Ridiculous Palestinians Think They Can Guilt-trip Americans with "Islamaphobia" Moniker

Absolutely not. Christian Nationalism is as bad as German Nationalism or Jewish Nationalism....or Arab Nationalism. Disgusting.

You don't know anything about Islam or Arabs.
HA HA. No charge for the education I'm giving you. You're welcome. :rolleyes:
There are two types of Muslims. The violent jihadists converting to Islam by the sword. The peaceful Muslims who believe in the righteousness of converting by the sword. They support and admire the jihad killers. The just don't personally want to do any killing.

To Muslims the world is divided into two distinct houses. Dar al Islam, the house of submission to Islam and Dar al Harb, the house of war which is everywhere that hasn't submitted to Islam. Muslims have a religious obligation to bring the world to Dar al Islam.
The thing is, there’s also arab nationalists. The Ba’ath party of Iraq was founded by a Christian Arab and it was Christian and Muslim Iraqi who work together to build a better Iraq. This is a critical point to keep in mind.
The thing is, there’s also arab nationalists. The Ba’ath party of Iraq was founded by a Christian Arab and it was Christian and Muslim Iraqi who work together to build a better Iraq. This is a critical point to keep in mind.
Bull pucky. Arab states survive if they are ruled by a tyrant t9 enforce his will. Iraq had Saddam Hussein.
Bull pucky. Arab states survive if they are ruled by a tyrant t9 enforce his will. Iraq had Saddam Hussein.
Lots of Iraqis liked him ..they had a Christian vice president

Point is Arab people …lots are into the Arab nation which transcends religion. These are extremely honorable people with family values. These are Christians. These are Muslims and many other religions, even Jews.

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