The FBI's new crime report is in, but it's incomplete

Drop Dead Fred

Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2020
Recently, a lot of media outlets have been claiming that crime has gone down.

But that's only because a lot of crime has not been reported.

Here's what NPR has to say about it:

The FBI's new crime report is in, but it's incomplete​

October 5, 2022

Crime is a huge topic in elections this November, and the FBI has now entered the chat. It has just released the Crime in the Nation report for 2021. But the bureau switched the way it collects crime data this year, and many police departments did not get on board. Los Angeles and New York City did not report to the FBI. In fact, only 63% of the country's police departments submitted anything, and some of the data that was submitted was incomplete.

So we have some states like California and Florida, where almost no agency in that state submitted any data to the FBI. And there are also a lot of larger cities. You know, the largest police department, New York Police Department, didn't submit anything to the FBI.

A lot of blind spots. I mean, I'm wondering how accurate the numbers can possibly be if - just to take the two biggest cities in the country, New York and LA, they didn't report at all.

So the FBI is used to receiving data from more than 90% of police departments across the country. But like you said earlier, in 2021, because they changed their data collection method, the number have dropped to roughly 60%. So instead of saying a finite number, you know, X number of crimes took place, they're saying we think the range of crime that took place in 2021 is somewhere between Y and Z. So for violent crime, property crime and homicides, the number of crimes could have gone up, gone down or stayed the same. We really don't know.
Recently, a lot of media outlets have been claiming that crime has gone down.

But that's only because a lot of crime has not been reported.

Here's what NPR has to say about it:

The FBI's new crime report is in, but it's incomplete​

October 5, 2022

Crime is a huge topic in elections this November, and the FBI has now entered the chat. It has just released the Crime in the Nation report for 2021. But the bureau switched the way it collects crime data this year, and many police departments did not get on board. Los Angeles and New York City did not report to the FBI. In fact, only 63% of the country's police departments submitted anything, and some of the data that was submitted was incomplete.

So we have some states like California and Florida, where almost no agency in that state submitted any data to the FBI. And there are also a lot of larger cities. You know, the largest police department, New York Police Department, didn't submit anything to the FBI.

A lot of blind spots. I mean, I'm wondering how accurate the numbers can possibly be if - just to take the two biggest cities in the country, New York and LA, they didn't report at all.

So the FBI is used to receiving data from more than 90% of police departments across the country. But like you said earlier, in 2021, because they changed their data collection method, the number have dropped to roughly 60%. So instead of saying a finite number, you know, X number of crimes took place, they're saying we think the range of crime that took place in 2021 is somewhere between Y and Z. So for violent crime, property crime and homicides, the number of crimes could have gone up, gone down or stayed the same. We really don't know.

The problem is that many localities are de-criminalizing crimes. They still get committed but aren't counted, prosecuted, or reported.

There are growing concerns about violence despite FBI statistics - so who is right?
Recently, a lot of media outlets have been claiming that crime has gone down.

But that's only because a lot of crime has not been reported.

Here's what NPR has to say about it:

The FBI's new crime report is in, but it's incomplete​

October 5, 2022

Crime is a huge topic in elections this November, and the FBI has now entered the chat. It has just released the Crime in the Nation report for 2021. But the bureau switched the way it collects crime data this year, and many police departments did not get on board. Los Angeles and New York City did not report to the FBI. In fact, only 63% of the country's police departments submitted anything, and some of the data that was submitted was incomplete.

So we have some states like California and Florida, where almost no agency in that state submitted any data to the FBI. And there are also a lot of larger cities. You know, the largest police department, New York Police Department, didn't submit anything to the FBI.

A lot of blind spots. I mean, I'm wondering how accurate the numbers can possibly be if - just to take the two biggest cities in the country, New York and LA, they didn't report at all.

So the FBI is used to receiving data from more than 90% of police departments across the country. But like you said earlier, in 2021, because they changed their data collection method, the number have dropped to roughly 60%. So instead of saying a finite number, you know, X number of crimes took place, they're saying we think the range of crime that took place in 2021 is somewhere between Y and Z. So for violent crime, property crime and homicides, the number of crimes could have gone up, gone down or stayed the same. We really don't know.

It can not have any outcomes or statistics because that would comdemn Biden border policies.
Recently, a lot of media outlets have been claiming that crime has gone down.

But that's only because a lot of crime has not been reported.

Here's what NPR has to say about it:

The FBI's new crime report is in, but it's incomplete​

October 5, 2022

Crime is a huge topic in elections this November, and the FBI has now entered the chat. It has just released the Crime in the Nation report for 2021. But the bureau switched the way it collects crime data this year, and many police departments did not get on board. Los Angeles and New York City did not report to the FBI. In fact, only 63% of the country's police departments submitted anything, and some of the data that was submitted was incomplete.

So we have some states like California and Florida, where almost no agency in that state submitted any data to the FBI. And there are also a lot of larger cities. You know, the largest police department, New York Police Department, didn't submit anything to the FBI.

A lot of blind spots. I mean, I'm wondering how accurate the numbers can possibly be if - just to take the two biggest cities in the country, New York and LA, they didn't report at all.

