Surge in medically assisted deaths under Canada’s MAID program outpaces every other country


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Canada is a global leader. Ontario leads the way in these assisted deaths by the way, not by coincidence I assure you.

When the U.K won't sign a trade agreement because of how creepy Ontario is, you know you are in trouble. Those are supposed to be our ancestors. If they don't trust Canada, how can we continue to con the American police to trust our Security Industrial Complex? If Trudeau could create a National Accountability Center for Police Abuses, he would not only save the country, his legacy, like his fathers, would be entrenched. THAT is how much damage these apparatuses are doing to our communities, global reputation and opportunity.

Not to be overlooked, is there something about the way of life and the system in Canada that actually DRIVES people to end their life? Not unlike the former Eastern Bloc nations?

I know from first hand experience how abusive the Canadian Stasi are, only because of the hand of G-d who granted me DNA and will to fight am I still here today.

The number of Canadians ending their lives through medically assisted death has grown at a speed that outpaces every other nation in the world.
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Well, other speak on their behalf. We don't want to be leading the world in state suicide or police state tactics. Yet, here we are.
So, it's really murder up there, not 'assisted suicide'?

"Do not resuscitate" orders, and refusal of end-of-life care are also forms of suicide that seem quite acceptable.
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Canada is a global leader. Ontario leads the way in these assisted deaths by the way, not by coincidence I assure you.

When the U.K won't sign a trade agreement because of how creepy Ontario is, you know you are in trouble. Those are supposed to be our ancestors. If they don't trust Canada, how can we continue to con the American police to trust our Security Industrial Complex? If Trudeau could create a National Accountability Center for Police Abuses, he would not only save the country, his legacy, like his fathers, would be entrenched. THAT is how much damage these apparatuses are doing to our communities, global reputation and opportunity.

Not to be overlooked, is there something about the way of life and the system in Canada that actually DRIVES people to end their life? Not unlike the former Eastern Bloc nations?

I know from first hand experience how abusive the Canadian Stasi are, only because of the hand of G-d who granted me DNA and will to fight am I still here today.

The number of Canadians ending their lives through medically assisted death has grown at a speed that outpaces every other nation in the world.
So, beautiful Canada is the place to go, if you really want to get away from it all, eh?
Not sure what you guys are saying. So elderly people should choose to kill themselves so they won't out-live their money?
So they don't suffer or spend their last days in a drug-induced stupor while any legacy meant for their heirs is siphoned off to the 'caregivers'. Sadly, in most states they don't have the choice of assisted suicide.
So they don't suffer or spend their last days in a drug-induced stupor while any legacy meant for their heirs is siphoned off to the 'caregivers'. Sadly, in most states they don't have the choice of assisted suicide.
I see. So you are saying that elderly people should kill themselves so that they can leave a tidy sum to their heirs.

Also, not every elderly person suffers or spends their last days in stupor. Many of them are healthy and of sound mind. You have a warped view of reality.
So they don't suffer or spend their last days in a drug-induced stupor while any legacy meant for their heirs is siphoned off to the 'caregivers'. Sadly, in most states they don't have the choice of assisted suicide.
Going out, on your own terms should be a right.
Being that ill or in disrepair, it's cruel, to the person and their families.
I see. So you are saying that elderly people should kill themselves so that they can leave a tidy sum to their heirs.

Also, not every elderly person suffers or spends their last days in stupor. Many of them are healthy and of sound mind. You have a warped view of reality.
We're talking about those who would choose assisted suicide if legal in their state.
We're talking about those who would choose assisted suicide if legal in their state.
People who are in stupor cannot make that decision for themselves.

We should also try and provide counselling or other help to people who suffer and are considering ending their life. We shouldn't just leave them to die like that.

And there is also the doctor. All of them have taken the oath to do no harm. If a doctor knowingly helps a patient to die, he has broken his promise as a medical professional.
People who are in stupor cannot make that decision for themselves.

We should also try and provide counselling or other help to people who suffer and are considering ending their life. We shouldn't just leave them to die like that.

And there is also the doctor. All of them have taken the oath to do no harm. If a doctor knowingly helps a patient to die, he has broken his promise as a medical professional.
Doctors have problems too.


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