The mayor of Kyiv said that about 40 monuments connected with Muscovy and the totalitarian Marxist USSR would be dismantled in the capital.

Mongol do you agree that you lied about this picture, YES OR NO ?

Mongol do you agree that you lied about this picture, YES OR NO ?
I don't know, I can't verify the accuracy of any information that is published on the Internet. This version, to which you refer, looks like a fake, it appeared recently, and the monument is real, and no one doubts the genocide of real Ukrainians by the pseudo-Ukrainians of Bandera.
Even if this monument is not to the victims of Bandera, it does not change anything.
the children depicted in the photos were not the victims of the UPA but children killed by a mother on the grounds of depression.
There, on the monument, it says "if I forget this, let heaven forget me." Is it about the "depressed mommy"?
I remind you: the UPA is a Bolshevik project. They appeared together with the Bolsheviks, destroyed along with Stalinism in 1953, Bandera himself was in the same camp with the Bolsheviks as a prisoner. His neighbor was Stalin's son.

Allegedly, anti-Semitism and supposedly anti-Bolshevism are pure lies. The reason for the Lvov pogrom was the atrocities of the NKVD during the retreat, Bandera has nothing to do with this. Even if he said that he was credited with: "beat the Jews," this did not affect the situation, because the Jews were beaten not because Bandera called for it, but because they considered the NKVD a Jewish organization and avenged their murdered relatives.

The only goal of the UPA is the genocide of Ukrainian Poles.
And it is clear that the Poles and Ukrainians during the war with the hetmans did not treat them gently. They have the severed heads of hetmans on their coats of arms, but they did not fight women and children, and they did not exterminate these fucking pigs without exception, they fought only with warriors. The Poles are a noble people, a people of knights.
These shameful creatures lie all the time. They were never Ukrainians or Cossacks. This humiliating nickname "Khokhly" was given to them by the Cossacks. This is a foot swamp rabble.

And now they are not playing openly, they are destroying Ukrainians with dirty politics, selling their children to Europe, lying to them, pitting them against the Russians, and so on.
I think decisions like that ruin history. Monuments help keep all the important events in people's memory.
I hope they destroy the city subway first, it's a disgusting reminder of the Marxist USSR. And most of the industrial enterprises and houses built by the сommunists as well.
The mayor of Kyiv said that about 40 monuments connected with Muscovy and the totalitarian Marxist USSR would be dismantled in the capital.
Geat News ! " Nooooooooooooo ... whyyyyyyyy? They're such masterpieces of art! Soviet monuments are the 20th-century equivalent of a Michaelangelo!"

also took the time to erect others! :thup:

Typical of the Talmudic plague. Vengeful, childish, destructive, hateful, primitive, amoral. Like animals. Worse than. They've already closed churches (just as Jehovah, your bloodthirsty tribal deity, commands in Deuteronomy). The Khazars are a virus that needs to be eradicated. Did you know Judas Iscariot (the only Judean among Jesus' disciples) has been canonized twice? Can you name the year and place?
I don't know, I can't verify the accuracy of any information that is published on the Internet. This version, to which you refer, looks like a fake, it appeared recently, and the monument is real, and no one doubts the genocide of real Ukrainians by the pseudo-Ukrainians of Bandera.
Even if this monument is not to the victims of Bandera, it does not change anything.
You probably aren't aware that, in addition to being a bloodthirsty, warmongering, Jehovahite, Litwin also loves photography. Here's a photo of his people's handiwork in Russia taken sometime between 1918 and 1923. Incidentally, Litwin gets quite upset if a gentile dares question even the slightest aspect of the whole 6 million story. Below, is more photographic evidence by itself of the atrocities his people committed against Christians than he and his whole murderous tribe can produce of their sacred persecuuuution. But, laughably, he will deny the real holocaust his people instigated 25 years before Hitler came to power in next door Germany.

Litwin, this is why you are hated.
Typical of the Talmudic plague. Vengeful, childish, destructive, hateful, primitive, amoral. Like animals. Worse than. They've already closed churches (just as Jehovah, your bloodthirsty tribal deity, commands in Deuteronomy). The Khazars are a virus that needs to be eradicated. Did you know Judas Iscariot (the only Judean among Jesus' disciples) has been canonized twice? Can you name the year and place?
is for real ? or trolling ?

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