The Media Has To Stop Shielding President Biden On His Mental Decline Issue!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It is alarming and a scandal how the media is ignoring the mental health of President Joe Biden I am not contending he should resign over his mental decline but for damn sure the man should not be running for reelection! He clearly does not have the mental ability to reliably do a great job as President and the American people deserve a choice in Presidential elections between major Party candidates that have this minimum level of ability. The American people see time and time again how the media in their news coverage shirks their duty as journalists it seems more than ever that it is about ratings, about pulling in and holding attention of viewers so their employer can sell advertisements and rake in that revenue. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to know what is going on here if the media spotlights and harps on President Biden's mental decline and the evidence of it in his job performance he Joseph Biden won't be able to run for reelection in 2024 so the Democrat upcoming primary instead of having only one candidate will have a field of candidates which means that all the things President Biden and his White House does from now until the November 2024 election will have limited appeal to the American people because Biden and his administration will be old news, their history their on their way out it really doesn't matter what they do to a significant degree. So American viewers won't tune in that much to news coverage of the Biden Administration and therefore the media channels ad revenue will fall and media executives and media stock holders won't be happy! So what do the American people have we have the media sticking us with a Democrat Presidential candidate for 2024 that is fatally flawed, the 2024 general election with required Town Halls and Debates where Biden cannot be kept on script will reveal that the Biden campaign has no chance of winning his mental faculties deterioration sinks his candidacy!

The media characterizing this Biden problem as the age problem isn't getting it done; it doesn't mean squat that if President Biden wins reelection in 2024 when he is sworn in he will be twelve years older than the oldest President sworn into the Presidency prior to his tenure focusing on things like that is nonsense! There is plenty of people eighty and older in our society that are successful where mental decline is not a problem: Warren Buffet, Mitch McConnell, Steny Hoyer, etc.. The problem is when age has caused mental faculty deterioration in a person when one cannot recall things when one cannot competently analyze things when one misremembers things that is recalls things are false that never occurred! The media is infuriating on this issue in how they manipulate the American public they spun President Biden's State of the Union Address ten days ago as an example of how vigorous and full of fight Biden is when in all fairness that Speech was compelling evidence that his mental decline makes him unsuitable as a candidate for the 2024 Presidential election. First, Biden in recognizing Chuck Schumer screwed up his position calling him the Minority leader when in fact he was the Majority leader. During the speech when Biden claimed the Republican Party wanted to cut and sunset the Social Security and Medicare programs; obviously that was planned by Biden's speech writers to invoke a denial by Republicans in the chamber so that Biden would then have an opportunity to look strong by saying we the government in Washington are not going to threaten these programs we have a bipartisan agreement now - but Biden because of his mental decline couldn't even handle that slow pitch right over the plate. He said "I enjoy conversion" when he should have said "I like a conversion" (his statement could be interpreted that he is open to conversion on the issue); furthermore, he said "Social Security is off the Books" when he should have said "Social Security is off the table" his statement means he is agreeing to end the program! The important point here is that a President in order to do his or her job has to be able to communicate America's position on issues to other World leaders this display on Tuesday night indicates Biden does not have the ability to reliably do that! President Biden's mental decline reared its head during the speech when he failed to introduce the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States by name that being Oksana Markarova he announced the other guests to the SOTU by name at least their first name or by their son's name that was really embarrassing for the country because one Ms. Markarova is doing a great job, the American public often sees her on TV earnestly advocating for her country and the Ukrainian people are doing an incredibly valuable service for the American people and the Free World with their people dying in the dozens per day to stop Vladimir Putin in his ambitions to not only rebuild the old Soviet Union but to create an even larger Russian empire and our President does not show the Ukrainian Ambassador the respect she deserves! President Biden compounded the failure by directing the Ukrainian Ambassador to stand so that we could get a "look" at you, a women he wants to make sure the American people can get a look at her why didn't he just ask for the opportunity for the American people to be able to "check her out", I guess we should consider ourselves lucky he didn't direct her to walk to the podium in the chamber and then back to her seat so the American people could really get a good look at her! A President with good mental health would have said something like "would you mind standing so we could recognize your wonderful country"!

The media and their pursuit of ad revenue at the expense of good journalism is seen so frequently in the country and is really obstructing our progress as a country! This train derailment in East Palestine Ohio and the subsequent toxic contamination the media's sensationalism of the story has missed the job of good journalism, CNN had one story where they tangentially touched on the issue it was yesterday an interview of PA Governor Josh Shapiro who it was reported had written a letter to the top executives of Norfolk Southern saying that it was wrong of you not to explore other option then just venting this vinyl chloride and doing a controlled burn to eliminate the chemical. Basic decency, basic morality calls for government authorities to never allow a train company to either burn a spilled toxic chemical or deliberately release it on the ground and burn it. Common sense indicates that an open air burn will not generate the temperatures with containment to incinerate the toxic chemicals and the burn will just aerosolize the toxic chemical and cause it to contaminate a much larger area. The media should be having experts on educating the public how such a deliberate burn should never have taken place and having members of Congress on advocating that they will pass legislation that will never allow such reckless disregard to public health to ever take place again!

