Russia's economy dealt a crushing blow as its current-account surplus collapses by 93%


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Russia's economic woes are worsening, with the latest blow coming from a collapse in its current account.

The nation posted a current-account surplus of $5.4 billion for the April-June quarter, which marks a 93% plunge from a record $76.7 billion in the same period last year, Bank of Russia data shows. That's also the smallest excess since the third quarter of 2020.

It shows the heavy blow that Western economic sanctions — imposed on the Kremlin in response to its war on Ukraine — have dealt to the country's economy by squeezing its energy exports.

The worsening trade dynamics are also reflected in the plunging fortunes of the ruble. The Russian currency tumbled to a 15-month low of about 94.48 for each dollar earlier in July, hit hard by the country's weakening terms of trade.

"The decline in the surplus of the balance of the external trade in goods in January — June 2023 compared to the comparable period of 2022 was caused by a decrease in both the physical volumes of export deliveries and the deterioration in the price situation for the basic Russian export commodities, energy commodities made the most significant contribution to the decline in the value of exports," the Bank of Russia said.

Moscow's key source of revenue is through sales of its oil and gas products, but price caps and bans imposed on Russia's energy exports following its unprecedented attack on Ukraine have dealt a huge hit to its commodities business.

The greatest danger Russia faces today is from its own grossly incompetent government.
The Putin/Russian economy is going great compared to the pathetic Biden/American economy.
We are now $31 trillion in debt. Which is more than our GDP.
But nitwits like you are all worried about Russia. ... :cuckoo:
You are an idiot.

This is about trade surplus vx trade deficits. Not government spending and loans. Two totally different things even if most every industry is nationalized in Russian Federation.

Based on these numbers the Russian Federation can't get any loans. Can't import products either.

Meaning that the reports of 60% inflation are going to hit consumer goods and the price subsidies for food in the grocery store are over.

Also the valuation supports for the Ruble are over too. All of their games are over. This "SMO" AKA invasion and annexation of Ukraine has taken much longer than they estimated and is going to literally bankrupt their entire economy.
Based on these numbers the Russian Federation can't get any loans. Can't import products either.
Incorrect Poindexter. ... :cuckoo:

Russia doesn't need any loans.
China and India, plus several other countries are buying up all the minerals, oil products, and LNG that Russia can send them.
Also, when western nations foolishly pulled their businesses out of Russia.
China quickly stepped in and filled the stores with their products.
The silly Biden/EU sanctions have been a total Win=Win for Russia and China. ... :thup:
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Russia's full transition into a 3rd world country will be an interesting footnote in history for future populations
You mean like its citizens rioting, looting stores, and burning down buildings?
Tens of thousands of homeless people living in tents and defecating on public sidewalks in all the major cities.
Hoards of drug addicts aimlessly walking the streets like zombies?
Borders wide open and people just flooding in.
Gang wars raging in the cities with record numbers of murders.
People randomly shooting at the police and destroying their cars.

I don't think that's going on in Russia?
Must be some other 3rd world country you're thinking about?
You mean like its citizens rioting, looting stores, and burning down buildings?
Tens of thousands of homeless people living in tents and defecating on public sidewalks in all the major cities.
Hoards of drug addicts aimlessly walking the streets like zombies?
Borders wide open and people just flooding in.
Gang wars raging in the cities with record numbers of murders.
People randomly shooting at the police and destroying their cars.

I don't think that's going on in Russia?
Must be some other 3rd world country you're thinking about?
I mean that they just live in a weak ass country. Their government can go on hating gay people, minorities, and immigrants for the little time they have left. It won't make them any stronger than the weak Russian people that support their failed system.
Russia's full transition into a 3rd world country will be an interesting footnote in history for future populations
The no- news Trolls are here . Random unrelated comments to the Topic, based on zero knowledge or experience . You are the type that could not even point out The Federation on the world map .As for knowing where Khazaria is -- clueless .
Oh Russia is definitely putting pressure on Kahzikstan....
They want their groceries and resources.
They want them to be part of the new USSR AKA Russian Federation of nations.

But they currently are resistant. We shall see how long they hold out.

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