The Coming Red Flood


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
I'm independent of all party & politician affiliations. I don't vote republican or democrat. So I just wanted to compile a list of reasons as to why the democrats, liberals and radical progressives are going down in November. I do this in hopes that we never have years and years of a nightmare like these last few years have been.
To those on the left, I can somewhat understand why you didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for him either. Trump lied a lot. Plus the fabricated information you got from news organizations had you thinking he was as bad as the devil himself. But just note, a lot of Trumps actions were in retaliation from some BS witch hunt the left was pulling. Constantly. 24/7 bashing of Trump for things that would've actually helped this country, had the congress and the citizens gotten behind him on the idea. Like closing the borders, a better NAFTA deal, a better trade deal with China.
None the less, here's the list.

1. Inflation. Don't get me wrong, a lot of Trump and Pelosi's spending after the Dems took the house, caused a lot of our inflation woes. Plus the increase in the minimum wage and covid. The economy goes through a boom and bust cycle like the oil industry does. And it doesn't care if there's a republican or democrat president. But it happened on the democrats watch. The lefts idea of fixing this, was to borrow more money from the fed. Which is what helped to create the economies bust cycle and create higher inflation.

2. Fuel cost. I don't blame the left for this, because I understand the oil industries boom and bust cycle. But stopping the XL pipeline and the new oil leases gave the oil companies an excuse to start their bust cycle and increase prices. Green energy is something that needs to be implemented slowly, over time. And the free market should dictate it. Not government handouts and force. Global warming has been going on since the ice age started to end. It'll be another million years before humans can no longer adapt to the earth climate. But by then, we'll have the technology to find another habitable planet and start human life on it.

3. Racism. The left has been brainwashed into thinking most white people, especially those on the right, are racist. And that our system was established by whites for white. Fact is, most of us don't care about people's race. It's not the black race we don't trust. It's the human race. And for good reason. The USA was established by whites, for white. And is still ran by whites. Why? Because 60% of the country is still white. While only about 13% of it is black. Blacks are not going to get an equal footing until they bring an equal amount of decent blacks to the table. Considering that blacks make up huge % of the criminal element in this country, I don't see that changing any time soon. When blacks only make up 1/4 of the jail and prison population, because their thugs stop committing crime, then they'll start seeing a much higher rate of middle and upper class blacks in society. The system isn't rigged against blacks. It's rigged against thugs and criminals. This is why you don't see white trash heading up some corporation. Mike Lindell didn't start making good money until he stopped being white druggy trash. And now, he helps people with drug addiction with part of his profits.

4. Transgender. People like Lia Thomas is a good example of why this is so bizarre and out of control. But even more importantly, is what they're doing to the children. Teaching them to believe they can be any gender they want to be is out of line. This is something that's been pushed on the American people by special interest groups, doctors and big pharma who profit from these things. Parents of a confused child is led to believe by "for profit" doctors that something is wrong with the child. The parents want to fix it, so they take the therapist & medical doctors advice and start pumping drugs into the kid. And the whole time, the doctors and therapist are banking because they don't actually care if the child is just pretending or confused about how things really are.

5. NATO. Our foreign policy, thanks to the military industrial complex, dictates that we are the worlds police. We fund most of NATO with money we don't even have. Money that's created by the Fed and borrowed by our government to maintain this worlds police force. One of the few things I agreed with Trump on, was to force NATO countries to start paying their fair share. There's no reason for them to not pay their fair share if they're going to get the protection of the US government and our military. Foreign aid should be limited to donations of US citizens and corporations.

6. Border Security. For the record, I used to be pretty supportive of a more open door border policy. Allowing people to travel freely from one country to the next seems more like an unalienable right than a privilege. But because of the financial and criminal impact it's had on our country, then my opinion on this has changed. Especially with the influx of heroin and fentanyl from Mexico. It wasn't too long ago when the democrats were the secure border party. They wanted a secure border to help keep immigrants from taking Americans jobs. This was back when the democrats were "pro American working class." Some of you in your 30's and 40's probably don't remember that.

