the DACA blues ..

RW's must be crying on their Trump Won pillow cases.

Senators say they are 'close' to a deal on DACA, border security

100$ to a piece of bubblegum the deal wont inclued A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL ,

Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

I HOPE I will be proven wrong.....

hope in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up faster

Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.


You shouldn't have run the Hildabeast.

I didnt vote for her.

write that down
RW's must be crying on their Trump Won pillow cases.

Senators say they are 'close' to a deal on DACA, border security

100$ to a piece of bubblegum the deal wont inclued A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL ,

Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

I HOPE I will be proven wrong.....

hope in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up faster

Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.


You shouldn't have run the Hildabeast.

I didnt vote for her.

write that down

By "you" I meant the Democrats.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

Then let the FREE market work it out; not a micro-economy based on exploited illegals. Seems the big problem is that it's been going on so long that it's now structured into the social fabric. Why should a person on SS get out and do a job that pays only a small percentage of that...because that's what they pay illegals. So simply "too hard" to solve?

My view is this; ALL workers in the US should be paid US rates.

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Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

On the contrary; when the wall goes up and ICE gets rid of the illegals who is going to do the work then? It's either mechanise, get locals or import food from China. You will get what you pay for.

Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.

Then why are we so happy about all Trump is doing for us? Things are going great. The stock market is soaring, unemployment is historically low, employment up, great tax bill, our enemies are backed off, we're cutting aid to lots of bad guys like Pakis and Palis, the list of good stuff goes on and on. Sorry you aren't enjoying it as much as we are.
Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.

Then why are we so happy about all Trump is doing for us? Things are going great. The stock market is soaring, unemployment is historically low, employment up, great tax bill, our enemies are backed off, we're cutting aid to lots of bad guys like Pakis and Palis, the list of good stuff goes on and on. Sorry you aren't enjoying it as much as we are.

horseshit - he's riding Obamas economic wave .. name one piece of legislation hes signed other than the tax cuts (which havent gone into effect yet) thats helped the economy ...
RW's must be crying on their Trump Won pillow cases.

Senators say they are 'close' to a deal on DACA, border security

100$ to a piece of bubblegum the deal wont inclued A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL ,

Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

I HOPE I will be proven wrong.....

hope in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up faster

Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.


You shouldn't have run the Hildabeast.

I didnt vote for her.

write that down

By "you" I meant the Democrats.

Im an independent

write that down too
Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

I HOPE I will be proven wrong.....

hope in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up faster

Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.


You shouldn't have run the Hildabeast.

I didnt vote for her.

write that down

By "you" I meant the Democrats.

Im an independent

write that down too

Don't really care, but you are a "Lefty".
Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.

Then why are we so happy about all Trump is doing for us? Things are going great. The stock market is soaring, unemployment is historically low, employment up, great tax bill, our enemies are backed off, we're cutting aid to lots of bad guys like Pakis and Palis, the list of good stuff goes on and on. Sorry you aren't enjoying it as much as we are.

horseshit - he's riding Obamas economic wave .. name one piece of legislation hes signed other than the tax cuts (which havent gone into effect yet) thats helped the economy ...
I was at the gym today, and two guys - each worth multiple millions - were worrying about a stock crash. Seriously, it scared the hell outta me. Neither are big Trumpers. The scaredist guy was referencing the amount of debt underlying stock values. If stocks decline, there's little investment money to support a holding line. In such a case, bonds would be the place to be. But bonds have been depressed in part by QE2.

I don't give or blame either Obama or Trump per se. But giving any pol credit for the stock market is at best ignorant and more likely just the result of partisan needs to lie.
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

On the contrary; when the wall goes up and ICE gets rid of the illegals who is going to do the work then? It's either mechanise, get locals or import food from China. You will get what you pay for.


"By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase."

You can't just pay everyone more without raising the prices of virtually EVERYTHING. When that happens you are in the same place you started.
I wish Whites and Hispanics were equal humans, so that they wouldn't have to come to America for a better life
What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

On the contrary; when the wall goes up and ICE gets rid of the illegals who is going to do the work then? It's either mechanise, get locals or import food from China. You will get what you pay for.


"By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase."

You can't just pay everyone more without raising the prices of virtually EVERYTHING. When that happens you are in the same place you started.
It won't grow without some inflation.
The questions are "why we have virtually none" and "how can we get it without too much"
What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

On the contrary; when the wall goes up and ICE gets rid of the illegals who is going to do the work then? It's either mechanise, get locals or import food from China. You will get what you pay for.


"By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase."

You can't just pay everyone more without raising the prices of virtually EVERYTHING. When that happens you are in the same place you started.

