Rush was right about Joe Biden's presidency Jul 16 2020


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Rush Limbaugh analyzes a sound byte from radical leftist Angela Davis and explains how the left didn't elect Joe Biden because they wanted a leader, they needed someone who was going to acquiesce to their every demands.

As always, Rush was spot-on.

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Rush was almost always right.

I liked Rush. He made sense, may have been a little biased, but I can't stand Hannity.

Not a big Hannity fan either. His "Big Breaking Bombshells" on FOX News always seemed to turn out to be duds. The wife and I quit watching FOX altogether a little before they axed Tucker Carlson, and switched over to Newsmax.
Not a big Hannity fan either. His "Big Breaking Bombshells" on FOX News always seemed to turn out to be duds. The wife and I quit watching FOX altogether a little before they axed Tucker Carlson, and switched over to Newsmax.

What is it you don’t like about Hannity?
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The fat flunkout was never right. And right now he's sitting next to OJ asking for ice water.

OJ's just warming Angela Davis; seat for her.

I can't wait to piss on her grave. Seeing how she's 80 years old, it shouldn't be too much longer.
From my standpoint, Fox yesterday gave a comprehensive coverage of the Israel conflict. I’ve given up on BBC, Sky News, Channel 4 News.

My wife refuses to watch FOX news but when big stories break, I switch through several of the news channels: FOX, Newsmax, BBC, CNN, and MSNBC. I also use a new feed reader than updates itself every few minutes...

Rush was almost always right.

I liked Rush. He made sense, may have been a little biased, but I can't stand Hannity.
Whenever Hannity comes on, if I am awake, it is time to turn on the YouTube and stream the latest

What is it you don’t like about Hannity?

He is SO extreme, he is obviously a tool of the intel agencies. He is a shill. He doesn't even try to be objective or see others PoV. He is as awful as what makes NPR or BBC awful, but in a conservative manner.

. . I have seen him host liberals and lefties, and when they have good arguments, he doesn't bother address them or try to counter them, he uses fallacies and silencing, just like leftists do. Limbaugh never did that. He could analyze an argument, and find the error, or offer a better solution. Hannity is just not that smart.

Even Glen Beck is more intelligent. When Glen sees someone on the left has an intelligent argument, he will examine that argument, and create solutions. Hannity is just a spook and a shill that peddles in hate, much like the BBC, PBS, and NPR.

He's toxic and when you listen to him, you end up either feeling angry, mean or hateful, not hopeful.
He never seemed to deliver. Just "Big Breaking Bombshells."

I'm not saying he isn't a great conservative, but he's about all FOX has left.
Yeah. . . but when folks watch or listen to "news?"

Be they conservative or liberal? They don't want to be treated like they are living in a dictatorship.

They work, they pay taxes, regardless of their desires for how they WANT things to be, they still want the truth, regardless of if it is good or bad.

And whether it is FOX, or MSLSD, or CNN, or NPR? They are all just telling folks what they want to here, not the truth, or what they need to hear. . .

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