The media should be having members of Congress on pressing them on what they will do to speed up the timetable on Ukraine getting the thirty-one M1(Abrahms) tanks promised. The German's have promised to deliver their promised Leopard 2 tanks by the end of March this year; honestly one cannot say the Ukrainians will get the promised M1 tanks by the end of March 2024 over a year from now. The problem is that all active U.S. M1 tanks are made of depleted uranium armor because it is especially munitions resistant and U.S. law bars tanks with such armor from being transferred to foreign countries to protect America's weapons edge. To build new non depleted uranium bodies and turrets for these tanks will take over a year which seems to be the administration's plans; Congress could intercede here the U.S. has older vintage M1 tanks not made of depleted uranium in storage thousands of them, very effective tanks some used in the Gulf wars, Congress if it had the will could have some of these tanks brought up to operational status much quicker than the White House's timetable on the M1A2 tanks. Ukraine is facing a huge Russian offensive this year with Russia's strategy being to overwhelm Ukrainian forces with artillery and fighters they have successfully used this strategy in recent months in their successful battles of Soledar and Bakhmut. Over the next twelve months Ukrainian military losses could be thirty to forty thousand soldiers fighting this Russian manner of war, the Russian military's losses could be five times that number but that doesn't change the precious loss of Ukrainian men and men who are high quality soldiers that Ukraine cannot readily replace. Ukraine's only hope is to get more heavy weapons from the Free World and the most viable help is tanks which will allow them to cut off Russian supply lines so the Russian units will have to retreat. If the media does their job they will hold members of Congress to account on this issue of getting Ukraine M1 tanks so they can be used to stop this juggernaut Russian military campaign in play for this year!
You mean the Biden who got the better of Republican hecklers in real time at the SOTU last week?
It is alarming and a scandal how the media is ignoring the mental health of President Joe Biden I am not contending he should resign over his mental decline but for damn sure the man should not be running for reelection! He clearly does not have the mental ability to reliably do a great job as President and the American people deserve a choice in Presidential elections between major Party candidates that have this minimum level of ability. The American people see time and time again how the media in their news coverage shirks their duty as journalists it seems more than ever that it is about ratings, about pulling in and holding attention of viewers so their employer can sell advertisements and rake in that revenue. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to know what is going on here if the media spotlights and harps on President Biden's mental decline and the evidence of it in his job performance he Joseph Biden won't be able to run for reelection in 2024 so the Democrat upcoming primary instead of having only one candidate will have a field of candidates which means that all the things President Biden and his White House does from now until the November 2024 election will have limited appeal to the American people because Biden and his administration will be old news, their history their on their way out it really doesn't matter what they do to a significant degree. So American viewers won't tune in that much to news coverage of the Biden Administration and therefore the media channels ad revenue will fall and media executives and media stock holders won't be happy! So what do the American people have we have the media sticking us with a Democrat Presidential candidate for 2024 that is fatally flawed, the 2024 general election with required Town Halls and Debates where Biden cannot be kept on script will reveal that the Biden campaign has no chance of winning his mental faculties deterioration sinks his candidacy!

