Repeal Obamacare Period!

Sure, take healthcare away from millions of people and just let them die. Let me know how that works out for you.
Die? Millions will die...lmfao!!! What an idiot of the left wing propaganda.
Taxpayers pick up the medical bills for the uninsured.

I guess right-wing fools like footing the bills.
Shit can this miserable piece of legislation. GOP better get it right.
‘Repeal and Replace’ Becomes ‘Repeal vs. Replace’, by Chris Jacobs, National Review

Can you identify what is needed?
Private single payer plan...without federal government intervention. Or, you go all out like Social Security and have a national plan. Obamacare was doomed to failure as it tried to please all sides. It must be all of one thing...or all of the other.
Shit can this miserable piece of legislation. GOP better get it right.
‘Repeal and Replace’ Becomes ‘Repeal vs. Replace’, by Chris Jacobs, National Review

Can you identify what is needed?
Private single payer plan...without federal government intervention. Or, you go all out like Social Security and have a national plan. Obamacare was doomed to failure as it tried to please all sides. It must be all of one thing...or all of the other.

What exactly is a "private single payer plan?
Shit can this miserable piece of legislation. GOP better get it right.
‘Repeal and Replace’ Becomes ‘Repeal vs. Replace’, by Chris Jacobs, National Review

Can you identify what is needed?
Private single payer plan...without federal government intervention. Or, you go all out like Social Security and have a national plan. Obamacare was doomed to failure as it tried to please all sides. It must be all of one thing...or all of the other.

What exactly is a "private single payer plan?
Shit can this miserable piece of legislation. GOP better get it right.
‘Repeal and Replace’ Becomes ‘Repeal vs. Replace’, by Chris Jacobs, National Review

Can you identify what is needed?
Private single payer plan...without federal government intervention. Or, you go all out like Social Security and have a national plan. Obamacare was doomed to failure as it tried to please all sides. It must be all of one thing...or all of the other.
The ACA dealt with insurance.

I have peeps that cannot obtain medical care and many cannot obtain mental health care. Further, SSDI gives them the runaround and makes it impossible for them to get the help they need. Can the GOP solve that?

I live in a red state and they, like the Democrats, have proven they are incapable of solving this issue. The GOP can fix that?
Sure, take healthcare away from millions of people and just let them die. Let me know how that works out for you.
Die? Millions will die...lmfao!!! What an idiot of the left wing propaganda.

They are truly morons....and kept that way by government schooling.
Every myth is geared toward proving the need for big totalitarian government.

Even during the Roosevelt Depression there weren't the deaths they keep pretending would occur.

"According to my quick reading of the Life and death during the Great Depression by José A. Tapia Granadosa and Ana V. Diez Roux, the only noticeable increase of mortality was suicide, with a noticeable decline of mortality in every other category.

According also to Michael Mosley, life expectancy actually rose through the Great Depression. In his Horizon programme Eat, Fast and Live Longer he claims

From 1929 to 1933, in the darkest years of the great depression when people were eating far less, life expectancy increased by 6 years.

seeing as the US diet was far higher than starvation standards before the GD, even a serious reduction would have been unlikely to induce starvation level conditions in the majority of the population. And with enough food available overall, and the US always having had a very active local charity network, it's quite likely there would have been help for at least the majority of those who could not afford to feed themselves. In fact for quite a few people a somewhat leaner diet may well have contributed to the increased life expectancy. –

They include a table that shows trends in death rates per 100,000 population. Starvation does not appear on the list, nor does it rate a mention in the article. The researchers do acknowledge that malnutrition led to decreased health during the Depression, but not to increased mortality. Malnutrition was a widespread problem, starvation was not.

Importantly, this study shows that economic crisis does not guarantee a mortality crisis, but instead reinforces the notion that what crucially matters is how governments respond and whether protective social and public health policies are in place both during and in advance of economic shocks

Sources: David Stuckler, Christopher Meissner, Price Fishback, Sanjay Basu, Martin McKee. 2011. "Banking crises and mortality during the Great Depression: evidence from US urban populations, 1929-1937." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (link)

Price Fishback, Michael Haines, and Shawn Kantor. 2005. "Births, Deaths, and New Deal Relief During the Great Depression."
How many people in the US starved to death during the Great Depression?
Shit can this miserable piece of legislation. GOP better get it right.
‘Repeal and Replace’ Becomes ‘Repeal vs. Replace’, by Chris Jacobs, National Review

Can you identify what is needed?
Private single payer plan...without federal government intervention. Or, you go all out like Social Security and have a national plan. Obamacare was doomed to failure as it tried to please all sides. It must be all of one thing...or all of the other.
The ACA dealt with insurance.

I have peeps that cannot obtain medical care and many cannot obtain mental health care. Further, SSDI gives them the runaround and makes it impossible for them to get the help they need. Can the GOP solve that?

I live in a red state and they, like the Democrats, have proven they are incapable of solving this issue. The GOP can fix that?

GOP has never wanted to fix it and still doesn't. They lied about that while they were sabotaging ObamaCare and thus harming US citizens.

Like the OP, they really don't care who dies.

For those who don't know, I suggest you look up who pays for your congress persons health care insurance. And, remember the idiot tee potty ass who threw a fit when he learned he would have to go without ObamaCare for a month? Remember that he said no one should go with out health care insurance but then voted against his own constituents getting affordable health care insurance?
Shit can this miserable piece of legislation. GOP better get it right.
‘Repeal and Replace’ Becomes ‘Repeal vs. Replace’, by Chris Jacobs, National Review

Can you identify what is needed?
Private single payer plan...without federal government intervention. Or, you go all out like Social Security and have a national plan. Obamacare was doomed to failure as it tried to please all sides. It must be all of one thing...or all of the other.
The ACA dealt with insurance.

I have peeps that cannot obtain medical care and many cannot obtain mental health care. Further, SSDI gives them the runaround and makes it impossible for them to get the help they need. Can the GOP solve that?

I live in a red state and they, like the Democrats, have proven they are incapable of solving this issue. The GOP can fix that?

GOP has never wanted to fix it and still doesn't. They lied about that while they were sabotaging ObamaCare and thus harming US citizens.

Like the OP, they really don't care who dies.

For those who don't know, I suggest you look up who pays for your congress persons health care insurance. And, remember the idiot tee potty ass who threw a fit when he learned he would have to go without ObamaCare for a month? Remember that he said no one should go with out health care insurance but then voted against his own constituents getting affordable health care insurance?

Of course not, nobody does otherwise the insurance companies would be shit canned altogether, huh?

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