Tea Party Victimhood


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
The group that is so critical of minorities and gays "playing the victim" is actually entrenched in a "victimized" core belief system, thus most of their criticisms of the left seem more a form of projection.

Here are 3 examples of Tea Party playing the victim:

1) "Take our country back" -- the notion that the outcome of an election resulted in the theft of their country, their rights, or anything that belonged exclusively to them. In order accept this premise, you'd have to believe in an entire breakdown of our system of checks and balances--as if the limits on executive power magically disappeared overnight. And that term limits on President also went away. They were given a chance to "take back" the executive office in 2012, but failed to do so.

2) War on Christmas / Anti-Christian:

Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the United States.
73% of Americans identify as Christians, 41% attend Church regularly.

  • Their faux notion of a "war" amounts to a business or individual saying "Happy Holidays" during a period of the calendar year that covers Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, and New Years.
  • They believe that it is anti-Christian to criticize anti-homosexual beliefs and practices as both intolerant and not supported by the teachings of Christ. In other words, they see it as wrong to read the bible in historical/cultural context and point out inconsistencies in their behavior and attitudes. Why are shrimp cocktails okay, if shellfish are an "abomination"?
  • They believe it is anti-Christian to not allow religious mythology to be taught as science in public high schools.

3) "Gun grabbers" - any talk of gun safety or a more pragmatic and effective approach to making it difficult for criminals to acquire firearms is portrayed as the prelude to some tyrannical massive stripping of second amendment rights. This "victimhood" is mostly speculative and relies on straw men and slippery slope fallacies like "registration is the first step to confiscation"...

There are dozens of examples of ways the Tea Party plays the victim, Sarah Palin loves to play the victim, the media is not fair, the poor are "takers", and science is a swindle.

Poor us. We are forced to accept the outcome of an election, the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the law of the land.

Poor us. Our right to Free Speech also belongs to those we don't like, they get to talk about us in a critical and sometimes mocking way.

Poor us. Only the Family Research Counsel gets to decide which businesses to boycott. That's free speech. -- How dare environmental groups or Human Rights groups promote boycotts, that's the end of free speech.
The group that is so critical of minorities and gays "playing the victim" is actually entrenched in a "victimized" core belief system, thus most of their criticisms of the left seem more a form of projection.

Here are 3 examples of Tea Party playing the victim:

1) "Take our country back" -- the notion that the outcome of an election resulted in the theft of their country, their rights, or anything that belonged exclusively to them. In order accept this premise, you'd have to believe in an entire breakdown of our system of checks and balances--as if the limits on executive power magically disappeared overnight. And that term limits on President also went away. They were given a chance to "take back" the executive office in 2012, but failed to do so.
It is a figure of speech this nation was founded on conservative principle of limited government, rights and liberties, and a economy based on free market principles and this administration has done their damndest to violate and erase those founding principles. I know you want to try to create some racist narrative. but its is taking the country back from the destruction of his agenda not take it back from some black man

2) War on Christmas / Anti-Christian:

Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the United States.
73% of Americans identify as Christians, 41% attend Church regularly.

  • Their faux notion of a "war" amounts to a business or individual saying "Happy Holidays" during a period of the calendar year that covers Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, and New Years.
  • They believe that it is anti-Christian to criticize anti-homosexual beliefs and practices as both intolerant and not supported by the teachings of Christ. In other words, they see it as wrong to read the bible in historical/cultural context and point out inconsistencies in their behavior and attitudes. Why are shrimp cocktails okay, if shellfish are an "abomination"?
  • They believe it is anti-Christian to not allow religious mythology to be taught as science in public high schools.

Its the left that set the rules on what can be considered a war and the rules are if your not in full support with anything and everything even if it is vaguely tied to the topic then you are waging a war. hence the War on Women

3) "Gun grabbers" - any talk of gun safety or a more pragmatic and effective approach to making it difficult for criminals to acquire firearms is portrayed as the prelude to some tyrannical massive stripping of second amendment rights. This "victimhood" is mostly speculative and relies on straw men and slippery slope fallacies like "registration is the first step to confiscation"...

because there is no laws or regulations that will keep guns out of the hands of criminals or even make it harder for them. so all you are doing is making it more difficult for a law abiding citizen to exercise their second amendments rights

There are dozens of examples of ways the Tea Party plays the victim, Sarah Palin loves to play the victim, the media is not fair, the poor are "takers", and science is a swindle.

Poor us. We are forced to accept the outcome of an election, the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the law of the land.