So the FBI is used to receiving data from more than 90% of police departments across the country. But like you said earlier, in 2021, because they changed their data collection method, the number have dropped to roughly 60%. So instead of saying a finite number, you know, X number of crimes took place, they're saying we think the range of crime that took place in 2021 is somewhere between Y and Z. So for violent crime, property crime and homicides, the number of crimes could have gone up, gone down or stayed the same. We really don't know.

I wouldn't believe it at this point anyway. It's no longer a trustworthy department.
News Flash. Crime has NOT gone down. Sounds like that singing "Truth Czar" is back?

Is it wrong of me to want to punch that stupid bitch right in the face?

Not that I'm abusive toward women or anything, I love women.
Is it wrong of me to want to punch that stupid bitch right in the face?

Not that I'm abusive toward women or anything, I love women.
Wanting to cause physical harm to people because they have a different opinion than you is very wrong and can lead to serious problems in society.
Oh you weren’t alive during the Trump years? Because, you sure do call him a fascist a lot…Maybe you were just brain dead at the time…
I call him a wannabe fascist or I say he has plenty of fascist traits.

He’s probably too stupid to actually become a fascist ruler.

But he does seem to have a lot in common with fascist. There’s a lot of overlap there.

Like the normalization of political violence.
I call him a wannabe fascist or I say he has plenty of fascist traits.

He’s probably too stupid to actually become a fascist ruler.

But he does seem to have a lot in common with fascist. There’s a lot of overlap there.

Like the normalization of political violence.
So, you were alive?
I call him a wannabe fascist or I say he has plenty of fascist traits.

He’s probably too stupid to actually become a fascist ruler.

But he does seem to have a lot in common with fascist. There’s a lot of overlap there.

Like the normalization of political violence.

You're being ridiculous. Trump was one of the least "fascist" presidents we've ever had.

"Of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most indifferent or the most obstructed when it came to using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies.

For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy.

But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally - as opposed to his bombast and braggadocio about what he might have wished to have done?

And what are the standards by which to judge this supposed menace?

Did Trump illegally and with a mere signature nullify over $300 billion of contracted student loans—to firm up his college-student and college-graduate base nine weeks before the midterm elections?

If Trump wished to abuse his power over the IRS, he would have followed the Obama model of weaponizing it during a reelection year to go after his ideological enemies.

Did Trump blatantly use the national security apparatus of the government to enhance his own reelection bid in 2020?

Was Trump ever caught on a hot mic promising a Russian president that he would try to ease Russian worries about Eastern European missile defense if only the Russians would give him space during his 2012 campaign for president against Mitt Romney?

Did Trump weaponize the FBI? That is, did the FBI go after journalists, former Obama officials, or Democratic Party activists who variously were attacking Don Jr. or Ivanka on the pretenses of retrieving one of their lost laptops or diaries?

Are there texts of Trump-era FBI agents talking about how to “stop” Hillary Clinton’s or Biden’s election bid?

Did the Trump Justice Department start an investigation of the suspected illegal lobbying of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, who used the former’s political connections to win large cash payments from foreign governments?

Did Trump order an FBI raid on the Obama home, on rumors that there were thousands of documents under dispute with the National Archives in his possession, especially given the Obama record of fiercely fighting any Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to release his documents?

Was Jake Sullivan’s phone grabbed by the FBI at an airport to determine his role in the Russian collusion hoax?

Are there now any former Trump loyalists who, as “anonymous” officials in cabinet agencies or obstructionists on the National Security Council, are writing op-eds about their stealthy daily efforts to undermine Biden’s executive orders or his administration’s action?

Are there now “50 former intelligence officials” who signed affidavits in support of Trump’s allegations about the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop?

Between 2017 and 2020, did Trump’s team systematically seek to change the voting laws in key states to radically transform traditional balloting, in a mail-in or early voting revolution, in which only 30 percent of the electorate would vote on Election Day?

Was there any “dark money” effort analogous to the efforts of corporate and tech money along with DNC activists and Biden operators in what Time magazine’s Molly Ball described as a “conspiracy” to ensure the defeat of Trump’s opponent?

How about Trump’s efforts to revolutionize the very system of government? Did he promote a court-packing scheme to ensure he might not just get a 5-4 majority, but perhaps an 11-4 conservative advantage in a new 15-justice Supreme Court?

Did he dream up ways of getting rid of the Electoral College so the “blue wall” might never return?

Did Trump as president meet with CIA and FBI directors who, in their weekly and daily briefings, apprised him of efforts to monitor, spy, and infiltrate the campaign of Joe Biden?

The strange thing about Trump was that he did not use extraordinary powers to investigate anyone unlawfully. He boasted, he railed, he screamed, he whined, he became at times crude and obnoxious. But he did not use the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, or the IRS to go after the Obamas, the Clintons, or the Bidens.

In fact, of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most inept or indifferent, or the most obstructed concerning any issue of using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies. "

The Strangest Thing About "Semi-Fascist" Trump | ZeroHedge
Los Angeles and New York City did not report to the FBI.
1. Some (not all) liberals downplay the horrific amount of violent crime by constantly saying violent crime is down.

2. Intellectually honest liberals know the brutal truth, but they maintain silence, lest they be accused of racism.

3. Here in the greater Los Angeles area, all kinds of violent crimes occur daily: assaults, break-ins, vandalism, thefts, murders (involving knives and guns), and drunk drivers killing innocent people.

a. If anyone checks out the local news section of TV station KTLA, for example, one will get a general idea of the daily madness.

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