7. Drugs. The left seems to think that all drugs should be legal. That citizens should be allowed to get high on anything they choose. I see their point. Honestly I do. But what the pro druggies (on both sides of this issue) don't realize is the damage these drugs do to so many others who don't even use drugs. We all know what happens to people when they get hooked on things like meth and heroin. They begin a downward spiral that usually ends with them destroying their lives and the lives of their loved ones. If these druggies didn't create so many innocent victims, that would be one thing. But that's simply not the case. Druggies have a long line of innocent victims in their path. Everything from stealing to violence, just to get their next fix. "We the People" are sick of these people creating victims, and then getting a slap on the wrist by some lazy prosecutor and judge. "We the people" want a safer society where we can travel, shop and live in our own homes without the threat of some dope adversely affecting our lives for his own personal gain.
The amount of money that citizens and companies have to spend on security is astronomical. Video surveillance, prisons, more and more police officers and police equipment. So many judges, prosecutors. Armored vehicles, swat teams, etc etc etc. Just think for one second, how much security plays a part in our society. Everything from better door locks to executions.

These are just a few issues that I believe is going to created the red flood this November. For the more moderate democrats, I hope you'll start standing up to these RP's (radical progressives.) The RP's have forced yall to sit down and shut up. Force you to side with them over issues that moderates wouldn't never stood for. Like running conservative speakers off college campuses. All the while professing to support the 1st Amendment. The other day, a young white girl on a college campus was threatened and chased by a mostly black angry mob, because she supported a black conservative (Allen West). Other people in her group, were caught and beaten by this mob. I've known moderate democrats my entire life. I used to be one. And I know yall would never stand for things like this just 10 years ago. So why have yall allowed the RP's to infiltrate the democratic party and make a mockery of it? The RP's can find a home in the "Green Party." This is where they belong. And yet, yall have allowed to take over and destroy the party from the inside out. Much like the republicans destroyed the Tea Party of 2007.
I'm independent of all party & politician affiliations. I don't vote republican or democrat. So I just wanted to compile a list of reasons as to why the democrats, liberals and radical progressives are going down in November. I do this in hopes that we never have years and years of a nightmare like these last few years have been.
To those on the left, I can somewhat understand why you didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for him either. Trump lied a lot. Plus the fabricated information you got from news organizations had you thinking he was as bad as the devil himself. But just note, a lot of Trumps actions were in retaliation from some BS witch hunt the left was pulling. Constantly. 24/7 bashing of Trump for things that would've actually helped this country, had the congress and the citizens gotten behind him on the idea. Like closing the borders, a better NAFTA deal, a better trade deal with China.
None the less, here's the list.

1. Inflation. Don't get me wrong, a lot of Trump and Pelosi's spending after the Dems took the house, caused a lot of our inflation woes. Plus the increase in the minimum wage and covid. The economy goes through a boom and bust cycle like the oil industry does. And it doesn't care if there's a republican or democrat president. But it happened on the democrats watch. The lefts idea of fixing this, was to borrow more money from the fed. Which is what helped to create the economies bust cycle and create higher inflation.

2. Fuel cost. I don't blame the left for this, because I understand the oil industries boom and bust cycle. But stopping the XL pipeline and the new oil leases gave the oil companies an excuse to start their bust cycle and increase prices. Green energy is something that needs to be implemented slowly, over time. And the free market should dictate it. Not government handouts and force. Global warming has been going on since the ice age started to end. It'll be another million years before humans can no longer adapt to the earth climate. But by then, we'll have the technology to find another habitable planet and start human life on it.