Poor us. Our right to Free Speech also belongs to those we don't like, they get to talk about us in a critical and sometimes mocking way.

Poor us. Only the Family Research Counsel gets to decide which businesses to boycott. That's free speech. -- How dare environmental groups or Human Rights groups promote boycotts, that's the end of free speech.

your forgetting that you wont except the results of an election that put the republicans thanks to the help of the tea party in control of the house and your president is doing anything and everything he can to ignore that election results by illegally ignoring their power by circumventing their authority
wtf, they are critical of minorities and homosexuals

this is the sick and twisted lies from you fellow country men and women folks they are spreading about you...and for what, POLITICS and their AGENDA

so ask yourselves, who is it that is working at tearing us apart?

I'm ashamed of you all and all for a party, government and your own agendas
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Funny, I don't recall the T.E.A. party members looking for solutions to phoney problems from government.

Who is it that plays the victim each and every hour of the day?

It certainly isn't people who make do on a daily basis without the need for a government handout.

Can a thread fail any more epically than this?
The Tea Party is back and you will hear us in November.

You lost 1/2 your seats in 2012 and will lose 1/2 again this year.

Understand this: the mainstream GOP will not tolerate TeaP crap like what you pulled last fall.

It's over for you freaks.
Dear Hazlnut:
All these same arguments can be twisted and applied to liberal political agenda equally:

(1) "Take back the country" vs "Tear down the country"
yours sounds like the same arguments twisted to scandalize the "gay rights and equality"
movement, attacking THAT as trying to promote gay agenda and tear DOWN the country

I don't believe that is the intention of the gay rights activism
and similarly neither do I believe imposition is the intent of the Tea party activism

Both claim to be DEFENDING their equal rights threatened by the other agenda.
I would treat them equally under law, not take one side while demonizing the other

(2) War on Christians vs
War on women, the poor, blacks, immigrants, global warming environmentalists, etc.

If you want Christians to solve their own problems and quit imposing agenda publicly,
the same can be said of any specific party or group agenda or programs that are better
revamped and run directly by local controls, and kept out of politicized abuse of govt.

It's not that anyone is against these groups, but that the solutions must represent
all people if they use federal funding, and not be so biased and ineffectively managed
where objections to conflicts are demonized as hate or war for political points or tactics.

If we started to treat and respect political views/beliefs equally as religious beliefs,
maybe we'd quit this "war" between religious, nonreligious and antireligious views.

ALL types of agenda would be treated as PRIVATE per party, and kept out of public policy.

(3) "Gun grabbers" vs. "wire hangers"
likewise any attempt to regulate the sacred cow of abortion also invokes similar response by the prochoice camp. how can you criticize one and not the other; and why criticize either one? these are equal constitutional issues, so of course people will "DEFEND DUE PROCESS" which is a key issue in both cases of gun rights and abortion rights.

be fair. if you are going to criticize one side, look at the other.
if you are going to forgive and include one side, look at the other.

If you cannot include both equally in public policy, then keep them both private by party.
Nothing is stopping either party from managing and funding their own programs directly.
Why not stop this nonsense of imposing publicly and forcing all people to pay for it.

The group that is so critical of minorities and gays "playing the victim" is actually entrenched in a "victimized" core belief system, thus most of their criticisms of the left seem more a form of projection.

Here are 3 examples of Tea Party playing the victim:

1) "Take our country back" -- the notion that the outcome of an election resulted in the theft of their country, their rights, or anything that belonged exclusively to them. In order accept this premise, you'd have to believe in an entire breakdown of our system of checks and balances--as if the limits on executive power magically disappeared overnight. And that term limits on President also went away. They were given a chance to "take back" the executive office in 2012, but failed to do so.

2) War on Christmas / Anti-Christian:

Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the United States.
73% of Americans identify as Christians, 41% attend Church regularly.

  • Their faux notion of a "war" amounts to a business or individual saying "Happy Holidays" during a period of the calendar year that covers Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, and New Years.
  • They believe that it is anti-Christian to criticize anti-homosexual beliefs and practices as both intolerant and not supported by the teachings of Christ. In other words, they see it as wrong to read the bible in historical/cultural context and point out inconsistencies in their behavior and attitudes. Why are shrimp cocktails okay, if shellfish are an "abomination"?
  • They believe it is anti-Christian to not allow religious mythology to be taught as science in public high schools.

3) "Gun grabbers" - any talk of gun safety or a more pragmatic and effective approach to making it difficult for criminals to acquire firearms is portrayed as the prelude to some tyrannical massive stripping of second amendment rights. This "victimhood" is mostly speculative and relies on straw men and slippery slope fallacies like "registration is the first step to confiscation"...

