Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

was bernie a democrat nut bar?

I think you should go back to pretending that Michael Flynn didn't take a plea and isn't going to be sentenced.

I think you should be concerned as an American tax payer when the FBI turns could go the other way around next time...
The mods should set up a FISA MEMO thread to prevent the leftwingnuts from posting silly distraction threads.

No one here on the left will ever admit their dear party has ever done anything underhanded. We can post actual verified evidence, they still spin and twist in the wind.

I hate to break this to you...

The memo isn't verified truth. Wray the head of the FBI, appointed BY TRUMP, says the memo isn't true.

true... but trumploons are compulsive liars.... like their orange Jesus.
I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

Not really. If it is true that the FISA court was mislead to believe that the dossier was a straight up surveillance document and was not given information that Steele was paid, the document had political motivations to sway an election, and that senior FBI and DOJ officials were keeping this purposely from the FISA court ?
Then this looks pretty big, and actually FBI officials are not supposed to take political sides like that. we will see though

the document had political motivations to sway an election,

How does it sway an election when it was classified, dope?

It was used to allow spying on a candidate. Now, the spying didn't turn anything up, but it was still spying.

no one spied on the candidate. why are you making up things.

you're totally confused.
No one here on the left will ever admit their dear party has ever done anything underhanded. We can post actual verified evidence, they still spin and twist in the wind.

I hate to break this to you...

The memo isn't verified truth. Wray the head of the FBI, appointed BY TRUMP, says the memo isn't true.

true... but trumploons are compulsive liars.... like their orange Jesus.

Trump can fire him at any time, yet knowing that Trump WANTS the memo to be true so he can hinder the Russian investigation farther, Wray STILL said it wasn't true.
jillian, relax and watch Tucker and Hannity tonight. It will help you I guarantee it! Hazelnut = triggered!
Nothing confusing about it at all. You still haven't proved the veracity of the "Dossier"" ;) WE both know that you're lying about it.

I don't have to prove the "veracity of the dossier". the people who have that responsibility have said it is largely substantiated.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

let me know when you give a damn that every word out of Donald's mouth is a lie and we can talk more about "proof"
The BBC validates it.
And now there's a 2nd dossier.

Are you fucking kidding???? It's a news outlet, how the FUCK does running a story "Validate" the dossier?

Its validated because of what the report says.
It says the CIA corroborates existence of sexual kompromat.
Also Jake Tapper.
The Dossier is a fake, paid for by Hillary. Did you read the memo
I hear Hillary wrote it herself.
No one here on the left will ever admit their dear party has ever done anything underhanded. We can post actual verified evidence, they still spin and twist in the wind.

I hate to break this to you...

The memo isn't verified truth. Wray the head of the FBI, appointed BY TRUMP, says the memo isn't true.

true... but trumploons are compulsive liars.... like their orange Jesus.

Trump can fire him at any time, yet knowing that Trump WANTS the memo to be true so he can hinder the Russian investigation farther, Wray STILL said it wasn't true.

and even if he did.... the investigation still goes on.

jillian, relax and watch Tucker and Hannity tonight. It will help you I guarantee it! Hazelnut = triggered!

Hannity blew his load on the radio, what an asshole.

The whole country is laughing at Trump and his weak pathetic team of bad guys.

You guys suck at coverups, lying and deceiving. Only complete retards would be fallowing for this shit.
Trump can fire him at any time, yet knowing that Trump WANTS the memo to be true so he can hinder the Russian investigation farther, Wray STILL said it wasn't true
Wray did not say it wasn't true in fact he signed off on it yesterday...

Lying at this point is stupid because we are all paying very good attention...
jillian, relax and watch Tucker and Hannity tonight. It will help you I guarantee it! Hazelnut = triggered!

Hannity blew his load on the radio, what an asshole.

The whole country is laughing at Trump and his weak pathetic team of bad guys.

You guys suck at coverups, lying and deceiving. Only complete retards would be fallowing for this shit.
Despite all the rightarded rhetoric, no one will be going to jail over this nothing burger and the Mueller investigation will continue.

Conservatives’ attempts to take down the DoJ, the FBI, Obama and the Democrat party — have failed miserably.

Essentially this is a partisan document. It is a summary of Nunes interpretation of secret information. However we all know that Nunes is a partisan hack and the people around this are partisan hacks. The trouble is that we cannot see all of the information that this relies on. The information used in the memo was declassified however the underlying information was not declassified. It is impossible to see the context.

Also another column points out that the memo gets publicly available information wrong.

This was part of Comey's testimony.

COMEY: The president called me I believe shortly before he was inaugurated as a follow-up to our conversation, private conversation on January the 6th. He just wanted to reiterate his rejection of that allegation and talk about—- he’d thought about it more. And why he thought it wasn’t true. The verified — unverified and salacious parts.

Comey testified there were 3 parts to the dossier. Information that the FBI had verified, information the FBI had been unable to verify and salacious information. testimony shows that.The founder of Fusion GPS said that he had thought that the FBI had the same information already. Comey's testimony confirms this. Also the FISA warrant is secret. If it were based on verified information then the whole argument falls apart.

Worth noting that Kelly thinks this is "meh" and overhyped. Even Paul Ryan has lowered expectations for this.
it was written by a partisan team. why wouldn't it be partisan? LOL. dude are you truly that stupid? oh yeah I forgot.

You are a looney toon. You are the one who has gone off the deep end. Nunes even lies about publicly available information. It is okay to release partisan falsehoods and smear the FBI for partisan gain. You are just as disgusting as Trump is.
so - it *IS* ok to release partisan falsehoods and smear the president because you don't like him.


You are the hypocrite. Trump's campaign was willing to accept help from the Russians. Russian twitter bots put out pro-Trump messages in the waning days of the campaign. Trump's campaign manager was receiving Russian money. Russia hacked the DNC servers. Trump interfered with a federal investigation of Flynn. Trump obstructed the investigation by firing Comey. That is true.

You can't be serious...with what Clinton did to Bernie with the help of the DNC?
She is your huckleberry my friend not Trump...when will you wake up? :1peleas:
what did she or the DNC do to Bernie?
jillian, relax and watch Tucker and Hannity tonight. It will help you I guarantee it! Hazelnut = triggered!

Hannity blew his load on the radio, what an asshole.

The whole country is laughing at Trump and his weak pathetic team of bad guys.

You guys suck at coverups, lying and deceiving. Only complete retards would be fallowing for this shit.

it's like when someone cheats...

if they tell the other person they still love them and make up some BS they don't care about the truth.

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