3. Racism. The left has been brainwashed into thinking most white people, especially those on the right, are racist. And that our system was established by whites for white. Fact is, most of us don't care about people's race. It's not the black race we don't trust. It's the human race. And for good reason. The USA was established by whites, for white. And is still ran by whites. Why? Because 60% of the country is still white. While only about 13% of it is black. Blacks are not going to get an equal footing until they bring an equal amount of decent blacks to the table. Considering that blacks make up huge % of the criminal element in this country, I don't see that changing any time soon. When blacks only make up 1/4 of the jail and prison population, because their thugs stop committing crime, then they'll start seeing a much higher rate of middle and upper class blacks in society. The system isn't rigged against blacks. It's rigged against thugs and criminals. This is why you don't see white trash heading up some corporation. Mike Lindell didn't start making good money until he stopped being white druggy trash. And now, he helps people with drug addiction with part of his profits.

4. Transgender. People like Lia Thomas is a good example of why this is so bizarre and out of control. But even more importantly, is what they're doing to the children. Teaching them to believe they can be any gender they want to be is out of line. This is something that's been pushed on the American people by special interest groups, doctors and big pharma who profit from these things. Parents of a confused child is led to believe by "for profit" doctors that something is wrong with the child. The parents want to fix it, so they take the therapist & medical doctors advice and start pumping drugs into the kid. And the whole time, the doctors and therapist are banking because they don't actually care if the child is just pretending or confused about how things really are.

5. NATO. Our foreign policy, thanks to the military industrial complex, dictates that we are the worlds police. We fund most of NATO with money we don't even have. Money that's created by the Fed and borrowed by our government to maintain this worlds police force. One of the few things I agreed with Trump on, was to force NATO countries to start paying their fair share. There's no reason for them to not pay their fair share if they're going to get the protection of the US government and our military. Foreign aid should be limited to donations of US citizens and corporations.

6. Border Security. For the record, I used to be pretty supportive of a more open door border policy. Allowing people to travel freely from one country to the next seems more like an unalienable right than a privilege. But because of the financial and criminal impact it's had on our country, then my opinion on this has changed. Especially with the influx of heroin and fentanyl from Mexico. It wasn't too long ago when the democrats were the secure border party. They wanted a secure border to help keep immigrants from taking Americans jobs. This was back when the democrats were "pro American working class." Some of you in your 30's and 40's probably don't remember that.

7. Drugs. The left seems to think that all drugs should be legal. That citizens should be allowed to get high on anything they choose. I see their point. Honestly I do. But what the pro druggies (on both sides of this issue) don't realize is the damage these drugs do to so many others who don't even use drugs. We all know what happens to people when they get hooked on things like meth and heroin. They begin a downward spiral that usually ends with them destroying their lives and the lives of their loved ones. If these druggies didn't create so many innocent victims, that would be one thing. But that's simply not the case. Druggies have a long line of innocent victims in their path. Everything from stealing to violence, just to get their next fix. "We the People" are sick of these people creating victims, and then getting a slap on the wrist by some lazy prosecutor and judge. "We the people" want a safer society where we can travel, shop and live in our own homes without the threat of some dope adversely affecting our lives for his own personal gain.
The amount of money that citizens and companies have to spend on security is astronomical. Video surveillance, prisons, more and more police officers and police equipment. So many judges, prosecutors. Armored vehicles, swat teams, etc etc etc. Just think for one second, how much security plays a part in our society. Everything from better door locks to executions.

These are just a few issues that I believe is going to created the red flood this November. For the more moderate democrats, I hope you'll start standing up to these RP's (radical progressives.) The RP's have forced yall to sit down and shut up. Force you to side with them over issues that moderates wouldn't never stood for. Like running conservative speakers off college campuses. All the while professing to support the 1st Amendment. The other day, a young white girl on a college campus was threatened and chased by a mostly black angry mob, because she supported a black conservative (Allen West). Other people in her group, were caught and beaten by this mob. I've known moderate democrats my entire life. I used to be one. And I know yall would never stand for things like this just 10 years ago. So why have yall allowed the RP's to infiltrate the democratic party and make a mockery of it? The RP's can find a home in the "Green Party." This is where they belong. And yet, yall have allowed to take over and destroy the party from the inside out. Much like the republicans destroyed the Tea Party of 2007.
Well done sir. That is a well thought out post and I agree with many of your points.

