Russian Lawyer Who Trump Jr. Met Says She Was in Contact With Top Russian Prosecutor

The lawyer was subsequently required to register as an agent of the Russian government
Why isn't AIPAC required to register as an agent of the Israeli government?

It's a registered lobbying group. I have no idea what other registrations they would need.

This lawyer was lobbying Senators and Congresscritters and as a result her registration as a foreign agent was required in order for her to extend her visa.
There are different rules and so on for foreign lobbyists, as I understand it.
The lawyer was subsequently required to register as an agent of the Russian government because of her lobbying of Senators to lift sanctions against Russia.

She was supposed to be in the country defending her client in a money laundering scheme which funnelled money to purchase high priced NY real estate.

The Obama Administration sued for over $200 million. Jeff Sessions settled the case recently for $6 million and no admission of guilt.

DOJ Settled Massive Russian Fraud Case Involving Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr.


That DEFINITELY makes her a spy.
So if that is all true why did the Obie admin let her in under false pretenses?

They let her in on a special visa because one of her clients was sued by the DOJ for $200 million for money laundering. She was given the visa to attend the hearings leading up to the trial.

But one of her other clients was the Russian government which hired her to get the Magitsky (sp?) Act repealed. When she wasn't attending to matters relating to the law suit, she was in Washington lobbying the US government.

What I find troubling is not only did Jeff Sessions settle her client's lawsuit for $6 million and no admission of guilt 2 days before the trial was to begin, but Trump fired the federal prosecutor in charge of the case.
So you're admitting this lawyer would set up a meeting or a visit to the US under false pretenses. Therefore proving JR correct in the meeting was supposed to be about one thing, it clearly was not and they left early.

So now that we've agreed that this lawyer is a liar which should we take on next? Her claiming to be a lawyer for Russia itself? How about the people she brought with her to the meeting? All stand up people or as shady as she is? What was the purpose of this meeting? It was set up under false pretenses for what gain? Adoptions? I doubt it. Promoting the group making up false dossiers on Trump under the direction of the DNC? That sounds more likely. She seems to fit the bill for an obie clinton pawn.

She went to the US to defend her client, which she did. Got him off for almost nothing. While in the US, she did work for her other client, the Russian government. By Russian standards, she's fairly honest in her intentions. Anyone having anything to do with the Russian government is trained to say whatever they need to get the job done.

It's the settlement on the court case which has my interest. Sessions settled a $200 million dollar law suit for $6 million and no admission of guilt so her client can still get in to the US. said that even the lawyer was surprised by how good the deal was.

Plus her client was buying high priced real estate in Manhatten. Sounds like a perfect fit for the Trumps.

Oh, and Donnie fired the federal prosecutor in charge of his case.
So once again you admit she is a liar and a fraud. But somehow it's ok because that's the Russian way. Kind of seems like the democrats way as well.

The other shit you're trying to fling is more ridiculous distraction.
The lawyer was subsequently required to register as an agent of the Russian government because of her lobbying of Senators to lift sanctions against Russia.

She was supposed to be in the country defending her client in a money laundering scheme which funnelled money to purchase high priced NY real estate.

The Obama Administration sued for over $200 million. Jeff Sessions settled the case recently for $6 million and no admission of guilt.

DOJ Settled Massive Russian Fraud Case Involving Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr.

In interview, Natalia Veselnitskaya says she talked with Kremlin-appointed official about U.S. sanctions law


That DEFINITELY makes her a spy.
So if that is all true why did the Obie admin let her in under false pretenses?

They let her in on a special visa because one of her clients was sued by the DOJ for $200 million for money laundering. She was given the visa to attend the hearings leading up to the trial.

But one of her other clients was the Russian government which hired her to get the Magitsky (sp?) Act repealed. When she wasn't attending to matters relating to the law suit, she was in Washington lobbying the US government.

What I find troubling is not only did Jeff Sessions settle her client's lawsuit for $6 million and no admission of guilt 2 days before the trial was to begin, but Trump fired the federal prosecutor in charge of the case.
Everyone will be shocked to learn (((who))) is behind the The Magnitsky Act currently causing so much turmoil. Wouldn't the world be a better place if Jews were more like the Amish? Inoffensive. Peaceful. Non-genocidal. Quiet.

