Sadly, it’s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP


You see these kind of posters everywhere. All about minority communities living in polluted areas.

Plundering Appalachia - The Tragedy of Mountaintop-Removal Coal Mining

End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

The reason right wingers don’t talk about this is because they don’t care. The republican leader ship just doesn’t care about the white people that live in Appalachia. Appalachians would do better to join the Democratic Party and start their own part of the larger coalition.
Appalachia is nothing but a cliche to angry crazy lefties. It's a lot safer to live in Allalachia than it is in Chicago. Girls learn more about putting a condom on a freaking banana in California than they learn about the Founding Fathers and the Constitution and kids have to dodge human shit to get to school on the left coast. Parts of Virginia can be considered Appalachia but the governor of Va. is a left wing bigot democrat who wants to kill newborn babies.
Sadly, it’s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP

We all know I’ve posted the facts on Appalachian many times. That there are white people living in Appalachia who have no running water and no electricity and who get their heat in the winter by chopping down trees around their cardboard and plywood shacks.

They aren’t being educated. The kids are moving away. This is a devastated area that votes overwhelmingly GOP in every election.

Why would they do that? Because they think their stuff is going to be taken away by Democrats? And yet, don’t have anything.

Democrats are making a huge mistake by not going after the vote in the Appalachian area. Make these people understand how the Republican elite is using these people as backwoods voters.

And their arguments so far against Democrats? The Democrats only make promises they can’t keep and Democrats want to take your stuff.

Republicans know they can count on tens of millions of votes from this repressed and tragic part of United States. Because they’re voting about race and not economy or education or their children.

Vote Republican. The country you save just might be yours.
Sadly, it’s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP

We all know I’ve posted the facts on Appalachian many times. That there are white people living in Appalachia who have no running water and no electricity and who get their heat in the winter by chopping down trees around their cardboard and plywood shacks.

They aren’t being educated. The kids are moving away. This is a devastated area that votes overwhelmingly GOP in every election.

Why would they do that? Because they think their stuff is going to be taken away by Democrats? And yet, don’t have anything.

Democrats are making a huge mistake by not going after the vote in the Appalachian area. Make these people understand how the Republican elite is using these people as backwoods voters.

And their arguments so far against Democrats? The Democrats only make promises they can’t keep and Democrats want to take your stuff.

Republicans know they can count on tens of millions of votes from this repressed and tragic part of United States. Because they’re voting about race and not economy or education or their children.

You need to cite your cut and paste from the cesspool hate sites you get this filth from.

IF Trump were hurting white people you'd be overjoyed. You and your filthy party HATE white people and want to eradicate them.
Oh please...:eusa_hand:
You couldn't give a rat's ass about those poor folks.

I will be the honest one here.

I really don't give a rat's ass about those poor folks.

Further, the hate monger who actually wrote the shit traitor tard dean posted is watching a rerun of "Grapes of Wrath" and thinking that is how conditions in Appalachia are now. It's a stereotype long rendered void.

BUT you know who DOES live that way? About one third of people in the Peoples Republic of California.



Ain't Communist grand?
Sadly, it’s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP

We all know I’ve posted the facts on Appalachian many times. That there are white people living in Appalachia who have no running water and no electricity and who get their heat in the winter by chopping down trees around their cardboard and plywood shacks.

They aren’t being educated. The kids are moving away. This is a devastated area that votes overwhelmingly GOP in every election.

Why would they do that? Because they think their stuff is going to be taken away by Democrats? And yet, don’t have anything.

Democrats are making a huge mistake by not going after the vote in the Appalachian area. Make these people understand how the Republican elite is using these people as backwoods voters.

And their arguments so far against Democrats? The Democrats only make promises they can’t keep and Democrats want to take your stuff.

Republicans know they can count on tens of millions of votes from this repressed and tragic part of United States. Because they’re voting about race and not economy or education or their children.