My overall concern is all we are seeing are features of the progressive agenda, not bugs. They want all of this to happen to bring down the US and rebuild it into their impossible socialist utopia where everything is fueled by unicorn piss and the people are all genderless cloned NPCs.

Most of the Republicans in Congress dont give a shit. Its time to push out anyone who will not crush the cult.
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Even if the Rs win big in November, nothing will change. We’ve seen this show before. Learn from recent history.

True enough. We've seen lame duck presidencies throughout history. But having a GOP majority in the House and Senate, with a democrat president is usually a better combination. Because the GOP only gets "conservative" when we have a democrat in the White House. It's the only time republicans actually seem to care about the budget or the Federal Reserve.
They're not smart enough to stay conservative when they have a full republican ran government. During Trumps first two years, with both house and senate having a GOP majority, they spent like drunken democrats.
But they did do some things that actually helped in other areas. Like border security, allowing the oil companies to tap into more oil/gas resources.
Well done sir. That is a well thought out post and I agree with many of your points.

My overall concern is that all that we see are features of the progressive agenda, not bugs. They want all of this to happen to bring down the US and rebuild it into their impossible socialist utopia where everything is fuled by unicorn piss and the people are all genderless cloned npcs.

Most of the Republicans in Congress dont give a shit. Its time to push out anyone who will not crush the cult.

I was watching a news report out of Seattle that said that like 70% of their transit passengers weren't paying to ride. This is the poster child of what RP's (radical progressives) stand for. Everything for nothing, without realizing the consequences of their actions. It's gotta be funded somehow? At the moment, they're relying on honesty and principles of the citizens to pay for their passage. So, since they're not paying, the city will have to fund turn styles and pay people to guard the turnstiles, and ticket clerks. And raise taxes to pay for those people.
And all this because some people complained about blacks being caught not paying more frequently than other races. Well, maybe it's because more blacks were not paying.
When the Rs win big they can start by hamstringing The POD POTUS then sort out the Socially liberal RINOs afterwards
It looks like a big game from my position.
It doesn´t matter if something is right or wrong, useful, harmful or just waste of money. The only thing that matters is what party comes up with it. I bet any party can claim that coffee with cigarette stubs in it is tasteful and will help to reduce national debt and its followers will confirm it first-hand.
I'm independent of all party & politician affiliations. I don't vote republican or democrat. So I just wanted to compile a list of reasons as to why the democrats, liberals and radical progressives are going down in November. I do this in hopes that we never have years and years of a nightmare like these last few years have been.
To those on the left, I can somewhat understand why you didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for him either. Trump lied a lot. Plus the fabricated information you got from news organizations had you thinking he was as bad as the devil himself. But just note, a lot of Trumps actions were in retaliation from some BS witch hunt the left was pulling. Constantly. 24/7 bashing of Trump for things that would've actually helped this country, had the congress and the citizens gotten behind him on the idea. Like closing the borders, a better NAFTA deal, a better trade deal with China.
None the less, here's the list.

1. Inflation. Don't get me wrong, a lot of Trump and Pelosi's spending after the Dems took the house, caused a lot of our inflation woes. Plus the increase in the minimum wage and covid. The economy goes through a boom and bust cycle like the oil industry does. And it doesn't care if there's a republican or democrat president. But it happened on the democrats watch. The lefts idea of fixing this, was to borrow more money from the fed. Which is what helped to create the economies bust cycle and create higher inflation.

