"Silence Patton" and Follow-Up Book Shed Crucial Light on End of WWII and the Cold War


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
If you are interested in WWII and the Cold War and you have not seen Robert Orlando's documentary Silence Patton: First Victim of the Cold War, I recommend that you see it. I also recommend that you read Orlando's follow-up book The Tragedy of Patton, which documents and expands on the information presented in the documentary.

If you want to understand the disturbing facts about how the Soviets ended up controlling Eastern Europe and half of Germany after WWII, Silence Patton explains them in a clear, cogent manner. The George S. Patton Historical Society has warmly endorsed the documentary and the book.

If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch the documentary for free. It is available for rent or purchase on Amazon if you don't have Prime. It is also available on Vimeo and YouTube.

Incidentally, the documentary shows that, no, Patton was not murdered by U.S. or Communist intelligence agents, but that his death was a tragic accident, contrary to the outlandish tale told by Douglas Bazata. However, the documentary also shows there was definitely an effort to silence Patton by smearing him as a mentally unstable person and as a Nazi sympathizer.

The documentary does not focus on the issue of how Patton died, although it does discuss it. It focuses on the Roosevelt administration's horrible mishandling of the final months of the war in Europe, which resulted in the handing over of Eastern Europe and half of Germany to the Soviets.
Incidentally, the documentary shows that, no, Patton was not murdered by U.S. or Communist intelligence agents, but that his death was a tragic accident, contrary to the outlandish tale told by Douglas Bazata. However, the documentary also shows there was definitely an effort to silence Patton by smearing him as a mentally unstable person and as a Nazi sympathizer.

Actually, Patton deserved all the abuse he got.

In the letter, Patton seems to respond to a combative press conference that took place just two weeks prior in which Patton was blamed for the appalling living conditions at many camps for Displaced Persons, many of whom were Jews.

The letter, all but confirming the poor conditions of the Displaced Persons camps, reads: “So far as the Jews are concerned, they do not want to be placed in comfortable buildings. They actually prefer to live as many to a room as possible. They have no conception of sanitation, hygiene or decency and are, as you know, the same sub-human types that we saw in the internment camps.

Patton even left SS men in charge of these camps.

“As matters now stand,” he wrote, “we appear to be treating the Jews as the Nazis treated them except that we do not exterminate them. They are in concentration camps in large numbers under our military guard instead of S.S. troops.”

I ran across Harrison’s report a few years ago while researching a book on the flight of Nazis to the United States after the war. As I examined the path the Nazis took out of Europe, I struggled to understand how so many of them had made it to America so easily while so many Holocaust survivors were left behind.

One answer came in a copy of Gen. George S. Patton’s handwritten journal. In one entry from 1945, Patton, who oversaw the D.P. operations for the United States, seethed after reading Harrison’s findings, which he saw — quite accurately — as an attack on his own command

If you want to understand the disturbing facts about how the Soviets ended up controlling Eastern Europe and half of Germany after WWII, Silence Patton explains them in a clear, cogent manner. The George S. Patton Historical Society has warmly endorsed the documentary and the book.

Actually, here's why the USSR ended up with Eastern Europe.

They did most of the heavy lifting in fighting the Axis. Of the countries they occupied, Five of them - Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania - were part of the Axis.
If you are interested in WWII and the Cold War and you have not seen Robert Orlando's documentary Silence Patton: First Victim of the Cold War, I recommend that you see it. I also recommend that you read Orlando's follow-up book The Tragedy of Patton, which documents and expands on the information presented in the documentary.

If you want to understand the disturbing facts about how the Soviets ended up controlling Eastern Europe and half of Germany after WWII, Silence Patton explains them in a clear, cogent manner. The George S. Patton Historical Society has warmly endorsed the documentary and the book.

If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch the documentary for free. It is available for rent or purchase on Amazon if you don't have Prime. It is also available on Vimeo and YouTube.

Incidentally, the documentary shows that, no, Patton was not murdered by U.S. or Communist intelligence agents, but that his death was a tragic accident, contrary to the outlandish tale told by Douglas Bazata. However, the documentary also shows there was definitely an effort to silence Patton by smearing him as a mentally unstable person and as a Nazi sympathizer.

