Zone1 Salam - New Member

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He isn't a terrorist he believes that assimilation and high birth rates will win for him.
And through mass immigration from the Muslim world, which has been attacked by Western imperialism and continues to be violated and abused till this day. Europe will be Muslim in a few decades. America will just collapse, Muslims don't have to do anything. A country full of liberals, wearing butt plugs, isn't going to last much longer. The United States is on self-destruct. All Muslims have to do is wait for the giant to fall, on his own.
The "truth" in Islam is that Mohammad was a murdering rapist pedophile who forced Jewish scribes to cobble together a pseudo-religion that invested all authority in himself and called for eternal war until all was dar al Islam.

Islam is a cult.
Boohoo, believe your delusions. As a Christian, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and levy any charges against the prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
Boohoo, believe your delusions. As a Christian, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and levy any charges against the prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
I am not a Christian.

That does not change the fact that Mohammad was an illiterate lowlife who robbed others as his way of making a living, raped and murdered others in the process, married a child at 5 and fucked her at 9.
Ahh so another muzzie wants to chime in.
Is it though? All of the contradictions. All of the wrongs in it (such as the days of creation). The bullshit justifications for hate and murder.
Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn, it makes no difference to me.

Only site you need to experience Islam at its 'finest'.
Mere links don't win arguments on forums. Bring the claims of that website here to the forum, and open a new thread. Firing links is for wimps unable to formulate coherent, convincing arguments.
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