Sen. Mike Lee News Conference on Federal Spending Deal


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
This can't be stressed enough. It can't be talked about too much. The devastation this is going to create is going to make 1929 look like the good ole days, if it's continued.

RINO's like Trump & Johnson are killing the GOP. Add those big spending/big government RINO's to the democrats they seem to support, and they're going to kill this countries currency. Which will kill our economy.

$1 million for a BDSM party?

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It's all over but for the hyperinflation....The insiders know it and are now stealing with both hands, while they still can.

This free ride is about over, fella's. When it falls, I hope it falls when a RINO is in the white house. Maybe that'll teach the GOP voters to stop fucking around with these big spending republicans.

They will learn how important fiscal conservatism is. One way or another.
And you're a left leaning one.

Facts: Democrats lower the deficit, Republicans raise it.

Republicans only care about the deficit when a Democrat is in the White House. Then it becomes a national crisis and they go batshit crazy. As soon as a Republican is in the White House, they run up the deficit, increase the national debt, and it's all good.

No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. Republicans have done it 4 times in the past 100 years. 3 of the last 4 Republican Presidents crashed the US economy. They also cut taxes. These two things appear to be connected.
Mike Lee is an idiot and an asshole!
How would you know? You only read far-left sources. In point of fact, Mike Lee is one of the more intelligent, well-educated, and reasonable members of the Senate. Would you be shocked to learn that Lee has a 38% rating from the Liberal Action group?

Would you be shocked to learn that Lee was one of the three sponsors of the criminal justice reform bill the First Step Act, which reduced the minimum sentences for drug-related offenses by half? The two other sponsors were liberal Democrats Patrick Leahy and Dick Durbin.

Would you be shocked to learn that Lee has worked with Senator Amy Klobuchar to use antitrust laws against large technology companies like Facebook, Apple, and Amazon?

Would you be shocked to learn that Lee supported Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan?

Would you be shocked to learn that Lee was one of only seven Republicans in the Senate who voted to block Trump's Saudi arms deal?

Are you aware that although Lee believed there was serious election fraud in several swing states and argued that those states' legislatures should put forth alternate electors and open investigations into election fraud, he voted to certify the election results in the Senate election-certification vote?

No, you know none of this because your mind is closed to the idea that a Republican could do anything good.
This can't be stressed enough. It can't be talked about too much. The devastation this is going to create is going to make 1929 look like the good ole days, if it's continued.

RINO's like Trump & Johnson are killing the GOP. Add those big spending/big government RINO's to the democrats they seem to support, and they're going to kill this countries currency. Which will kill our economy.

$1 million for a BDSM party?

The same Mike Lee that signed off on $9 Trillion of Trumps spending?

Republicans have no credibility on spending.

And Mike Lee has even less than that.

When the massive tax cuts for corporations and the filthy, morbidly rich are reversed, and military spending is frozen., which is 95% of the entire debt nd deficit. I'll take you seriously.
The same Mike Lee that signed off on $9 Trillion of Trumps spending?
Lee consistently tried to curb spending under Trump. Plus, if the Democrats had had their way, federal spending would have been even higher--go read the Congressional Record.

Republicans have no credibility on spending.
How would you know? You do nothing but read far-left sources and robotically repeat what they say. Republicans have been only ones who have even tried to curb spending. Go read the Congressional Record.

And Mike Lee has even less than that.
Wrong. Lee has been an outspoken critic of excessive spending and has done all that a lone senator can do to stop it.

When the massive tax cuts for corporations
What massive tax cuts for corporations? Our corporate income tax rate is still higher than that of many Asian and European nations.
and the filthy morbidly rich are reversed,

Sigh. . . . What massive tax cuts for the "filthy, morbidly rich"? Name them. Name their date of passage. If you're talking about the Trump tax cuts, those tax cuts gave the largest rate cuts to the second, third, and fourth tax brackets, and gave the top three brackets a far lower rate cut. (LINK)

Even the rich who get their money from capital gains income pay a higher tax rate than do most other Americans. (LINK)

and military spending is frozen., which is 95% of the entire debt and deficit, I'll take you seriously.

You live in Liberal La La Land. On what planet is the largest item in the federal budget military spending? Not here on Earth. Spending on Social Security is over 50% more than military spending--Social Security is 22% of the federal budget, while military spending is 14% of the federal budget (which is the same as health care spending: 14%).
How would you know? You only read far-left sources. In point of fact, Mike Lee is one of the more intelligent, well-educated, and reasonable members of the Senate. Would you be shocked to learn that Lee has a 38% rating from the Liberal Action group?

Would you be shocked to learn that Lee was one of the three sponsors of the criminal justice reform bill the First Step Act, which reduced the minimum sentences for drug-related offenses by half? The two other sponsors were liberal Democrats Patrick Leahy and Dick Durbin.

Would you be shocked to learn that Lee has worked with Senator Amy Klobuchar to use antitrust laws against large technology companies like Facebook, Apple, and Amazon?

Would you be shocked to learn that Lee supported Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan?

Would you be shocked to learn that Lee was one of only seven Republicans in the Senate who voted to block Trump's Saudi arms deal?

Are you aware that although Lee believed there was serious election fraud in several swing states and argued that those states' legislatures should put forth alternate electors and open investigations into election fraud, he voted to certify the election results in the Senate election-certification vote?

No, you know none of this because your mind is closed to the idea that a Republican could do anything good.

Just the fact that Mike Lee believes there was election fraud in several states, makes him an idiot.

A 38% rating is a failure.
The same Mike Lee that signed off on $9 Trillion of Trumps spending?

Republicans have no credibility on spending.

And Mike Lee has even less than that.

When the massive tax cuts for corporations and the filthy, morbidly rich are reversed, and military spending is frozen., which is 95% of the entire debt nd deficit. I'll take you seriously.

First off, there wasn't $9 trillion in spending during Trump. And if you look at his voting record, you can see he didn't vote yes on a lot of Trumps spending.

Mike Lee....... Freedom Index

Corporations create jobs. Their consumers pay those taxes. You want to tax them so they can charge us more? That's retarded.
Lee consistently tried to curb spending under Trump. Plus, if the Democrats had had their way, federal spending would have been even higher--go read the Congressional Record.

How would you know? You do nothing but read far-left sources and robotically repeat what they say. Republicans have been only ones who have even tried to curb spending. Go read the Congressional Record.
They've put up a public front in order to con the proles, but gave away the game under Chimpola Bush, when they increased spending and bloated bureaucracy and a faster rate than the "liberal" predecessor.

Though there are in fact a number of GOP legislators who are serious about spending, they're still in the vast minority.
What massive tax cuts for corporations? Our corporate income tax rate is still higher than that of many Asian and European nations.

Sigh. . . . What massive tax cuts for the "filthy, morbidly rich"? Name them. Name their date of passage. If you're talking about the Trump tax cuts, those tax cuts gave the largest rate cuts to the second, third, and fourth tax brackets, and gave the top three brackets a far lower rate cut. (LINK)

Even the rich who get their money from capital gains income pay a higher tax rate than do most other Americans. (LINK)

There you go, messing up moonbat blabbering points with the facts.
You live in Liberal La La Land. On what planet is the largest item in the federal budget military spending? Not here on Earth. Spending on Social Security is over 50% more than military spending--Social Security is 22% of the federal budget, while military spending is 14% of the federal budget (which is the same as health care spending: 14%).
The interest on the debt will soon eclipse Pentagon spending, which is itself absurdly high.

Speaking of which, you can barely find a shitlib legislator who is openly against the criminal spending levels and bloat at the Pentagon.

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