I'm not talking about paying "everyone more". I'm saying that there's a distorted market in low skilled jobs because illegals are paid exploitation wages. EVERY PERSON in the US should be paid BY US Standards; not wages that are suppressed because of less than slave wages. My own motto is a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. If it's a minimum wage and that's the going rate then I'm fine with that. But if wages are being kept low because of "cheap labour" then that's a distortion of the market. I'm a market oriented sort of guy.

How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

On the contrary; when the wall goes up and ICE gets rid of the illegals who is going to do the work then? It's either mechanise, get locals or import food from China. You will get what you pay for.


"By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase."

You can't just pay everyone more without raising the prices of virtually EVERYTHING. When that happens you are in the same place you started.

I'm not talking about paying "everyone more". I'm saying that there's a distorted market in low skilled jobs because illegals are paid exploitation wages. EVERY PERSON in the US should be paid BY US Standards; not wages that are suppressed because of less than slave wages. My own motto is a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. If it's a minimum wage and that's the going rate then I'm fine with that. But if wages are being kept low because of "cheap labour" then that's a distortion of the market. I'm a market oriented sort of guy.


Of course you are, you are saying that everyone needs to paid a "living wage".
How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

On the contrary; when the wall goes up and ICE gets rid of the illegals who is going to do the work then? It's either mechanise, get locals or import food from China. You will get what you pay for.


"By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase."

You can't just pay everyone more without raising the prices of virtually EVERYTHING. When that happens you are in the same place you started.
It won't grow without some inflation.
The questions are "why we have virtually none" and "how can we get it without too much"

It's called becoming more productive and hence decreasing the Unit price. Then more can be paid without inflation. But that requires Investment in better and smarter means of production; something yanks are exceptional at when unfettered by dumb assed regulations and taxes.

Sorta like the Trump strategy.

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

On the contrary; when the wall goes up and ICE gets rid of the illegals who is going to do the work then? It's either mechanise, get locals or import food from China. You will get what you pay for.


"By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase."

You can't just pay everyone more without raising the prices of virtually EVERYTHING. When that happens you are in the same place you started.

I'm not talking about paying "everyone more". I'm saying that there's a distorted market in low skilled jobs because illegals are paid exploitation wages. EVERY PERSON in the US should be paid BY US Standards; not wages that are suppressed because of less than slave wages. My own motto is a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. If it's a minimum wage and that's the going rate then I'm fine with that. But if wages are being kept low because of "cheap labour" then that's a distortion of the market. I'm a market oriented sort of guy.


Of course you are, you are saying that everyone needs to paid a "living wage".
That's at the minimum end, Doc. What is it; $1.85 per day? A tad more in the US. lol. What I am saying is get rid of "cheap labour" that illegals are doing. It's distorted the market. Hey; I'm no Socialist. I want my income to remain at the 1%er level. And I want the poor buggers at the MINIMUM end to be paid a market determined living wage. BUT I WANT ILLEGAL CHEAP LABOUR to be stopped. Hence the Wall and ICE on steroids!!

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.

On the contrary; when the wall goes up and ICE gets rid of the illegals who is going to do the work then? It's either mechanise, get locals or import food from China. You will get what you pay for.


"By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase."

You can't just pay everyone more without raising the prices of virtually EVERYTHING. When that happens you are in the same place you started.

I'm not talking about paying "everyone more". I'm saying that there's a distorted market in low skilled jobs because illegals are paid exploitation wages. EVERY PERSON in the US should be paid BY US Standards; not wages that are suppressed because of less than slave wages. My own motto is a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. If it's a minimum wage and that's the going rate then I'm fine with that. But if wages are being kept low because of "cheap labour" then that's a distortion of the market. I'm a market oriented sort of guy.


Of course you are, you are saying that everyone needs to paid a "living wage".

??? Define a "death" wage??

horseshit - he's riding Obamas economic wave .. name one piece of legislation hes signed other than the tax cuts (which havent gone into effect yet) thats helped the economy ...

Obama didn't have an economic wave. Look at the stock market graph during Obama and then the steep swoop up 5000+ points as soon as Trump won till now. If you don't think 5000+ points in a year is a lot, you must not be an investor. And look at the unemployment figures, they just crashed. When have we EVER had such low unemployment? The economy loves Trump.
Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

NO, they've promised this to the angry minority. The vast majority don't want a wall and think it's stupid.

Again, your guy got less votes.

You can't keep talking about what the people want when your guy lost the popular vote.

The Wall would be a waste of money and a bad image. That's why it will never be built.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

Yes, you rubes will fall for it again.

Here's the reason why Republicans support Amnesty.

Because their own supporters- the people who really run the party, the people who hire the undocumented - want them.

And then they tell you rubes that your life is miserable because that Mexican is taking a job you really don't want.

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