The people of Appalachia have always been proud despite being poor. Democrats continue to make the mistake of thinking that if they promise "free stuff" to people who take pride in being self sufficient that they will win those people's votes while those same Democrats work to make coal mining obsolete...the very thing that those proud people do to put food on their tables! Appalachia doesn't want handouts...they want jobs.

R-Derp can't grasp that concept. Which is why he's R-Derp in the first place!
Appalachia is nothing but a cliche to angry crazy lefties. It's a lot safer to live in Allalachia than it is in Chicago. Girls learn more about putting a condom on a freaking banana in California than they learn about the Founding Fathers and the Constitution and kids have to dodge human shit to get to school on the left coast. Parts of Virginia can be considered Appalachia but the governor of Va. is a left wing bigot democrat who wants to kill newborn babies.
That’s just nonsense. You truly sound crazy.

Widening Disparities In Infant Mortality And Life Expectancy Between Appalachia And The Rest Of The United States
Trump has the hillbilly vote pretty well on his side.

Good call. The "point and laff" strategy work so well in 2016, why change?
Their misplaced feeling of superiority requires it.
You don’t think the Republican leadership feel superior to their base?
Aren't you cute in your assumptions.:itsok:

Their "feeling" of superiority is as misplaced as yours. Most of them were as unhinged about Trump as you.
Sadly, it’s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP

We all know I’ve posted the facts on Appalachian many times. That there are white people living in Appalachia who have no running water and no electricity and who get their heat in the winter by chopping down trees around their cardboard and plywood shacks.

They aren’t being educated. The kids are moving away. This is a devastated area that votes overwhelmingly GOP in every election.

Why would they do that? Because they think their stuff is going to be taken away by Democrats? And yet, don’t have anything.

Democrats are making a huge mistake by not going after the vote in the Appalachian area. Make these people understand how the Republican elite is using these people as backwoods voters.

And their arguments so far against Democrats? The Democrats only make promises they can’t keep and Democrats want to take your stuff.

Republicans know they can count on tens of millions of votes from this repressed and tragic part of United States. Because they’re voting about race and not economy or education or their children.

Vote Republican. The country you save just might be yours.
You don’t save a country by turning it over to Vladimir Putin.
Oh please...:eusa_hand:
You couldn't give a rat's ass about those poor folks.

I will be the honest one here.

I really don't give a rat's ass about those poor folks.

Further, the hate monger who actually wrote the shit traitor tard dean posted is watching a rerun of "Grapes of Wrath" and thinking that is how conditions in Appalachia are now. It's a stereotype long rendered void.

BUT you know who DOES live that way? About one third of people in the Peoples Republic of California.



Ain't Communist grand?
That doesn’t look like Russia to me.
Sadly, it’s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP

We all know I’ve posted the facts on Appalachian many times. That there are white people living in Appalachia who have no running water and no electricity and who get their heat in the winter by chopping down trees around their cardboard and plywood shacks.

They aren’t being educated. The kids are moving away. This is a devastated area that votes overwhelmingly GOP in every election.

Why would they do that? Because they think their stuff is going to be taken away by Democrats? And yet, don’t have anything.

Democrats are making a huge mistake by not going after the vote in the Appalachian area. Make these people understand how the Republican elite is using these people as backwoods voters.

And their arguments so far against Democrats? The Democrats only make promises they can’t keep and Democrats want to take your stuff.

Republicans know they can count on tens of millions of votes from this repressed and tragic part of United States. Because they’re voting about race and not economy or education or their children.

Vote Republican. The country you save just might be yours.
You don’t save a country by turning it over to Vladimir Putin.
Yeah, glad that's not happening. That would be bad.
okay white app american here....and guess what.....a liberal democrat.....we are not rich but neither are we dirt have an odd idea...of what goes on in places you have never been
The western part of Virginia is considered to be part of Appalachia but the governor of Virginia is a (typical) democrat bigot who advocates the killing of newborn humans like freaking unwanted puppies. Where does the GOP come in on this argument?

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