Repeal The Second Amendment

The Troglocrat Criminals and Terrorist would love it if everyone was unarmed and defenseless
Nah dozens of countries are doing just fine without guns. Terrorists do wanna harm the US, because of our policies overseas that ruined countries and lives. No one wants to harm me Zealand or Iceland, and no guns in there...not even their policemen carry them. Trust me there is a peaceful world out there with no guns.
Na, Firearm ownership is none of your business just as it’s none of the federal governments business. jack ass
And all those people killed in Vegas?
Shit happens, This country has much bigger fish to fry. Many more things to worry about…
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
It happens a lot less with gun control.

Like our police being shot and killed weekly? Like violent crime increasing with concealed carry?
Well... if you have a problem like your house has a leaky roof, or your water heater is leaking. You fix it. You won't stand around and hem and haw. You fix it. American has a gun problem It seems simple enough, confront it, and then look deeply at it, then find a way to fix it. Repealing the second amendment, it's like that. Confront the issue, remove it and get on with life.

Confront the issue, allow everyone to carry an open or concealed firearm and do away with violent attacks. Enjoy the reduction in violent offenders.
Well... if you have a problem like your house has a leaky roof, or your water heater is leaking. You fix it. You won't stand around and hem and haw. You fix it. American has a gun problem It seems simple enough, confront it, and then look deeply at it, then find a way to fix it. Repealing the second amendment, it's like that. Confront the issue, remove it and get on with life.

Confront the issue, allow everyone to carry an open or concealed firearm and do away with violent attacks. Enjoy the reduction in violent offenders.

Violent crime is increasing with more carry...
The Troglocrat Criminals and Terrorist would love it if everyone was unarmed and defenseless
Nah dozens of countries are doing just fine without guns. Terrorists do wanna harm the US, because of our policies overseas that ruined countries and lives. No one wants to harm me Zealand or Iceland, and no guns in there...not even their policemen carry them. Trust me there is a peaceful world out there with no guns.
Na, Firearm ownership is none of your business just as it’s none of the federal governments business. jack ass
Ok Mr Rambo.
Pick something that’s more pressing…
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Most of those we have in common with other countries. Except guns, most countries cured that one.
Written by uber-conservative Bret Stephens.

Opinion | Repeal the Second Amendment

I have never understood the conservative fetish for the Second Amendment.

From a law-and-order standpoint, more guns means more murder. “States with higher rates of gun ownership had disproportionately large numbers of deaths from firearm-related homicides,” noted one exhaustive 2013 study in the American Journal of Public Health.

From a personal-safety standpoint, more guns means less safety. The F.B.I. counted a total of 268 “justifiable homicides” by private citizens involving firearms in 2015; that is, felons killed in the course of committing a felony. Yet that same year, there were 489 “unintentional firearms deaths” in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Between 77 and 141 of those killed were children.

From a national-security standpoint, the Amendment’s suggestion that a “well-regulated militia” is “necessary to the security of a free State,” is quaint. The Minutemen that will deter Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un are based in missile silos in Minot, N.D., not farmhouses in Lexington, Mass.

From a personal liberty standpoint, the idea that an armed citizenry is the ultimate check on the ambitions and encroachments of government power is curious. The Whiskey Rebellion of the 1790s, the New York draft riots of 1863, the coal miners’ rebellion of 1921, the Brink’s robbery of 1981 — does any serious conservative think of these as great moments in Second Amendment activism?

And now we have the relatively new and now ubiquitous “active shooter” phenomenon, something that remains extremely rare in the rest of the world. Conservatives often say that the right response to these horrors is to do more on the mental-health front. Yet by all accounts Stephen Paddock would not have raised an eyebrow with a mental-health professional before he murdered 58 people in Las Vegas last week.

What might have raised a red flag? I’m not the first pundit to point out that if a “Mohammad Paddock” had purchased dozens of firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition and then checked himself into a suite at the Mandalay Bay with direct views to a nearby music festival, somebody at the local F.B.I. field office would have noticed.

Given all of this, why do liberals keep losing the gun control debate?

Maybe it’s because they argue their case badly and — let’s face it — in bad faith. Democratic politicians routinely profess their fidelity to the Second Amendment — or rather, “a nuanced reading” of it — with all the conviction of Barack Obama’s support for traditional marriage, circa 2008. People recognize lip service for what it is.


