Take Sides - Israel or Hamas Terrorists - Choose ONLY ONE!


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Wiesel accepting the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize

Why is it that no Muslim nation will take Gaza residents into their country? The question is purely rhetorical. Because they side with Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. When terrorists attack, Gaza women cluck their tongues loudly and celebrate, passing out candy.
I telephoned the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C. this morning and called them all "evil cowards" for supporting Hamas.
In the United (sic) Nations, South Africa condemned the "genocide" of Israel against residents of Gaza Strip.
The number is (240) 937-5760. Call them and make your voice heard.
I do not wish ill will against any peace loving person. Those who murder others, engage in terror etc, must face justice.

The question I liken it to is this, "if you could live in any one country in the Middle East, which country would you choose"?

I bet that if this was asked of citizens in the West, overwhelmingly Israel would be the choice. Even most Muslims in the West would probably choose Israel.
You don't have to chose one

You only have to choose

I would chose neutrality as that is the only way to be fair to both sides

its only an issue of taking sides if you choose to do so

Those who commit crimes should be punished based on the crime and not the religion

The easy way would be to choose sides but its not guaranteed to be the right choice
Citizens living in Gaza held an election some years ago and voted to be ruled by Hamas, which then took control and murdered all of the Palestinian Authority which ruled previously. Hamas butchers innocent babies just like the Democrats of America do here to the unborn.
My attitude is simple. Israel wants peace; terrorists don't. From Arafat on terrorists have used Jew hatred as a tool to lull Israel into thinking peace was attainable only to tuirn and murder as many Jews as they can. Wipe out Hamas to the last scumbag and "deradicalise" the so called Pals and do NOT stop until it is done. If any Hamas are left alive then frankly they consider that they have won!!

As for Hamas red herrings about Israel killing civilians.........all civilian deaths are on Hamas. Damn their black souls to....................oblivion!!

My attitude is simple. Israel wants peace; terrorists don't. From Arafat on terrorists have used Jew hatred as a tool to lull Israel into thinking peace was attainable only to tuirn and murder as many Jews as they can. Wipe out Hamas to the last scumbag and "deradicalise" the so called Pals and do NOT stop until it is done. If any Hamas are left alive then frankly they consider that they have won!!

As for Hamas red herrings about Israel killing civilians.........all civilian deaths are on Hamas. Damn their black souls to....................oblivion!!

There are some credible intel reports that appararently Arafat was a soviet KGB asset. I can't confirm, but it has been suggested by many this is accurate.

Also, I think Israels first PM Golda Meir said it first, to the effect that if her neighbours had the weapons that Israel had and vice versa, not only would there not be peace but Israel wouldn't exist. Due to Israels military might there is peace in the region, until of course, they are attacked as they were on Oct 7th.

There is no bloody equivalency and people are fooling themselves or just lying to justify their own hatred. Jews vastly wish to live in peace and prosperity. Yes there are some extremists in Israel. The majority of people in Israel reject them too.

If Hamas had Israels military might they would have destroyed Israel without mercy. Oct 7th is an inside look into their evil debauchery. Most of the logical world understands this. Again, this is coming from a man who prays for peace everywhere.
If you're a Jew, you should take sides. If you're a Muslim, you should likewise take a side. If you're an Israeli, or a Palestinian, or someone you love is .. you have a dog in the fight.

Otherwise, there is no real reason to take a side. Because any opinion you form, either way, will likely be ill-considered and based on an incomplete appreciation of the facts of the case.

When I watch the pro-Hamas demonstrations, I see a lot of people swept up in a hysteria of hatred for reasons they don't understand and don't appreciate the consequences. They are merely following a lynch mob... and that never has a good outcome
If you're a Jew, you should take sides. If you're a Muslim, you should likewise take a side. If you're an Israeli, or a Palestinian, or someone you love is .. you have a dog in the fight.

Otherwise, there is no real reason to take a side. Because any opinion you form, either way, will likely be ill-considered and based on an incomplete appreciation of the facts of the case.

When I watch the pro-Hamas demonstrations, I see a lot of people swept up in a hysteria of hatred for reasons they don't understand and don't appreciate the consequences. They are merely following a lynch mob... and that never has a good outcome
….certainly not for Jews, as history has shown.

HAMAS has said that will keep killing Jews, via repeated October 7th targeted torture, until every last Jewish man, woman, child, and baby is dead.
If you're a Jew, you should take sides. If you're a Muslim, you should likewise take a side. If you're an Israeli, or a Palestinian, or someone you love is .. you have a dog in the fight.

Otherwise, there is no real reason to take a side. Because any opinion you form, either way, will likely be ill-considered and based on an incomplete appreciation of the facts of the case.