The documentary does not focus on the issue of how Patton died, although it does discuss it. It focuses on the Roosevelt administration's horrible mishandling of the final months of the war in Europe, which resulted in the handing over of Eastern Europe and half of Germany to the Soviets.
i knew there was some speculation on patton being murdered, and it would not have been beyond the capabilities or inclinations of several possible perpetrators, but. who could know?

as for easterm europe, are you referring to the plan to recruit the defeated nazis into a reorganized alliance to roll the red army back to vladavastock?

that would have been a hard sell to the american people, fought every inch by the isolationist repubs.

were the devastated british, or the defeated nazis themselves up for a renewed offensive in the east? don't think so.
Patton was a strong leader when motivating and he studied the history of war extensively, he understood his opponents including Rommel.

He also wanted to go into Russia seeing communism as the next great threat and he was correct. However, the world was in no mood for continued war, rightfully so. Thus, he was the original Military Industrial Complex spokesperson.

The Brits and French would never have permitted the US to insanely recreate a German Army to attack with US Armies to roll the Russians all the way to the Urals.
In fairness you should find a friend to also send an English version for those of us unsure which language code you are using this week .

BTW . How are things going for Kyiv ?
We miss your hilarious reports .Any luck with them winning anything yet?
Patton was a strong leader when motivating and he studied the history of war extensively, he understood his opponents including Rommel.

He also wanted to go into Russia seeing communism as the next great threat and he was correct. However, the world was in no mood for continued war, rightfully so. Thus, he was the original Military Industrial Complex spokesperson.

The Birchers Were Right for the Wrong Ideological Reason

The MIC wanted Communism to become a strong enough threat to scare Americans into giving it all the funding it wanted.
For my money George C. Scott's role in the movie "Patton" was intended to be disrespectful to the legacy of one of the greatest general officers in the 2oth century.
Actually, it made him look like a better person than he was. For starters, if you watch any newsreels of Patton, the man actually had kind of a squeaky voice, compared to Scott, who had an impressive one.

Also didn't portray Patton's racism or anti-Semitism.
Actually, Patton deserved all the abuse he got.

In the letter, Patton seems to respond to a combative press conference that took place just two weeks prior in which Patton was blamed for the appalling living conditions at many camps for Displaced Persons, many of whom were Jews.

The letter, all but confirming the poor conditions of the Displaced Persons camps, reads: “So far as the Jews are concerned, they do not want to be placed in comfortable buildings. They actually prefer to live as many to a room as possible. They have no conception of sanitation, hygiene or decency and are, as you know, the same sub-human types that we saw in the internment camps.

Patton even left SS men in charge of these camps.

“As matters now stand,” he wrote, “we appear to be treating the Jews as the Nazis treated them except that we do not exterminate them. They are in concentration camps in large numbers under our military guard instead of S.S. troops.”

I ran across Harrison’s report a few years ago while researching a book on the flight of Nazis to the United States after the war. As I examined the path the Nazis took out of Europe, I struggled to understand how so many of them had made it to America so easily while so many Holocaust survivors were left behind.

One answer came in a copy of Gen. George S. Patton’s handwritten journal. In one entry from 1945, Patton, who oversaw the D.P. operations for the United States, seethed after reading Harrison’s findings, which he saw — quite accurately — as an attack on his own command

Actually, here's why the USSR ended up with Eastern Europe.

They did most of the heavy lifting in fighting the Axis. Of the countries they occupied, Five of them - Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania - were part of the Axis.
Oh, so the Soviets were the good guys and Patton was the bad guy. Yeah, okay. On most forums, the moderators would have long since banned you.

Your distortion of Patton's record is shameful. Stalin's hatred of Jews made Patton's anti-Semitism look mild by comparison. Stalin had thousands of Soviet Jews murdered and imprisoned.

And, FYI, although Patton admittedly harbored a strongly negative attitude toward Jews, Patton was so disgusted by the Nazi concentration camps that he wrote Eisenhower and urged him to send reporters to the camps to expose Nazi brutality.

Folks, for those who are new here, please be advised that JoeB131 is a Maoist Marxist and an apologist for the Soviet Union and Red China.
Squeal like a pig, boy!

Oh, so the Soviets were the good guys and Patton was the bad guy. Yeah, okay. On most forums, the moderators would have long since banned you.

Didn't say they were the "good guys". Just pointing out, THEY DID MOST OF THE WORK involved in defeating Nazi Germany and her allies (most of which got to be Soviet Satellites.)

