Squad members side with Hamas

Unlike the Hamas reign?
Hamas is responding to a criminal occupation by Israel, and it has a legal right to do so. By contrast, Israel has no such legal right to inflict its occupation on Palestine.

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

"In the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. (Palestine)

"Known as Zionists, they represented an extremist minority of the Jewish population.

"Their goal was to create a Jewish homeland, and they considered locations in Africa and the Americas, before settling on Palestine."
Many democrats seem to favor Hamas
Just look at the posts here. The Biden voters cannot bring himself to condemn Hamas.

Nothing but excuses. georgephillip is just one of many

FBI won't target those at Pro Palestinian rallys but targets the Trump supporter.

Democrats will bring on another 9-11. Those who will carry it out can be found DRESSED AS HAMAS FIGHTERS at these rallys

Hamas is responding to a criminal occupation by Israel, and it has a legal right to do so. By contrast, Israel has no such legal right to inflict its occupation on Palestine.

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

"In the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. (Palestine)

"Known as Zionists, they represented an extremist minority of the Jewish population.

"Their goal was to create a Jewish homeland, and they considered locations in Africa and the Americas, before settling on Palestine."
End the occupation! Reinstate the Palmyrene Empire.

I'd just be happy if our politicians could simply support America instead of wasting our time and money on foreign countries.
These people claiming to be Palestinian are not an ethnic race, but a bunch of people thrown out of neighboring countries, arab nomads
And that is the part you can't get these wimpering limp wristed pussies to understand.
Israel hasn't committed 1/1000th the harm against Palestinians as Arabs have.
Particularly Egypt. They treated them like dog shit before running them out. The only reason they are in Gaza is no one else will allow them into their country.
Please keep talking. Soon enough the Democrats will be entirely hollowed out.
If you are confusing me with a Democrat, you are dead wrong about that too. Israel is not the "good guy" in Palestine anymore than the US was in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.

Israel expert: Are we allowed to be arrogant without paying a price?

"Israeli journalist Gideon Levy said in an article in Haaretz newspaper that Israel’s arrogance is behind everything that has happened, adding that the Israelis thought they were allowed to do anything and that they wouldn’t pay a price or be punished for it."
Just look at the posts here. The Biden voters cannot bring himself to condemn Hamas.

Nothing but excuses. georgephillip is just one of many

FBI won't target those at Pro Palestinian rallys but targets the Trump supporter.

Democrats will bring on another 9-11. Those who will carry it out can be found DRESSED AS HAMAS FIGHTERS at these rallys

Biden has been one of the most ardent supporters of Israel for his entire life; I have never endorsed that racist, apartheid state. Imho, anyone voting for Biden or Trump should be casting their ballot in Ukraine or Russia or Israel.

Israel's arrogance is behind everything that's happened in Gaza since 1948. Some Jews believe they were allowed to do anything and they would never be punished for it; now they know better.

Israel expert: Are we allowed to be arrogant without paying a price?

"Levy went on to say: 'We continue without uncertainty. We arrest, kill, mistreat, rob, protect settlers committing massacres, visit Joseph’s Tomb, Othniel’s Tomb, and Joshua’s altar, all in the Palestinian territories, and of course we visit the 'Temple Mount' [Al-Aqsa Mosque], with more than 5,000 Jews visiting it on Sukkot. We shoot innocent people, gouge out their eyes and smash their faces, deport them, confiscate their lands, rob them, kidnap them from their beds, and carry out ethnic cleansing.'"
So you are saying that an Israeli sniper killed him for no reason ?

I don't believe that.
If you rely on western, corporate MSM reports, I can see why you find it hard to believe how racist many Israeli Jews are.

A Synopsis of the Current Situation

"Israeli forces regularly confiscate private land; imprison individuals without process – including children – and physically abuse them under incarceration; demolish family homes; bulldoze orchards and crops; place entire towns under curfew; destroy shops and businesses; shoot, maim, and kill civilians – and Palestinians are without power to stop any of it.

"When a child is arrested, for example – often by a group of armed soldiers in the middle of the night – parents can do nothing.

"Knowing that their son is most likely being beaten by soldiers on the way to the station, stripped and humiliated in prison, quite likely physically abused in multiple additional ways, and destined to be held – perhaps in isolation – for days, week, or months (all before a trial has even taken place), parents are without the ability to protect their child. Quite often, in fact, they cannot even visit him."
End the occupation! Reinstate the Palmyrene Empire.

Your link:

" Despite its brief existence, the Palmyrene Empire is remembered for having been ruled by one of the most ambitious and powerful women in antiquity. It is also hailed in Syria, where it plays an important role as an icon in Syrian nationalism."

How would that particular ambitious and powerful woman have used

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