Here is what happened as I understand it: In the wake of the break up of the Soviet Union there was a feeding frenzy of unscrupulous kleptocrats on state assets which could be had for pennies on the dollar as the workers' paradise disintegrated. Completely contrary to character, Jews were overrepresented in this massive dispossession of the Russian people, (just as the extreme overrepresentation of Jews among the banksters responsible for the recent massive dispossession of the American people during the mortgage fraud of 2008 was also a completely anomalous circumstance). With the help of Jewish experts from Harvard a free market was introduced in Russia under the drunken puppet, Boris Yeltsin. This free market was characterized by a few mostly Jewish billionaire oligarchs owning everything and the Russian people getting the rest.

Naturally, this didn't sit well with your run-of-the-mill Russian who was still feeling some resentment over the fact that it was the Jews who had inflicted the workers' paradise on Russia in the first place, murdered their king and his entire family, and then proceeded to dispatch 66 million of those workers to that Other Paradise we've heard so much about. (Put another way, white Russian Christians suffered a Holocaust turned up to eleven). But what could they do? The Jews owned everything and controlled both the domestic and international media and had the assistance of organizations like Washington, DC-based Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Moscow Helsinki Group, the feckless and disgracefully compliant US Congress, and the just-as-contemptible European Union.

Eventually, as shame and self-loathing drove President Yeltsin deeper into alcoholic decrepitude, the oligarchs needed a more presentable and functional goy to be the public face of their carcass-feed. They settled on a bright up-and-comer, a former KGB agent, named Vladimir Putin to be their patsy. Unfortunately for them, Putin was a patriot, a believing Christian, and more than a match for them (sounds like one of our own presidents, whose name isn't Bush, Clinton, or Obama). Once in power, he turned on them--even throwing one of them in prison. It has been a titanic battle, which still rages.

But now you know why the Jewish-controlled US media hates Vladimir Putin, why there is a "Russia story", why AIPAC and the Jews are panting after war with Russia, and why traitors like John McCain, Robert Mueller, and Lindsey Graham should be executed by firing squad tomorrow at dawn.

Which brings us to the Magnitsky Act.

From the Wikipedia page of the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews:

Sergei Magnitsky was a lawyer in Moscow ford an international financial company. He advised the Russian authorities that the tax agents he was dealing with was stealing US$320 million from Russia. He was arrested, tortured and eventually killed by the Russian authorities. The Russian Human rights NGOs wanted to support a bill in the US Congress to punish those responsible for his torture and murder by denying them visas to the US and freezing their assets in the US. The UCSJ supported the legislation at the behest of the Russian NGOs and put together a coalition of international religious freedom organizations to petition the Congress. The State department fought against the legislation and the Jewish establishment organizations opposed the bills, until they saw that it was going to pass and then publicly supported the bills. The Magnitsky Act has been used by President Obama to punish Russia for violations of human rights today.

(grammatical and spelling mistakes in original throughout)

Union of Councils for Soviet Jews - Wikipedia
The "international finance company" this guy Magnitsky represented was the (from memory) London-based hedge fund run by a guy named Bowser or Browser, something like that, from a prominent family of Chicago Jews who count among their forbears the long-time head of the American Communist Party.

Starting with the second sentence, just apply the smell test: "He advised the Russian authorities that the tax agents he was dealing with was stealing US$320 million from Russia. He was arrested, tortured and eventually killed by the Russian authorities." In other words, the Moscow-based lawyer for this Jewish hedge fund--one of the oligarchs--reported the theft by Russian authorities to the Russian authorities so the Russian authorities killed him.


So Jewish groups had our pathetic Congress pass the Magnitsky Act, which punished Russia with sanctions. Putin retaliated by stopping Russian adoptions by Americans.

Now you know the rest of the story.
Russian Lawyer Who Trump Jr. Met Says She Was in Contact With Top Russian Prosecutor
In interview, Natalia Veselnitskaya says she talked with Kremlin-appointed official about U.S. sanctions law

By Brett Forrest and
Paul Sonne
July 14, 2017 4:23 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON—The Russian lawyer whom Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort met last year with the hopes of receiving damaging information about Hillary Clinton says she talked with the office of Russia’s top prosecutor while waging a campaign against a U.S. sanctions law and the hedge-fund manager who backed it.

Trump and all the bastards around him need to fry for Treason....Prison is too good for these bastards.
Remind me why the Obama administration arranged for a special, highly unusual entry into the US for her.

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