Something Only Cat Owners Understand

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
This is the first time that I ever downloaded an ad. Not only is it super cute and hilarious, but it's hilarious because there's truth in it. 😂

As a cat owner I always keep in mind....Unlike a dog, it's just a cat, it can be replaced.

No they can't, not for me anyways. A few years ago our kitty Jasmine ran away. I love my current cat Jessie with all my heart but I still never got over Jasmine or forgot about her.
Never been a huge cat fan.
When my Mother came down with dementia she wanted to move in with us.
And she had a cat my Boxers would've loved to eat!!
Our solution was to block off access to the dogs and the upstairs.
That fucken cat would lay on the railing overlooking the living room and hassling my Boxers and I know the cat was enjoying himself.
The cat was lucky to have survived his stay. The cat could fit through the gate we installed and he made the mistake of thinking the Boxers weren't around. Unfortunately the Boxers were there and only taking a nap in the bedroom.
The Boxers heard the cat crossing the living room and they lost no time trying to kill it.
With the wood floors in the living room the cat had zero traction,it was like the cartoon animals trying to run from a dog.
The cat made it to the gate by a fraction of an inch and he never tried that shit again.
No they can't, not for me anyways. A few years ago our kitty Jasmine ran away. I love my current cat Jessie with all my heart but I still never got over Jasmine or forgot about her.

Actually it's nearly been ten years since that happened. I didn't even notice it.
Cats are okay but they’re not dogs. They’re good for people who want an animal companion but don’t want the hassle that a dog can be.
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Cats are okay but they’re not dogs. They’re good for people who want an animal companion but don’t want the hassle that a dog can be.
Have immediately entered that into my Black Book of facts to remember .
Revelation .
Explains a lot of my past mistakes .

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