There are dozens of examples of ways the Tea Party plays the victim, Sarah Palin loves to play the victim, the media is not fair, the poor are "takers", and science is a swindle.

Poor us. We are forced to accept the outcome of an election, the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the law of the land.

Poor us. Our right to Free Speech also belongs to those we don't like, they get to talk about us in a critical and sometimes mocking way.

Poor us. Only the Family Research Counsel gets to decide which businesses to boycott. That's free speech. -- How dare environmental groups or Human Rights groups promote boycotts, that's the end of free speech.
The group that is so critical of minorities and gays "playing the victim" is actually entrenched in a "victimized" core belief system, thus most of their criticisms of the left seem more a form of projection.

Here are 3 examples of Tea Party playing the victim:

1) "Take our country back" -- the notion that the outcome of an election resulted in the theft of their country, their rights, or anything that belonged exclusively to them. In order accept this premise, you'd have to believe in an entire breakdown of our system of checks and balances--as if the limits on executive power magically disappeared overnight. And that term limits on President also went away. They were given a chance to "take back" the executive office in 2012, but failed to do so.

2) War on Christmas / Anti-Christian:

Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the United States.
73% of Americans identify as Christians, 41% attend Church regularly.

  • Their faux notion of a "war" amounts to a business or individual saying "Happy Holidays" during a period of the calendar year that covers Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, and New Years.
  • They believe that it is anti-Christian to criticize anti-homosexual beliefs and practices as both intolerant and not supported by the teachings of Christ. In other words, they see it as wrong to read the bible in historical/cultural context and point out inconsistencies in their behavior and attitudes. Why are shrimp cocktails okay, if shellfish are an "abomination"?
  • They believe it is anti-Christian to not allow religious mythology to be taught as science in public high schools.

3) "Gun grabbers" - any talk of gun safety or a more pragmatic and effective approach to making it difficult for criminals to acquire firearms is portrayed as the prelude to some tyrannical massive stripping of second amendment rights. This "victimhood" is mostly speculative and relies on straw men and slippery slope fallacies like "registration is the first step to confiscation"...

There are dozens of examples of ways the Tea Party plays the victim, Sarah Palin loves to play the victim, the media is not fair, the poor are "takers", and science is a swindle.

Poor us. We are forced to accept the outcome of an election, the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the law of the land.

Poor us. Our right to Free Speech also belongs to those we don't like, they get to talk about us in a critical and sometimes mocking way.

Poor us. Only the Family Research Counsel gets to decide which businesses to boycott. That's free speech. -- How dare environmental groups or Human Rights groups promote boycotts, that's the end of free speech.

First off, let me say that you are a moron.

Now then, you wrote:

Take our country back" -- the notion that the outcome of an election resulted in the theft of their country, their rights, or anything that belonged exclusively to them. In order accept this premise, you'd have to believe in an entire breakdown of our system of checks and balances--as if the limits on executive power magically disappeared overnight.

Okay, so the system of checks and balanced didn't disappear overnight, it took more like six years. What's your point?

They believe that it is anti-Christian to criticize anti-homosexual beliefs and practices as both intolerant and not supported by the teachings of Christ. In other words, they see it as wrong to read the bible in historical/cultural context and point out inconsistencies in their behavior and attitudes. Why are shrimp cocktails okay, if shellfish are an "abomination"?

Christians are not observant Jews, that's why. If you want to stick your dick into another guy's ass, don't expect me to celebrate and approve of it. And no matter what anybody says, wanting to stick your dick into another guy's ass doesn't make you a race.

"Gun grabbers" - any talk of gun safety or a more pragmatic and effective approach to making it difficult for criminals to acquire firearms is portrayed as the prelude to some tyrannical massive stripping of second amendment rights. This "victimhood" is mostly speculative and relies on straw men and slippery slope fallacies like "registration is the first step to confiscation"...

No gun law has ever kept a criminal from aquiring a weapon, what they do is keep law abiding citizens from getting one BECAUSE THE PEOPLE INTENT ON USING THE GUNS FOR ILLEGAL PURPOSES DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE LAW! HOW DUMB CAN YOU PEOPLE GET?

I used to think that libtards were people with some kind of agenda trying to control the lives of others, reasoning that nobody could be this stupid.

I have changed my mind about that, you guys really are that stupid.
There are no bigger victims in the world than Obama and his followers...... :thup:





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