing White People While Massive Crowd Dances and Echoes His Cries

Why do we even tolerate shitholes like S. Africa? We have more nukes then we'll ever use, can't we just send them one with a fluffy white parachute on it?


But you will not hear about this on the news I'm afraid.

South Africa's Marxist-Leninist political party, the Economic Freedom Fighters, celebrated its 10th anniversary over the weekend.

After the radical group's demagogic leader emphasized, "We are with President Putin. ... We are Putin, and Putin is us, and ... we are not with the USA," Julius Malema led nearly 100,000 of his followers in singing the anti-white hate song, "Dubul' ibhunu," known as "Shoot to kill, kill the Boer, kill the farmer."

Video of the bloodthirsty chant at the FNB Stadium, complete with gun sounds, has gone viral, prompting outrage and concern from the world's richest man, South African Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who wrote, "They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa."

But I'm sure most democrats, if not all of them, would chant right along side them since whitey had it coming.

Right democrats?

Wait, isn't Putin an evil white guy as well?

No matter.

Perhaps the DNC needs to update their comrades on who to hate.
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