S&P 500 heads to worst first half since 70s as recession fears loom

Biden's economy.
The misery index has got to be at one of the lowest in our lifetimes. The state of the U.S. is absolutely horrible right now.
Yeah, so many people out of work, the airports are so full that nobody's traveling......horrible...
Bottom is coming out of the housing market and you will wish you had sold and lived in an apartment soon enough.
You're out of your fucking mind. I bought low a decade ago, now the equity in my homes is twice what I paid for them and values keep increasing. Real estate is always a good investment regardless of economic indicators.

But sure, apartment renting is great if you like flushing your money down the toilet.
You're out of your fucking mind. I bought low a decade ago, now the equity in my homes is twice what I paid for them and values keep increasing. Real estate is always a good investment regardless of economic indicators.

But sure, apartment renting is great if you like flushing your money down the toilet.

He is also the same idiot that said this to me....

Your personal income is irrelevant when determining investment opportunities and living quarters at the same time. AVERAGE household income vs average house costs are used. (Macro and micro)
I know right. I should ignore my personal situation and just look at the national averages when making decisions for me and my family.
So I should have been joining the misery of the status quo all along instead of being frugal, saving and investing for the future, enjoying my investment dividends and equity. Guess I've been doing it all wrong all these years. I'm glad apt. dwelling morons like this can show us the way.
There will be another War ( In Two Weeks )😳
Wow, another Nostradamus predicts the future. Seems neither one of them can't go to the horse races and become millionaires and not sitting on a chair posting fictions.
Don't you worry...these lying Leftist in government and media will do their best to blame Trump.

Their thinking is so transparent it's like their heads are made from glass.
Another ditto head. Limbaugh's dead and that ain't fake, and trump got his stolen election BIG LIE for no one to stir the pot of bullshit as no one other than Limbaugh would.
Worst first 6 months of a year in the stock market since 1970 and what are liberals focusing on?

January 6th.

Talk about out of touch! Nobody gives a fuck about Trump, fake steering wheel grabbing from the back seat of the beast, etc. They care about their pay being low, prices being high and crime rates through the roof. Get with reality, you stupid fucking liberals!
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You're out of your fucking mind. I bought low a decade ago, now the equity in my homes is twice what I paid for them and values keep increasing. Real estate is always a good investment regardless of economic indicators.

But sure, apartment renting is great if you like flushing your money down the toilet.
of course you are doing well...
different scenario requires different results. You aren't just now buying your home or are taking out a line of equity on it. That would be the dumbest thing to do in this market.
I think protecting our Democracy is more important than a temporary downturn in the market.

Temporary downturn? Yea, temporary because your fucking senile child molesting president is about to have his balls cut off in November, and his entire senile ass removed in 2024.

Protecting democracy? You mean like when your stupid fucking child molesting president goes overseas and attacks the Supreme court and wants to get rid of the filibuster so he can bypass it? The same stupid president that said, 5 years ago, that attacking the supreme court was bad? You fucking losers are such fucking hypocrites it would be funny if it wouldn't have such serious consequences. You mean the same fucking child molesting president that selected his VP based on her sex and race, and not on her qualifications?

You mean that type of "protecting democracy?"

The type of "protecting democracy" that puts a "hearing" up on TV where only one side can state their case, with no cross examination, no questions and where hearsay is admitted as evidence? That kind of "protecting democracy?" Or is it PROTECTING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? Which is it, lib?

You want to protect democracy? Get rid of the senile child molester. He's destroying this country. And the good thing is, enough people know it that Trump is a shoe-in in 24 if he runs. I'll take mean tweets and 1.85 gas with no inflation and record wage growth over this fucking idiot any day.
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Temporary downturn? Yea, temporary because your fucking senile child molesting president is about to have his balls cut off in November, and his entire senile ass removed in 2024.

Protecting democracy? You mean like when your stupid fucking child molesting president goes overseas and attacks the Supreme court and wants to get rid of the filibuster so he can bypass it? The same stupid president that said, 5 years ago, that attacking the supreme court was bad? You fucking losers are such fucking hypocrites it would be funny if it would have such serious consequences.

You mean type of "protecting democracy?"

Go fuck yourself. You want to protect democracy? Get rid of the senile child molester.
That's going to leave a skid in your BVDs.

Yes, protecting Democracy.

Now go kiss the ring fascist.
Temporary downturn? Yea, temporary because your fucking senile child molesting president is about to have his balls cut off in November, and his entire senile ass removed in 2024.

Protecting democracy? You mean like when your stupid fucking child molesting president goes overseas and attacks the Supreme court and wants to get rid of the filibuster so he can bypass it? The same stupid president that said, 5 years ago, that attacking the supreme court was bad? You fucking losers are such fucking hypocrites it would be funny if it wouldn't have such serious consequences. You mean the same fucking child molesting president that selected his VP based on her sex and race, and not on her qualifications?

You mean that type of "protecting democracy?"

You want to protect democracy? Get rid of the senile child molester. He's destroying this country. And the good thing is, enough people know it that Trump is a shoe-in in 24 if he runs. I'll take mean tweets and 1.85 gas with no inflation and record wage growth over this fucking idiot any day.
Now that's one impotent rant. Do need a tissue?

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