So you are a Army EV tank commander fighting in a foreign country, where do you get the electricity to charge the tank in the midst of a battle?

Granholm's call for 100% EV military puts 'electric tanks,' green agenda before national security: critics​

I saw her comments about tanks being EVs
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm received blowback from critics this week after she testified before the Senate in support of a plan to fully establish an all-electric vehicle fleet in the U.S. military by the 2030s, leading some observers to wonder if the Biden administration believes politics trumps national security.
An Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed: 42 mph with a Range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.
So if an EV uses 1 mi/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles /gallon
would require 33 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 33 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum
So not only would the over 6,000 Abrams takes now weigh an additional 60 tons for the 87 batteries to the U.S. Army is believed to have 2,509 Abrams in various versions, with an additional 3,700 in storage.

But each tank would use 8,745 kWh per tank to travel 265 miles per tank.
Where will the 52,470,000 kWh come from especially in a winter season when EVs have trouble traveling in the cold?

OR where will the military's 170,000 non-tactical vehicles — the cars and trucks we use on our bases, get the electricity?

Remember electricity is NOT made by the re-chargers. Electricity is generated by solar panels (each 3'ftX5'Ft panel generates
Most residential solar panels on today’s market are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts each per hour or in a sunny day
With an average of 3348 hours of sunlight per year one panel at 400 watts/hour will generate 1,339 kWh.

AGAIN where will all the electricity come from to power military EVs especially in foreign countries? And how will that electricity get to the
re-chargers? OH... yea right... fossil fuel converted into gasoline power generators. RIGHT!!!

You idiots haven’t considered why the Military wants this. So let’s see what we can do to examine the question.

Tanks and trucks burn a lot of fuel. Tons of it. Fuel has to come from somewhere. It has to be carried from that somewhere to where the tanks are. These supply lines are managed by convoys. A line of vulnerable trucks carrying flammable liquids in tanker trucks that are not armored. An armored truck would carry even less and require more trucks and drivers.

These trucks as we learned in Iraq and Afghanistan are targets that enemies want to destroy. Not only do they get to kill our soldiers, but they also get to make more soldiers vulnerable by starving them of fuel.

The longer and more frequent those supplies have to travel, the more likely they will be attacked and destroyed.
I am wondering where the tank commander will get diesel.

I am not in favor of electric tanks. But lack of fueling spots is not a good reason.
You idiots haven’t considered why the Military wants this. So let’s see what we can do to examine the question.

Tanks and trucks burn a lot of fuel. Tons of it. Fuel has to come from somewhere. It has to be carried from that somewhere to where the tanks are. These supply lines are managed by convoys. A line of vulnerable trucks carrying flammable liquids in tanker trucks that are not armored. An armored truck would carry even less and require more trucks and drivers.

These trucks as we learned in Iraq and Afghanistan are targets that enemies want to destroy. Not only do they get to kill our soldiers, but they also get to make more soldiers vulnerable by starving them of fuel.

The longer and more frequent those supplies have to travel, the more likely they will be attacked and destroyed.
Electricity is fungible. Look up the word. It makes it LESS likely to depend upon supply lines. We’ve been working towards it for years.
I am wondering where the tank commander will get diesel.

I am not in favor of electric tanks. But lack of fueling spots is not a good reason.
Do you mean no diesel because greenies have cut production of fossil fuel?

Meaning greenies would rather lose the war in order to remain a carbon neutral military?

Maybe so
Do you mean no diesel because greenies have cut production of fossil fuel?

Meaning greenies would rather lose the war in order to remain a carbon neutral military?

Maybe so

No, I mean the availability of large amounts of diesel in a war zone is always questionable.
Do you mean no diesel because greenies have cut production of fossil fuel?

Meaning greenies would rather lose the war in order to remain a carbon neutral military?

Maybe so
You win the war going to renewables. Most of our wars are fought over fossil fuels. You want that to continue ?
I was thinking about how many military vehicles were used fighting wars over oil.
Even being in an oil rich nation doesn’t guarantee a supply line of fuel. The reason hydrogen fuel cells are attractive is that hydrogen can be extracted form water.
Sure, just ask the germans and japanese in WWII

But they didnt have oil fields to exploit

We do
producing oil and refining it into diesel is great. But getting it to the military vehicles in a war zone can be the issue.
Sure, just ask the germans and japanese in WWII

But they didnt have oil fields to exploit

We do
And we literally drained half of Texas to supply nearly all of the oil for the entire allied effort. It’s not inexhaustible and neither is the chances of wars caused by fossil fuel need.
And your point is what ? EV propulsion does not make it more efficient ? Because it does. This is how we go to full EVs,, through hybrids. Eventually to batteries or other storage or electric gen sources will be ingrained in the structure of vehicles...or the fuel cells that use fossil free fuels will be developed. We already have a working models for electric assist jet air planes using free air propulsion.
BS on a shingle, Dagosa.
How about battery powered nuclear missiles? Wouldn’t pollute the environment and only needs to be able to make one trip to its final destination. No recharging required. ;)

Obviously this is in jest, but there are a likely some wacko Democrats out there who would take us up on it, particularly if they cost 2x as much to produce.
It's too bad you could use what little attention span you have to think before turning those stubby fingers loose.