Because while Americans were whining about rationing gas and sugar, they were throwing everything they had at the enemy.

Your distortion of Patton's record is shameful. Stalin's hatred of Jews made Patton's anti-Semitism look mild by comparison. Stalin had thousands of Soviet Jews murdered and imprisoned.

So? Point was, Patton was an anti-Semite who refused to deNazify territory under his command. That's why Ike sacked his ass.

And, FYI, although Patton admittedly harbored a strongly negative attitude toward Jews, Patton was so disgusted by the Nazi concentration camps that he wrote Eisenhower and urged him to send reporters to the camps to expose Nazi brutality.

He also wanted to rearm the Nazis and fight a war with the USSR. Which was crazy talk, man.

Folks, for those who are new here, please be advised that JoeB131 is a Maoist Marxist and an apologist for the Soviet Union and Red China.
Hardly, man, I'm a Captialist.

Also, my wife is a refugee from China who was arrested for attending the wrong church.

But historical facts are historical facts, not the crazy stuff you peddle here like "OJ was innocent" and "The Japanese were justified in bombing Pearl Harbor because of sanctions."
Actually, Patton deserved all the abuse he got.

In the letter, Patton seems to respond to a combative press conference that took place just two weeks prior in which Patton was blamed for the appalling living conditions at many camps for Displaced Persons, many of whom were Jews.

The letter, all but confirming the poor conditions of the Displaced Persons camps, reads: “So far as the Jews are concerned, they do not want to be placed in comfortable buildings. They actually prefer to live as many to a room as possible. They have no conception of sanitation, hygiene or decency and are, as you know, the same sub-human types that we saw in the internment camps.

Patton even left SS men in charge of these camps.

“As matters now stand,” he wrote, “we appear to be treating the Jews as the Nazis treated them except that we do not exterminate them. They are in concentration camps in large numbers under our military guard instead of S.S. troops.”

I ran across Harrison’s report a few years ago while researching a book on the flight of Nazis to the United States after the war. As I examined the path the Nazis took out of Europe, I struggled to understand how so many of them had made it to America so easily while so many Holocaust survivors were left behind.

One answer came in a copy of Gen. George S. Patton’s handwritten journal. In one entry from 1945, Patton, who oversaw the D.P. operations for the United States, seethed after reading Harrison’s findings, which he saw — quite accurately — as an attack on his own command

Actually, here's why the USSR ended up with Eastern Europe.

They did most of the heavy lifting in fighting the Axis. Of the countries they occupied, Five of them - Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania - were part of the Axis.
Bullshit. Without Lend lease ,the Krauts would have rolled over the crazy Russkies. Should have let them do it ,and then we could have nuked the Krauts.
General Patton was a pretty good general, so so as a human being like most of us, and did his job as he thought it should be done. He was not murdered. He was not the colossus the MAGAitry believe.
It focuses on the Roosevelt administration's horrible mishandling of the final months of the war in Europe, which resulted in the handing over of Eastern Europe and half of Germany to the Soviets.

One of the great tragedies of world history. FDR's anti-semitism, hatred for the working classes, and his man-crush on Stalin doomed tens of millions of Eastern Europeans to decades of Soviet oppression, starvation, mass murder, and poverty.
One of the great tragedies of world history. FDR's anti-semitism, hatred for the working classes, and his man-crush on Stalin doomed tens of millions of Eastern Europeans to decades of Soviet oppression, starvation, mass murder, and poverty.
No, what doomed them was that most of them threw in with Hitler during the war.

You think anyone really cared about Hungary after Hungary joined the Axis?
Oh, so the Soviets were the good guys and Patton was the bad guy. Yeah, okay. On most forums, the moderators would have long since banned you.

Your distortion of Patton's record is shameful. Stalin's hatred of Jews made Patton's anti-Semitism look mild by comparison. Stalin had thousands of Soviet Jews murdered and imprisoned.

And, FYI, although Patton admittedly harbored a strongly negative attitude toward Jews, Patton was so disgusted by the Nazi concentration camps that he wrote Eisenhower and urged him to send reporters to the camps to expose Nazi brutality.

