Republican drinking in the committee room.

Hypocrite lefties endorse drug use, legalization of marijuana and all the disturbing conduct that goes along with it but they draw the line at ....drinking. What a bunch of fools.
Like Jamie Raskin ever cared about anything that wasn't standing behind him with it's member in his colon.
Damn dude, is that all you've got?

The "everybody I hate is gay" crap is pretty tired these days.
Who is "we" because most of the "we" that I am aware of only hope you'll be able to continue to afford care as it is clear you can't even urinate without help.

Did you want to post any more stupid and irrelevant threads today ?
We. All of us.

You know you wanted to know.
Damn dude, is that all you've got?

The "everybody I hate is gay" crap is pretty tired these days.

Keep making stuff up to argue against.

It's why nobody takes you seriously.

You really need to ask you school system to give you your parents money back. You were totally screwed.
Keep making stuff up to argue against.

It's why nobody takes you seriously.

You really need to ask you school system to give you your parents money back. You were totally screwed.
A simple "yes Sir" would have sufficed, Kid.
You keep speaking as if you know what you are talking about.

I kind of admire your where you continue to show your face even though you know that many think you've got the I.Q. of an infant squirrel.
Alright! Now you're showing a shred of creativity!!

Well Done!!!
Dems were right to keep Marge off committees. She refuses to follow the rules.
Remember when two Democrat staffers filmed a gay porn in Congress?

Like less than a year ago?

Me neither.
Remember when the GOP staffer and Trump campaign worker got convicted of child pornography and was sentenced to 12 and a half years?

Remember when the GOP staffer and Trump campaign worker got convicted of child pornography and was sentenced to 12 and a half years?

Yeah, we could do this all day.

It's almost like we live in a country of 330 million people, and there are only two mainstream political parties; so attributing random people's behavior to an entire group is sorta pointless.

Which is what my original point was.

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