So To Recap; Did Mike Pence Do The Right Thing or Not??

^ I rest my case ^

In order for right-wingers to justify their paranoid delusions -- they have no choice but to make up shit

you haven't named a SINGLE REAL THING....only imaginary made up bullshit....

You haven't complained about the fact, Democrats want to expand Medicare and Social Security, not cut don't talk about that -- because that is ACTUALLY A POPULAR POSITION TO HAVE - so to deflect, you talk about goofy shit like "all democrats are groomers because they believe trans people exist"

Republicans have no solutions to real problems, so they make up bullshit problems instead....and since the conservative brain is largely fear driven and reactionary -- it works....
Yes your proggy solutions are doing a real bang up job as the country implodes from the idiocracy. This is what lefties do, put in place their insane & illogical ideas, watch the country struggle & the people divide & then call it the new normal.
Barry did the same things, which makes sense knowing he's the one telling the dementia patient in the WH what to do based on his orders from the NWO.

I am totally against both Medicare & Social Security so I say eliminate them both, no expanding. Our fed govt should have no programs that take money from some of us by force & use it to distribute to others. Neither our retirements or healthcare is the govts business.

I am not afraid to say that at all because IDC what a bunch of low IQ sheeple think.
And Pedo Joe is still an illegit resident in a dirty diaper.
You are still a race hustler looking for handouts.
Lefties are still a party of groomers looking for normalization of mental disorders & perversions.
And the UNiparty is still purposely imploding our country with the help of useful idiots like the progbots on this board
In no other realm of your life will you not demand evidence/proof before you are willing to believe it...except for your other religion, which is Trump worship...

If I told you that the lochness monster is really God and bigfoot is Jesus -- and then said; I know this is true because God told will call me a nutcase......or at the very least demand evidence......

Also, I don't worship any God that believes slavery and rape is OK...

It's like I'm just sitting here and letting you all play with the cartoon characters in your head. It's only slightly amusing, but very disturbing. Go on, nothing I say will make a dent at any rate.

My favorite example is the one where Trump, Fauci, Brix, etc... were all on stage at the White House announcing a 3 phase plan for reopening the country. Trump was there, gave it the approval. It made sense. When phase A was done, you got to move on to phase B, then phase C. Literally The day after it was announced:

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I don't think the blob ever mentioned his phased reopening plan again in public. His supporters are far to the right of where he is. This is one reason why whenever there is a schoolyard massacre, you see no remorse from them. Zero. Zippo. Nada.

This whole nation would be in MUCH better shape if he would have shut the big fat mouths of Birx and Fauci and stuck to "15 days to slow the curve" and then opened everything.

But no, he gave in to the Covid Ninnies. An historic, tragic debacle. One for the ages. And we're not done yet, as we don't even know the full damage of the poison vaccines.

My favorite example is the one where Trump, Fauci, Brix, etc... were all on stage at the White House announcing a 3 phase plan for reopening the country. Trump was there, gave it the approval. It made sense. When phase A was done, you got to move on to phase B, then phase C. Literally The day after it was announced:

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I don't think the blob ever mentioned his phased reopening plan again in public. His supporters are far to the right of where he is. This is one reason why whenever there is a schoolyard massacre, you see no remorse from them. Zero. Zippo. Nada.
and their justification for being the way they are is this belief they are losing their country and being oppressed....

But if they experienced an ounce of the REAL OPPRESSION other groups have went thru and still go thru in this country, they would kill themselves....

That is why they are so secretly jealous of those who really did stand up to power and not blink....that is why right-wingers always try to compare themselves and their plight to those ACTUAL FREEDOM FIGHTERS

My favorite example is the one where Trump, Fauci, Brix, etc... were all on stage at the White House announcing a 3 phase plan for reopening the country. Trump was there, gave it the approval. It made sense. When phase A was done, you got to move on to phase B, then phase C. Literally The day after it was announced:

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I don't think the blob ever mentioned his phased reopening plan again in public. His supporters are far to the right of where he is. This is one reason why whenever there is a schoolyard massacre, you see no remorse from them. Zero. Zippo. Nada.
Blart why does faucci have Covid?
This whole nation would be in MUCH better shape if he would have shut the big fat mouths of Birx and Fauci and stuck to "15 days to slow the curve" and then opened everything.

But no, he gave in to the Covid Ninnies. An historic, tragic debacle. One for the ages. And we're not done yet, as we don't even know the full damage of the poison vaccines.
Why didn't God tell Trump to do what you wanted him to do??
If that's the case raise the voting age to 21
But we know the ballot pickup points were stuffed with harvested ballots

yep, in every state in the country they stuffed those ballot pickup points and yet you fucking morons cannot find a shred of evidence it took place

That means Kamala Harris now has the power to overturn the election if she believes it was stolen
She does have the power to refuse to certify the electors if the election was impacted by fraud but that isn't the same as overturning it, is it? Then it goes back to the states for investigation.
A dancing emoji... you seem to be very impressed with yourself for unknown reasons
and their justification for being the way they are is this belief they are losing their country and being oppressed....

But if they experienced an ounce of the REAL OPPRESSION other groups have went thru and still go thru in this country, they would kill themselves....

That is why they are so secretly jealous of those who really did stand up to power and not blink....that is why right-wingers always try to compare themselves and their plight to those ACTUAL FREEDOM FIGHTERS
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😆 You're an idiot even more than biden
This whole nation would be in MUCH better shape if he would have shut the big fat mouths of Birx and Fauci and stuck to "15 days to slow the curve" and then opened everything.

But no, he gave in to the Covid Ninnies. An historic, tragic debacle. One for the ages. And we're not done yet, as we don't even know the full damage of the poison vaccines.
There are no poison vaccines. You should be ashamed of yourself for all of the lies you've told.

You need HELP
How about I keep talking, laughing at proggies & attempting to explain to the low IQ why what you believe is not only contradicted by facts but also common sense & reason?
How about I just continue to do that whenever, wherever & however I want?
Because that's exactly what is going to happen


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