When I watch the pro-Hamas demonstrations, I see a lot of people swept up in a hysteria of hatred for reasons they don't understand and don't appreciate the consequences. They are merely following a lynch mob... and that never has a good outcome
I don't want to get involved because Israel has proven itself more than capable of defending their dirt and vanquishing their enemies...They don't need the "help" of people invested in the killing going on for generations.
I don't want to get involved because Israel has proven itself more than capable of defending their dirt and vanquishing their enemies...They don't need the "help" of people invested in the killing going on for generations.
The silence is why atrocities occur over and over again. It's not as if I go online to check the dead terrorist count, but we have to understand the differences between societies,, nations and governments.

The moral neutrality leads to horrible acts. No nation has a monopoly on morality, but clearly Hamas should not be around to fire missiles into Israel every day and plan the next Oct 7th. Where Israel crosses the line they will also be called out, but the difference is in intent.

I wouldn't want to be a soldier who accidentally killed a civilian. That would haunt me forever. Again, intent and objective. I've seen videos of guys who interview citizens in Arab nations including Palestine and they ask them if they want Israel to exist. Outright "if you had the weapons that Israel had would you allow them to exist"?

Full grown adults, in front of a camera who are trying to censor themselves to some degree can't help themselves. I saw one women in rage just wanting Israel and its citizens to disappear in mass murder and this was years ago during times of peace.

There are many who have been indoctrinated to despise Jews and to wish the end of Israel. This is why I said education is key. Both sides have their grievances, but as it related to Hamas there shouldn't be any debate IMO.
I don't want to get involved because Israel has proven itself more than capable of defending their dirt and vanquishing their enemies...They don't need the "help" of people invested in the killing going on for generations.
Joe Biden needs to stop pressuring Israel to cease-fire. He never even mentions the hostages HAMAS is still torturing - nope, only Israel - and all to wIn the votes of antisemitic Muslims in Michigan and secure the state.
The silence is why atrocities occur over and over again. It's not as if I go online to check the dead terrorist count, but we have to understand the differences between societies,, nations and governments.

The moral neutrality leads to horrible acts. No nation has a monopoly on morality, but clearly Hamas should not be around to fire missiles into Israel every day and plan the next Oct 7th. Where Israel crosses the line they will also be called out, but the difference is in intent.

I wouldn't want to be a soldier who accidentally killed a civilian. That would haunt me forever. Again, intent and objective. I've seen videos of guys who interview citizens in Arab nations including Palestine and they ask them if they want Israel to exist. Outright "if you had the weapons that Israel had would you allow them to exist"?

Full grown adults, in front of a camera who are trying to censor themselves to some degree can't help themselves. I saw one women in rage just wanting Israel and its citizens to disappear in mass murder and this was years ago during times of peace.

There are many who have been indoctrinated to despise Jews and to wish the end of Israel. This is why I said education is key. Both sides have their grievances, but as it related to Hamas there shouldn't be any debate IMO.
Yup. The only reason HAMAS hasn’t committed total genocide against the Jews - they keep bragging that is their goal - is because they don’t have the military capability.
The silence is why atrocities occur over and over again. It's not as if I go online to check the dead terrorist count, but we have to understand the differences between societies,, nations and governments.

The moral neutrality leads to horrible acts. No nation has a monopoly on morality, but clearly Hamas should not be around to fire missiles into Israel every day and plan the next Oct 7th. Where Israel crosses the line they will also be called out, but the difference is in intent.

I wouldn't want to be a soldier who accidentally killed a civilian. That would haunt me forever. Again, intent and objective. I've seen videos of guys who interview citizens in Arab nations including Palestine and they ask them if they want Israel to exist. Outright "if you had the weapons that Israel had would you allow them to exist"?

Full grown adults, in front of a camera who are trying to censor themselves to some degree can't help themselves. I saw one women in rage just wanting Israel and its citizens to disappear in mass murder and this was years ago during times of peace.

There are many who have been indoctrinated to despise Jews and to wish the end of Israel. This is why I said education is key. Both sides have their grievances, but as it related to Hamas there shouldn't be any debate IMO.
Israel isn't silent...They're taking care of business...No need for you or me to stick our noses into the matter.
Israel isn't silent...They're taking care of business...No need for you or me to stick our noses into the matter.
We are all entitled to our opinion. I am not going to protest or join the IDF, but we shouldn't be silent about right vs wrong. It is getting tiring in a world in which we are trading our principle for any number of rewards. It isn't a path I elect to follow.
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"There is a third option (between supporting Israel or terrorosts.)
Yes. Cowardice
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed.
Or I can MYOB and let Israel fight their own battles, without puffing my chest out with the arrogant pretense that supporting them makes me a better man than you.

Virtue signaling is just plain smarmy.

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