Repealing the Amendment may seem like political Mission Impossible today, but in the era of same-sex marriage it’s worth recalling that most great causes begin as improbable ones. Gun ownership should never be outlawed, just as it isn’t outlawed in Britain or Australia. But it doesn’t need a blanket Constitutional protection, either. The 46,445 murder victims killed by gunfire in the United States between 2012 and 2016 didn’t need to perish so that gun enthusiasts can go on fantasizing that “Red Dawn” is the fate that soon awaits us.


Some conservatives will insist that the Second Amendment is fundamental to the structure of American liberty. They will cite James Madison, who noted in the Federalist Papers that in Europe “the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” America was supposed to be different, and better.

I wonder what Madison would have to say about that today, when more than twice as many Americans perished last year at the hands of their fellows as died in battle during the entire Revolutionary War. My guess: Take the guns—or at least the presumptive right to them—away. The true foundation of American exceptionalism should be our capacity for moral and constitutional renewal, not our instinct for self-destruction.

You should go read the parts I snipped out.
Paddock made himself a martyr for the anti-gun far-left movement. He didn't need dozens of firearms in that hotel room to accomplish the carnage he caused. He wanted the public to see all the firearms, anticipating an anti-gun backlash in the hope of disarming this nation. The ultimate goal of the left is to disarm the public, take away the freedom of speech, end borders to create a socialist, one government world (New World Order), thus ending individual freedoms and rights and any sense of national ideology and bring in vast numbers of individuals that will side with the those basic principles, even to the point of self-destruction by bringing in an Islamic Theocracy in which women and non-believers are a sub-class of humans, with women only considered useful only for breeding more Muslims and serving males.
The Troglocrat Criminals and Terrorist would love it if everyone was unarmed and defenseless
Nah dozens of countries are doing just fine without guns. Terrorists do wanna harm the US, because of our policies overseas that ruined countries and lives. No one wants to harm me Zealand or Iceland, and no guns in there...not even their policemen carry them. Trust me there is a peaceful world out there with no guns.

Yep, everyone gets it, the left wing traitors are on the side of the Terrorist because they also hate America
The Troglocrat Criminals and Terrorist would love it if everyone was unarmed and defenseless
Nah dozens of countries are doing just fine without guns. Terrorists do wanna harm the US, because of our policies overseas that ruined countries and lives. No one wants to harm me Zealand or Iceland, and no guns in there...not even their policemen carry them. Trust me there is a peaceful world out there with no guns.
Na, Firearm ownership is none of your business just as it’s none of the federal governments business. jack ass
Ok Mr Rambo.
Pick something that’s more pressing…
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Most of those we have in common with other countries. Except guns, most countries cured that one.

If the Dems banned guns how are they going to enforce their ban
Well regulated means "IN GOOD WORKING ORDER". It has nothing to do with government control you twit.
Who is the arbiter of whether it is in good working order?

For my weapons me. For Toms weapons, Tom. For Harry's weapons, Harry. Get the picture?
Then why include it?

Because that is how they spoke back then. Remember, unlike you, they were well educated.
Bullshit. If it was universally understood that everyone would own and well-regulate and maintain their arms, why would you need to spell it out in the Constitution.

It looks like you're talking out your ass again.
Well... if you have a problem like your house has a leaky roof, or your water heater is leaking. You fix it. You won't stand around and hem and haw. You fix it. American has a gun problem It seems simple enough, confront it, and then look deeply at it, then find a way to fix it. Repealing the second amendment, it's like that. Confront the issue, remove it and get on with life.

Confront the issue, allow everyone to carry an open or concealed firearm and do away with violent attacks. Enjoy the reduction in violent offenders.

Violent crime is increasing with more carry...
Nah dozens of countries are doing just fine without guns. Terrorists do wanna harm the US, because of our policies overseas that ruined countries and lives. No one wants to harm me Zealand or Iceland, and no guns in there...not even their policemen carry them. Trust me there is a peaceful world out there with no guns.
Na, Firearm ownership is none of your business just as it’s none of the federal governments business. jack ass
Ok Mr Rambo.
Pick something that’s more pressing…
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Most of those we have in common with other countries. Except guns, most countries cured that one.

