The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

So, all the climate scientists on the planet - from every single nation - are putting their entire careers, their jobs, perhaps even their personal liberties at risk and producing petabytes of completely manufactured, complex, interrelated data, for decades now, simply to benefit Al Gore?
  1. Those faux “scientists” were already caught in ClimateGate discussing in emails how they falsify their data
  2. To benefit themselves. What happens to all of those “climate scientists” if they report back “no problem here - all is well”? What happens is, the grants dry up, their jobs are eliminated, and they have to go work in the real world where they have to work long hours and produce actual results. They don’t want that, when they can continue their grift
Sorry, but only a serious fuck’n idiot cannot see how obvious all of this is, especially after 97.7% of their predictions failed to come to fruition (literally impossible for actual science to be that wrong
Or do you claim that Al Gore has managed to fool ten thousand PhDs all by his little lonesome?
He doesn’t have to “fool” them. They too are enjoying the fruits of the grift. Speaking of PhDs, you should listen to this one, who exposes just how naive you are…
So, all the climate scientists on the planet - from every single nation - are putting their entire careers, their jobs, perhaps even their personal liberties at risk and producing petabytes of completely manufactured, complex, interrelated data, for decades now, simply to benefit Al Gore? Or do you claim that Al Gore has managed to fool ten thousand PhDs all by his little lonesome?

Sorry, but this fails the most basic sanity test. You're a fucking idiot.

So, all the climate scientists on the planet - from every single nation - are putting their entire careers, their jobs, perhaps even their personal liberties at risk

What risk? The only ones whose jobs and entire careers are at risk are those who question whether AGW is an existential risk.

producing petabytes of completely manufactured, complex, interrelated data, for decades now,

They don't have to manufacture data, they can molest it, like Michael Mann, and then lie about it by saying this is the fastest rise in temperature in the last billion years. And then
morons who don't understand math or science will agree and push for trillions of dollars of spending to "fix" it.
So, all the climate scientists on the planet - from every single nation - are putting their entire careers, their jobs, perhaps even their personal liberties at risk and producing petabytes of completely manufactured, complex, interrelated data, for decades now, simply to benefit Al Gore?
Crick - I’m about to drop the hammer on your head right now. I’m going to expose your complete & total lack of logic, reason, and common sense.

You cannot have a credible study in science without a control group. In order to have a control group, scientists would need an exact replica of planet Earth. Same size, in the exact same orbit (not even possible because they would overlap each other), with the same population doing the exact same thing at the exact same time. Literally a “parallel universe”. Of course, no such thing could ever exist.

Do you understand now how absolutely fucking ridiculous you sound with your screams of “science! but…but…but…the science!!”. You literally don’t even grasp the fundamentals of scientific studies. You’ll believe whatever absurd nonsense they peddle 🤦‍♂️
Crick - I’m about to drop the hammer on your head right now. I’m going to expose your complete & total lack of logic, reason, and common sense.

You cannot have a credible study in science without a control group. In order to have a control group, scientists would need an exact replica of planet Earth. Same size, in the exact same orbit (not even possible because they would overlap each other), with the same population doing the exact same thing at the exact same time. Literally a “parallel universe”. Of course, no such thing could ever exist.

Do you understand now how absolutely fucking ridiculous you sound with your screams of “science! but…but…but…the science!!”. You literally don’t even grasp the fundamentals of scientific studies. You’ll believe whatever absurd nonsense they peddle 🤦‍♂️
God you are S T U P I D. All science is not conducted with control groups. Your belief that "an exact replica of the planet Earth" would be required is a clear demonstration of your ignorance. What science do you believe to be compromised? The Greenhouse Effect? Control groups were used in its development. The levels of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere? Control groups were used in the development and calibration of the equipment used. The planet's temperature? Control groups were used in the development and calibration of the equipment used. You're a fucking idiot.
Control groups were used in the development and calibration of the equipment used.
😂 😂 😂

The equipment isn’t what is being studied, you fucking high school dropout. The temperature of the planet and whether or not CO2 from the actions of man is what is being studied.

Of all the stupid stuff you’ve said, that right there is absolutely the most desperate. Even a fuck’n 4 year old would have the sense not to try to convince people that “control groups were used in the calibration of equipment” 😂
What science do you believe to be compromised? The Greenhouse Effect?
The non-existent “Greenhouse Effect”? Yes.
The levels of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere?
Measuring anything doesn’t require control groups. But attempting to link the CO2 to the nonexistent “increase” in the Earth’s temperature sure as hell damn does.
Control groups were used in the development and calibration of the equipment used. The planet's temperature? Control groups were used in the development and calibration of the equipment used. You're a fucking idiot.
You’re so “triggered” and desperate at this point, you said the same stupid thing a second time 😂

Tell us, high school dropout, what “equipment” was used to LINK carbon to an increase in the Earth’s temperature? And how was it able to do that with any certainty without a control group? 😂 😂 😂
They got fooled by an interglacial period and an improper understanding of what drives the glacial cycles of the past 3 million years.
Actually ,Global Warming is just a Democrat plot to take away our freedom.
Actually, global warming is a scientific theory that is supported by an enormous amount of evidence and is fully accepted by an extremely large majority of the world's scientists and those with science educations.

The emphasis I put on "world" is to make you think about the scientists from 194 nations on Earth that are NOT the United States, who also fully accept AGW and don't give diddly-fuck what the US's DNC might want to do.
Actually, global warming is a scientific theory that is supported by an enormous amount of evidence and is fully accepted by an extremely large majority of the world's scientists and those with science educations.