Folks, for those who are new here, please be advised that JoeB131 is a Maoist Marxist and an apologist for the Soviet Union and Red China.
Stalin Was the Only Winner

We had a monopoly on nukes and should have used them or threatened to use them to get the Soviet Union to withdraw from Eastern Europe. Don't believe the pose that our vicious ruling class thought that would have been an atrocity. Those heartless spoiled brats preferred to send Unfortunate Sons off to die in proxy wars, which were necessitated by refusing to use our power to stop One-World Communism from becoming too big of a threat.
One of the great tragedies of world history. FDR's anti-semitism, hatred for the working classes, and his man-crush on Stalin doomed tens of millions of Eastern Europeans to decades of Soviet oppression, starvation, mass murder, and poverty.
Not only that ,but he was "El Presidente" for LIFE. Only Democrat workers were allowed on all of his "Projects".
Stalin Was the Only Winner

We had a monopoly on nukes and should have used them or threatened to use them to get the Soviet Union to withdraw from Eastern Europe. Don't believe the pose that our vicious ruling class thought that would have been an atrocity. Those heartless spoiled brats preferred to send Unfortunate Sons off to die in proxy wars, which were necessitated by refusing to use our power to stop One-World Communism from becoming too big of a threat.
Seems like. FDR sold us out.
Squeal like a pig, boy!
Didn't say they were the "good guys". Just pointing out, THEY DID MOST OF THE WORK involved in defeating Nazi Germany and her allies (most of which got to be Soviet Satellites.)

Oh, sheesh. First off, in previous threads, you praised Stalin, and Mao. Second, the Soviets would have collapsed in weeks if FDR had not given them truly massive amounts of weapons and supplies.

Because while Americans were whining about rationing gas and sugar, they were throwing everything they had at the enemy.

Again, the Soviets would have folded in weeks if FDR had not come to their rescue. FDR deprived our forces in the Pacific of considerable firepower and supplies because he was giving so much aid to the Soviets.

So? Point was, Patton was an anti-Semite who refused to deNazify territory under his command. That's why Ike sacked his ass.
Wrong. You didn't bother to watch the documentary or read the book, did you? No, of course. Because you won't read anything that contradicts your Marxist-Maoist-Communist view of history.

He also wanted to rearm the Nazis and fight a war with the USSR. Which was crazy talk, man.

He wanted to rearm non-Nazi German soldiers to ensure that Eastern Europe did not end up enslaved by the Soviets. What was "crazy" about keeping 60 million people from falling under Soviet tyranny?

Oh, that's right: You think Stalin was a great leader and that the Soviet Union was a decent place to live. I forgot. My bad.

Hardly, man, I'm a Captialist.

No, you are not a capitalist. You certainly don't talk like one. I don't know what a "Captialist" is, however.

Also, my wife is a refugee from China who was arrested for attending the wrong church.
Huh, well, how does she feel about your effusive praise of Mao Tse-Tung, one of the worst mass murderers in human history? How does she feel about your infamous claim that Red China was less oppressive than Free China (Taiwan)?

But historical facts are historical facts, not the crazy stuff you peddle here like "OJ was innocent" and "The Japanese were justified in bombing Pearl Harbor because of sanctions."
You're like a kid throwing out any and every irrelevant charge because he's losing the argument.

Yes, I do believe OJ is innocent, and I bet you've done as little research on the OJ case as you have on most other issues that you discuss. Why don't you try tackling some of my articles on the subject, starting with my articles on the blood-DNA evidence and the Bruno Magli shoe evidence? (LINK, LINK)

And, FYI, there are many scholars who have pointed out that FDR's draconian sanctions against Japan and his refusal to accept any of Japan's reasonable peace offers enabled the militarists to proceed with the attack on Pearl Harbor.

I've asked you this before, and you've always ducked it: What do you think we would do if a foreign nation imposed sanctions that would literally collapse our economy in 1-2 years and if that nation refused all of our concessions to get the sanctions lifted? What do you think any nation would do under those circumstances?

I realize that since you are pro-communist and Marxist, you rabidly, blindly hate the WWII-era Japanese, and that you know little or nothing about the moderate elements in the Japanese government who tried very hard to avoid war with the U.S.

I certainly don't approve of what the Japanese did. I certainly wish they had not bombed Pearl Harbor. But I can also certainly understand that FDR's actions made it impossible for the Japanese moderates to prevent the attack.

This is far cry from your truly obscene, fringe views on Mao Tse-Tung and Red China and on Stalin and the Soviet Union.

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