2. Fuel cost. I don't blame the left for this, because I understand the oil industries boom and bust cycle. But stopping the XL pipeline and the new oil leases gave the oil companies an excuse to start their bust cycle and increase prices. Green energy is something that needs to be implemented slowly, over time. And the free market should dictate it. Not government handouts and force. Global warming has been going on since the ice age started to end. It'll be another million years before humans can no longer adapt to the earth climate. But by then, we'll have the technology to find another habitable planet and start human life on it.

3. Racism. The left has been brainwashed into thinking most white people, especially those on the right, are racist. And that our system was established by whites for white. Fact is, most of us don't care about people's race. It's not the black race we don't trust. It's the human race. And for good reason. The USA was established by whites, for white. And is still ran by whites. Why? Because 60% of the country is still white. While only about 13% of it is black. Blacks are not going to get an equal footing until they bring an equal amount of decent blacks to the table. Considering that blacks make up huge % of the criminal element in this country, I don't see that changing any time soon. When blacks only make up 1/4 of the jail and prison population, because their thugs stop committing crime, then they'll start seeing a much higher rate of middle and upper class blacks in society. The system isn't rigged against blacks. It's rigged against thugs and criminals. This is why you don't see white trash heading up some corporation. Mike Lindell didn't start making good money until he stopped being white druggy trash. And now, he helps people with drug addiction with part of his profits.

4. Transgender. People like Lia Thomas is a good example of why this is so bizarre and out of control. But even more importantly, is what they're doing to the children. Teaching them to believe they can be any gender they want to be is out of line. This is something that's been pushed on the American people by special interest groups, doctors and big pharma who profit from these things. Parents of a confused child is led to believe by "for profit" doctors that something is wrong with the child. The parents want to fix it, so they take the therapist & medical doctors advice and start pumping drugs into the kid. And the whole time, the doctors and therapist are banking because they don't actually care if the child is just pretending or confused about how things really are.

5. NATO. Our foreign policy, thanks to the military industrial complex, dictates that we are the worlds police. We fund most of NATO with money we don't even have. Money that's created by the Fed and borrowed by our government to maintain this worlds police force. One of the few things I agreed with Trump on, was to force NATO countries to start paying their fair share. There's no reason for them to not pay their fair share if they're going to get the protection of the US government and our military. Foreign aid should be limited to donations of US citizens and corporations.

6. Border Security. For the record, I used to be pretty supportive of a more open door border policy. Allowing people to travel freely from one country to the next seems more like an unalienable right than a privilege. But because of the financial and criminal impact it's had on our country, then my opinion on this has changed. Especially with the influx of heroin and fentanyl from Mexico. It wasn't too long ago when the democrats were the secure border party. They wanted a secure border to help keep immigrants from taking Americans jobs. This was back when the democrats were "pro American working class." Some of you in your 30's and 40's probably don't remember that.

7. Drugs. The left seems to think that all drugs should be legal. That citizens should be allowed to get high on anything they choose. I see their point. Honestly I do. But what the pro druggies (on both sides of this issue) don't realize is the damage these drugs do to so many others who don't even use drugs. We all know what happens to people when they get hooked on things like meth and heroin. They begin a downward spiral that usually ends with them destroying their lives and the lives of their loved ones. If these druggies didn't create so many innocent victims, that would be one thing. But that's simply not the case. Druggies have a long line of innocent victims in their path. Everything from stealing to violence, just to get their next fix. "We the People" are sick of these people creating victims, and then getting a slap on the wrist by some lazy prosecutor and judge. "We the people" want a safer society where we can travel, shop and live in our own homes without the threat of some dope adversely affecting our lives for his own personal gain.
The amount of money that citizens and companies have to spend on security is astronomical. Video surveillance, prisons, more and more police officers and police equipment. So many judges, prosecutors. Armored vehicles, swat teams, etc etc etc. Just think for one second, how much security plays a part in our society. Everything from better door locks to executions.