The emphasis I put on "world" is to make you think about the scientists from 194 nations on Earth that are NOT the United States, who also fully accept AGW and don't give diddly-fuck what the US's DNC might want to do.
The Sky is fallimng!
Actually, global warming is a scientific theory that is supported by an enormous amount of evidence and is fully accepted by an extremely large majority of the world's scientists and those with science educations.

The emphasis I put on "world" is to make you think about the scientists from 194 nations on Earth that are NOT the United States, who also fully accept AGW and don't give diddly-fuck what the US's DNC might want to do.
It's really more of a hypothesis supported by confirmation bias.
It's really more of a hypothesis supported by confirmation bias.
Remember, you're conservative, so your feelings are the only thing that matters, not the facts.

Keep going with your feelings, as you've been doing.

Repeat your feelings here often enough, and the world will forget the past 40 years of you and your side failing at every single thing.
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Tell us, high school dropout, what “equipment” was used to LINK carbon to an increase in the Earth’s temperature?😂
In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart and know the subject.

That means we can do it.

You're a brainwashed cult imbecile, so you look stupid and butthurt when you try.

Back in the real world, we've measured the increase in downwelling backradiation with infrared pyrometers.

Smoking gun for AGW theory, as there is no natural explanation for that.

We also use amazing devices called "thermometers" to measure temperatures at the surface, in the oceans, and even up to the stratosphere. All show the warming, except the stratosphere, which is cooling. Again, that's smoking gun for AGW theory, as there is no natural explanation for that.

We measure the decrease in outgoing longwave in the GHG emission bands. Again, smoking gun.

We see the polar amplification, more warming at night, more warming in winter. Smoking guns.

AGW is the simplest that theory explains all of the data correctly, hence it is the accepted theory. That's how science works.

What's your theory, and how does it explain the observed data?

What's that? The observed data contradicts your theory, forcing you to create idiot conspiracy theories about how the data has to be faked?

Welcome to IgnoreTheKookLoserLand, cult boi.
In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart and know the subject.

That means we can do it.

You're a brainwashed cult imbecile, so you look stupid and butthurt when you try.

Back in the real world, we've measured the increase in downwelling backradiation with infrared pyrometers.

Smoking gun for AGW theory, as there is no natural explanation for that.

We also use amazing devices called "thermometers" to measure temperatures at the surface, in the oceans, and even up to the stratosphere. All show the warming, except the stratosphere, which is cooling. Again, that's smoking gun for AGW theory, as there is no natural explanation for that.

We measure the decrease in outgoing longwave in the GHG emission bands. Again, smoking gun.

We see the polar amplification, more warming at night, more warming in winter. Smoking guns.

AGW is the simplest that theory explains all of the data correctly, hence it is the accepted theory. That's how science works.

What's your theory, and how does it explain the observed data?

What's that? The observed data contradicts your theory, forcing you to create idiot conspiracy theories about how the data has to be faked?

Welcome to IgnoreTheKookLoserLand, cult boi.
You would see all those sky machines were they really up there.
We also use amazing devices called "thermometers" to measure temperatures at the surface, in the oceans, and even up to the stratosphere. All show the warming, except the stratosphere, which is cooling. Again, that's smoking gun for AGW theory, as there is no natural explanation for that.
Wrong. As always.
  1. While you liars were screaming the Earth was “warming”, it was actually cooling (roughly 2010 - 2020)
  2. It is now warming - but that is part of the known cycle just like the cooling period
  3. So there has literally been nothing outside of the known natural cycles
  4. Aside from that fact which exposes your total lack of knowledge about this subject matter, there is literally no study in the world that is able to link their theories to anything from man.
Always a pleasure exposing you as the fraud that you are! 👇

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart and know the subject.

That means we can do it.

You're a brainwashed cult imbecile, so you look stupid and butthurt when you try.

Back in the real world, we've measured the increase in downwelling backradiation with infrared pyrometers.

Smoking gun for AGW theory, as there is no natural explanation for that.

We also use amazing devices called "thermometers" to measure temperatures at the surface, in the oceans, and even up to the stratosphere. All show the warming, except the stratosphere, which is cooling. Again, that's smoking gun for AGW theory, as there is no natural explanation for that.

We measure the decrease in outgoing longwave in the GHG emission bands. Again, smoking gun.

We see the polar amplification, more warming at night, more warming in winter. Smoking guns.

AGW is the simplest that theory explains all of the data correctly, hence it is the accepted theory. That's how science works.

What's your theory, and how does it explain the observed data?

What's that? The observed data contradicts your theory, forcing you to create idiot conspiracy theories about how the data has to be faked?

Welcome to IgnoreTheKookLoserLand, cult boi.

Back in the real world, we've measured the increase in downwelling backradiation with infrared pyrometers.

Sounds serious!
How many new nuclear reactors should we build?
Remember, you're conservative, so your feelings are the only thing that matters, not the facts.

Keep going with your feelings, as you've been doing.

Repeat your feelings here often enough, and the world will forget the past 40 years of you and your side failing at every single thing.
Anytime you want to discuss this in the bull ring, I'm there. Then we'll see who is discussing facts and who is discussing feelings.
Anytime you want to discuss this in the bull ring, I'm there. Then we'll see who is discussing facts and who is discussing feelings.
I like to relate this con job called Global warming as were it a movie. Naturally if a movie only contains excellent news, nobody will pay to watch it. But if it portrays the worst of all, suddenly it is attractive to viewers. Few Americans truly know what to believe. So they believe the worst. Take the movie Jaws as an example. It was filmed to scare the public. And it worked.

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