If the Dems banned guns how are they going to enforce their ban

Same way we enforce all laws. But there will never be a ban. We do need to move toward something more like Israel.
Liberal gun control is not about guns, it's about control.

It's about saving lives. Just look at vegas. If we still had the magazine limits and assault rifle ban I have no doubt lives would have been saved. And look at our law enforcement. Every week one dies being shot. This doesn't happen in countries with good gun control.
Na, Firearm ownership is none of your business just as it’s none of the federal governments business. jack ass
Ok Mr Rambo.
Pick something that’s more pressing…
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Most of those we have in common with other countries. Except guns, most countries cured that one.

If the Dems banned guns how are they going to enforce their ban

Same way we enforce all laws. But there will never be a ban. We do need to move toward something more like Israel.
Na, Enforce the current laws and leave it the way it is.
Criminals being killed and suicides have nothing to do with firearms. Criminal behavior is what is to blame.
You’re putting your finger on the scale when you lump criminals being killed and suicides In with homicides. that’s called lying
Ok Mr Rambo.
Pick something that’s more pressing…
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Most of those we have in common with other countries. Except guns, most countries cured that one.

If the Dems banned guns how are they going to enforce their ban

Same way we enforce all laws. But there will never be a ban. We do need to move toward something more like Israel.
Na, Enforce the current laws and leave it the way it is.
Criminals being killed and suicides have nothing to do with firearms. Criminal behavior is what is to blame.
You’re putting your finger on the scale when you lump criminals being killed and suicides In with homicides. that’s called lying

Law enforcement is enforcing the laws obviously. And obviously they are dying at a rate higher than seen in any civilized country.
Liberal gun control is not about guns, it's about control.

It's about saving lives. Just look at vegas. If we still had the magazine limits and assault rifle ban I have no doubt lives would have been saved. And look at our law enforcement. Every week one dies being shot. This doesn't happen in countries with good gun control.
Na, he would’ve just used a bomb or a vehicle. shit for brains

Take Your candy ass and live over there then since you’re so scared, Firearms have no control over people
Pick something that’s more pressing…
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Most of those we have in common with other countries. Except guns, most countries cured that one.

If the Dems banned guns how are they going to enforce their ban

Same way we enforce all laws. But there will never be a ban. We do need to move toward something more like Israel.
Na, Enforce the current laws and leave it the way it is.
Criminals being killed and suicides have nothing to do with firearms. Criminal behavior is what is to blame.
You’re putting your finger on the scale when you lump criminals being killed and suicides In with homicides. that’s called lying

Law enforcement is enforcing the laws obviously. And obviously they are dying at a rate higher than seen in any civilized country.
Liberal gun control is not about guns, it's about control.

It's about saving lives. Just look at vegas. If we still had the magazine limits and assault rifle ban I have no doubt lives would have been saved. And look at our law enforcement. Every week one dies being shot. This doesn't happen in countries with good gun control.
Na, he would’ve just used a bomb or a vehicle. shit for brains

Take Your candy ass and live over there then since you’re so scared, Firearms have no control over people

Bombers blow themselves up or they fail to detonate. Roads can be closed to stop trucks. But you want every killing option available...
Most of those we have in common with other countries. Except guns, most countries cured that one.

If the Dems banned guns how are they going to enforce their ban

Same way we enforce all laws. But there will never be a ban. We do need to move toward something more like Israel.
Na, Enforce the current laws and leave it the way it is.
Criminals being killed and suicides have nothing to do with firearms. Criminal behavior is what is to blame.
You’re putting your finger on the scale when you lump criminals being killed and suicides In with homicides. that’s called lying

Law enforcement is enforcing the laws obviously. And obviously they are dying at a rate higher than seen in any civilized country.

Increased concealed carry:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
Liberal gun control is not about guns, it's about control.

It's about saving lives. Just look at vegas. If we still had the magazine limits and assault rifle ban I have no doubt lives would have been saved. And look at our law enforcement. Every week one dies being shot. This doesn't happen in countries with good gun control.
Na, he would’ve just used a bomb or a vehicle. shit for brains

Take Your candy ass and live over there then since you’re so scared, Firearms have no control over people

Bombers blow themselves up or they fail to detonate. Roads can be closed to stop trucks. But you want every killing option available...
Firearms do not control people… Opposite in fact is true

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