Debate Now Should Gay Couples Be Able to Adopt?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

A Molested Generation Loses the Will to Survive
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

So if the mom dies the dad should be forced to find a woman to raise the kid(s)?

Gay couples have the qualities including generally higher family incomes to care for children.
My nephew is Gay and he's sat my kids on many occasions. Never a concern.
But let's ask the question is it better for a kid to be raised in foster care or be adopted by 2 loving parents?
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

Yeah, can you imagine it when at 10 years old, the child walks in seeing two daddies porking each others butts, and then they have to explain to the child, that his was how to make a baby? Ugh....

"What is done behind closed doors, is none of my business", when they that door opened up and immorality was forced upon my to accept, i went instant "Bigot" against queerness, because i wont play the game, of coddling mentally ill people.
Allowing gays to adopt kids is the worst form of child abuse.

Can I give this post a half like? I mean certainly it robs them of having two different parents, but isn't the most important thing that the child is being loved and cared for even if you don't agree with the parents' lifestyle choice?
Yeah, can you imagine it when at 10 years old, the child walks in seeing two daddies porking each others butts, and then they have to explain to the child, that his was how to make a baby? Ugh....

"What is done behind closed doors, is none of my business", when they that door opened up and immorality was forced upon my to accept, i went instant "Bigot" against queerness, because i wont play the game, of coddling mentally ill people.
Why does every discussion of homosexuals with conservatives end up with “butt sex”?
Allowing gays to adopt kids is the worst form of child abuse.

Guess you don't know much about child abuse, do you?

Me? Went through a lot of it as a kid. Mental abuse was when various people (step fathers and various members of foster families) who told me that I wasn't worth anything, constantly belittled and made fun of me, which had a fairly serious impact on my self esteem growing up.

Then, there was the physical abuse by my stepfather between the ages of 6 and 8. Getting beaten bad enough that I was unable to go to school for several days due to broken nose and pretty bad bruising, mainly around my head and back. Then, there was the fun reprimand I got when he beat me with a bullwhip on my 7th birthday, never gonna forget that one.

As far as gays being able to raise kids? Had a friend of mine named Cindy who was a lesbian and had a daughter. Her daughter grew up to be a really great person, with a happy and loving family, and even had a few kids. Cindy and her partner managed to raise her daughter in a loving family (even though there was no "father figure"), and the kid turned out to be a pretty decent adult.

My opinion? If the gay couple can provide a decent environment for the child where they are healthy and happy, why not?
In the very long ago days when gays could not marry and gay couples could not adopt, the adoption of a child was very complicated and very expensive. Naturally, forming gay families became a specialty of mine.

I had an opportunity to follow quite a few of these families to the adulthood of the child. The most successful had an opposite sex mentor for the child. It could be a grandparent, aunt or uncle, close friend. Sometimes even the birth mother.

Children from gay parents who did not take this extra step became dysfunctional adults. But, curiously enough, dysfunctional in the same way as children from a family of divorce. It was not specifically gay parents that caused this inability to form strong relationships. It was the singular exposure to a same sex household. Heterosexual single parents have to do the exact same exposure to secure adult mentors for the child. Single parents whether hetero or gay certainly don't do their children any favors in bringing and endless procession of special friends to meet the child. All the kid learns is to trust no one.
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

I remain unalterably convinced that a child needs both a father and a mother, and that it is a crime against that child to intentionally deprive him of that setting. My father taught me, by example, how to be a man; my mother showed me what to expect in a wife; and the relationship between my parents showed me how to relate to my own wife.

I undeniably would be at a serious disadvantage, compared to how I am, had I not had my parents to show me the way that only a proper father/mother pair possibly could. My wife came from a rather broken and dysfunctional family, making it even more crucial that I came from a good, stable, properly-formed family.

It's been known since before you or I were born, that children who came from “broken homes” tended to have much more adverse life outcomes than those who came from properly-formed families. The same is as true today as it has always been, but now, we live in a society that intentionally puts children into dysfunctional broken situations.

What does anyone think the results will be of that?


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