These are just a few issues that I believe is going to created the red flood this November. For the more moderate democrats, I hope you'll start standing up to these RP's (radical progressives.) The RP's have forced yall to sit down and shut up. Force you to side with them over issues that moderates wouldn't never stood for. Like running conservative speakers off college campuses. All the while professing to support the 1st Amendment. The other day, a young white girl on a college campus was threatened and chased by a mostly black angry mob, because she supported a black conservative (Allen West). Other people in her group, were caught and beaten by this mob. I've known moderate democrats my entire life. I used to be one. And I know yall would never stand for things like this just 10 years ago. So why have yall allowed the RP's to infiltrate the democratic party and make a mockery of it? The RP's can find a home in the "Green Party." This is where they belong. And yet, yall have allowed to take over and destroy the party from the inside out. Much like the republicans destroyed the Tea Party of 2007.
"Trump lied a lot."

Can you please specify a couple of these lies? Just 2 please...that should be no trouble if there really are "a lot" to choose from. Thx in advance
If it is a Pub Congress, they had better impeach Biden. Even if he cannot be removed from office, he needs to get the scarlet letter.

Childish and irrelevant, my guy. There's no need to impeach a lame duck president. That is, unless there is some extreme reasoning to do so.
With that, your support of impeaching Biden will seem a dramatic as the lefts reasoning.

Replacing radical progressives with radical republicanism, will only result in radical progressive replacing them again.
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"Trump lied a lot."

Can you please specify a couple of these lies? Just 2 please...that should be no trouble if there really are "a lot" to choose from. Thx in advance

Just two? You're making this too easy.

"Lock her up."
"Balance the budget in 4 years."
True enough. We've seen lame duck presidencies throughout history. But having a GOP majority in the House and Senate, with a democrat president is usually a better combination. Because the GOP only gets "conservative" when we have a democrat in the White House. It's the only time republicans actually seem to care about the budget or the Federal Reserve.
They're not smart enough to stay conservative when they have a full republican ran government. During Trumps first two years, with both house and senate having a GOP majority, they spent like drunken democrats.
But they did do some things that actually helped in other areas. Like border security, allowing the oil companies to tap into more oil/gas resources.
Negative, congress has ceded much of their power to the executive branch so they don't have to make hard decisions.....You know, the whole "mah re-election" thing.

A POTUS has so much EO power that he can still make life miserable by giving the regulatory agencies their marching orders knowing full well that some may be unconstitutional but that shit-all can be done about it for years unless they are enjoined quickly.....The gop does not seem to have "friendly" federal judges on speed-dial like the dems do.
Childish and irrelevant, my guy. There's no need to impeach a lame duck president. That is, unless there is some extreme reasoning to do so.
With that, your support of impeaching Biden will seem a dramatic as the lefts reasoning.

Replacing radical progressives with radical republicanism, will only result in radical progressive replacing them again.

Its not childish or irrelevant at all. This admin needs to be tied up rather than destroying the country. Occupy them with impeachment. Go after Schiff for lying.

There is plenty they can do.
Negative, congress has ceded much of their power to the executive branch so they don't have to make hard decisions.....You know, the whole "mah re-election" thing.

A POTUS has so much EO power that he can still make life miserable by giving the regulatory agencies their marching orders knowing full well that some may be unconstitutional but that shit-all can be done about it for years unless they are enjoined quickly.....The gop does not seem to have "friendly" federal judges on speed-dial like the dems do.

True enough. But with opposing party majority, the president doesn't have much spending power. Spending bills originate from the congress.
Its not childish or irrelevant at all. This admin needs to be tied up rather than destroying the country. Occupy them with impeachment. Go after Schiff for lying.

There is plenty they can do.

What you're talking about is irrelevant to this thread's subject/topic.
Republicans will talk a big game, and then just do the minimum when they gain power. Its how things work in DC.
I want Republicans to crush the dims because they definitely wont do as shitty a job as we are currently witnessing......but make no mistake, Pubs are criminals just like dims are.

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