Did I say those things exist right now?
50 years ago the computing power on my desk would have required 5k SF of floor space, a water cooling system, and 5-10 people to keep running.
15 years ago EVs were getting 40 miles per charge. Now we're getting 600 miles with smaller batteries.

I know you MAGA types want to live in the past but do try to be a little less stupid about it.

The problem is that you loons are talking about implementing this now. 300 years from now we may all be flying around in self-flying planes. Maybe we can teleport to places. Cool, but that doesn't have any real world application today. Let scientists play around with the idea if they want. The time to bring it up on the political stage is when it is at least somewhat remotely plausible, not now. We have other things to worry about. An effective EV tank is FAR, FAR away and many advances would have to be made for it to be a reasonable solution.(to a problem that doesn’t really exist)
While hydrogen has the potential for nearby extraction from sea water.
How will the non fossil fuel get to the tanks? Will each tank have its own hydrogen converter and more importantly how many tanks with the converters be near salt water?
There's a saying..."Generals fighting the last war"

Back in the day when your cell ran low you had to find a wall.
Now we have portable battery packs
I can get my phone back up in a few seconds.
What is it that makes you think that type of thing can't be done on a larger scale?
How does the battery get charged that you use to power your phone? Evidently you believe in magic that
when you flip a switch electricity comes magically.
FACTS are it takes electricity generating plants to create the electricity you use to charge your batteries.
Now you say... use solar, wind, etc...
For example:
solar uses rays from the sun right?
The average solar panel has a power output rating of 250 to 400 watts (W) and generates around 1.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per day. Most homes can meet energy needs using 20 solar panels, which typically have an installed system capacity of six to eight kilowatts (kW).
How much space does one solar panel require?

To produce 1 gigawatt of power, it would require approximately 3.125 million photovoltaic (PV) panels. or 320 watts/panel.
The USA uses 4,165,030,000,000 kWh or Total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants
total power in usa Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Total solar panels needed at 320 watts/day per panel or 35,659,503 solar panels taking 18 sq.ft each.
How will the non fossil fuel get to the tanks? Will each tank have its own hydrogen converter and more importantly how many tanks with the converters be near salt water?

How does the battery get charged that you use to power your phone? Evidently you believe in magic that
when you flip a switch electricity comes magically.
FACTS are it takes electricity generating plants to create the electricity you use to charge your batteries.
Now you say... use solar, wind, etc...
For example:
solar uses rays from the sun right?
The average solar panel has a power output rating of 250 to 400 watts (W) and generates around 1.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per day. Most homes can meet energy needs using 20 solar panels, which typically have an installed system capacity of six to eight kilowatts (kW).
How much space does one solar panel require?

To produce 1 gigawatt of power, it would require approximately 3.125 million photovoltaic (PV) panels. or 320 watts/panel.
The USA uses 4,165,030,000,000 kWh or Total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants
total power in usa Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Total solar panels needed at 320 watts/day per panel or 35,659,503 solar panels taking 18 sq.ft each.

Unused rooftops in Florida is 8.5 Billion SF.
With a potential generating capacity of 165 million MW of AC power per year.
And that's just Florida.
GA, AL, MS, LA, TX, NM, AZ, NV, UT...

Add them all up and we've far more potential than we need and
Storing in batteries would eliminate a waste problem with fossil generation.
Since demand must be met 24x7x365 generators must be kept running and producing electricity that is, in effect, wasted.
How will the non fossil fuel get to the tanks? Will each tank have its own hydrogen converter and more importantly how many tanks with the converters be near salt water?

How does the battery get charged that you use to power your phone? Evidently you believe in magic that
when you flip a switch electricity comes magically.
FACTS are it takes electricity generating plants to create the electricity you use to charge your batteries.
Now you say... use solar, wind, etc...
For example:
solar uses rays from the sun right?
The average solar panel has a power output rating of 250 to 400 watts (W) and generates around 1.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per day. Most homes can meet energy needs using 20 solar panels, which typically have an installed system capacity of six to eight kilowatts (kW).
How much space does one solar panel require?

To produce 1 gigawatt of power, it would require approximately 3.125 million photovoltaic (PV) panels. or 320 watts/panel.
The USA uses 4,165,030,000,000 kWh or Total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants
total power in usa Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Total solar panels needed at 320 watts/day per panel or 35,659,503 solar panels taking 18 sq.ft each.
All fuel, fossil or not, has to come from a fuel distribution dump. With hydrogen, the fuel is produced on site. So you have a refinery for fossil fuels at dumps ? Hell no. There is no transportation from far away sources. It’s prohibitively expensive for gas stations, but not the military. They can drop a hydrogen generating plant off a C5A…..then take it away later.
Here is a facility built by Cummins. Been around a While
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