The media characterizing this Biden problem as the age problem isn't getting it done; it doesn't mean squat that if President Biden wins reelection in 2024 when he is sworn in he will be twelve years older than the oldest President sworn into the Presidency prior to his tenure focusing on things like that is nonsense! There is plenty of people eighty and older in our society that are successful where mental decline is not a problem: Warren Buffet, Mitch McConnell, Steny Hoyer, etc.. The problem is when age has caused mental faculty deterioration in a person when one cannot recall things when one cannot competently analyze things when one misremembers things that is recalls things are false that never occurred! The media is infuriating on this issue in how they manipulate the American public they spun President Biden's State of the Union Address ten days ago as an example of how vigorous and full of fight Biden is when in all fairness that Speech was compelling evidence that his mental decline makes him unsuitable as a candidate for the 2024 Presidential election. First, Biden in recognizing Chuck Schumer screwed up his position calling him the Minority leader when in fact he was the Majority leader. During the speech when Biden claimed the Republican Party wanted to cut and sunset the Social Security and Medicare programs; obviously that was planned by Biden's speech writers to invoke a denial by Republicans in the chamber so that Biden would then have an opportunity to look strong by saying we the government in Washington are not going to threaten these programs we have a bipartisan agreement now - but Biden because of his mental decline couldn't even handle that slow pitch right over the plate. He said "I enjoy conversion" when he should have said "I like a conversion" (his statement could be interpreted that he is open to conversion on the issue); furthermore, he said "Social Security is off the Books" when he should have said "Social Security is off the table" his statement means he is agreeing to end the program! The important point here is that a President in order to do his or her job has to be able to communicate America's position on issues to other World leaders this display on Tuesday night indicates Biden does not have the ability to reliably do that! President Biden's mental decline reared its head during the speech when he failed to introduce the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States by name that being Oksana Markarova he announced the other guests to the SOTU by name at least their first name or by their son's name that was really embarrassing for the country because one Ms. Markarova is doing a great job, the American public often sees her on TV earnestly advocating for her country and the Ukrainian people are doing an incredibly valuable service for the American people and the Free World with their people dying in the dozens per day to stop Vladimir Putin in his ambitions to not only rebuild the old Soviet Union but to create an even larger Russian empire and our President does not show the Ukrainian Ambassador the respect she deserves! President Biden compounded the failure by directing the Ukrainian Ambassador to stand so that we could get a "look" at you, a women he wants to make sure the American people can get a look at her why didn't he just ask for the opportunity for the American people to be able to "check her out", I guess we should consider ourselves lucky he didn't direct her to walk to the podium in the chamber and then back to her seat so the American people could really get a good look at her! A President with good mental health would have said something like "would you mind standing so we could recognize your wonderful country"!

The media and their pursuit of ad revenue at the expense of good journalism is seen so frequently in the country and is really obstructing our progress as a country! This train derailment in East Palestine Ohio and the subsequent toxic contamination the media's sensationalism of the story has missed the job of good journalism, CNN had one story where they tangentially touched on the issue it was yesterday an interview of PA Governor Josh Shapiro who it was reported had written a letter to the top executives of Norfolk Southern saying that it was wrong of you not to explore other option then just venting this vinyl chloride and doing a controlled burn to eliminate the chemical. Basic decency, basic morality calls for government authorities to never allow a train company to either burn a spilled toxic chemical or deliberately release it on the ground and burn it. Common sense indicates that an open air burn will not generate the temperatures with containment to incinerate the toxic chemicals and the burn will just aerosolize the toxic chemical and cause it to contaminate a much larger area. The media should be having experts on educating the public how such a deliberate burn should never have taken place and having members of Congress on advocating that they will pass legislation that will never allow such reckless disregard to public health to ever take place again!

The media should be having members of Congress on pressing them on what they will do to speed up the timetable on Ukraine getting the thirty-one M1(Abrahms) tanks promised. The German's have promised to deliver their promised Leopard 2 tanks by the end of March this year; honestly one cannot say the Ukrainians will get the promised M1 tanks by the end of March 2024 over a year from now. The problem is that all active U.S. M1 tanks are made of depleted uranium armor because it is especially munitions resistant and U.S. law bars tanks with such armor from being transferred to foreign countries to protect America's weapons edge. To build new non depleted uranium bodies and turrets for these tanks will take over a year which seems to be the administration's plans; Congress could intercede here the U.S. has older vintage M1 tanks not made of depleted uranium in storage thousands of them, very effective tanks some used in the Gulf wars, Congress if it had the will could have some of these tanks brought up to operational status much quicker than the White House's timetable on the M1A2 tanks. Ukraine is facing a huge Russian offensive this year with Russia's strategy being to overwhelm Ukrainian forces with artillery and fighters they have successfully used this strategy in recent months in their successful battles of Soledar and Bakhmut. Over the next twelve months Ukrainian military losses could be thirty to forty thousand soldiers fighting this Russian manner of war, the Russian military's losses could be five times that number but that doesn't change the precious loss of Ukrainian men and men who are high quality soldiers that Ukraine cannot readily replace. Ukraine's only hope is to get more heavy weapons from the Free World and the most viable help is tanks which will allow them to cut off Russian supply lines so the Russian units will have to retreat. If the media does their job they will hold members of Congress to account on this issue of getting Ukraine M1 tanks so they can be used to stop this juggernaut Russian military campaign in play for this year!
The media is owned by the DNC.

Time to stop whining about it.

The Media Has To Stop Shielding President Biden On His Mental Decline Issue!​

Yeah, that fucked up circus of retards will never end. Besides, it's too much fun to watch them sink themselves in deeper and deeper and deeper...........and just when you think they cannot possibly get any more fucking retarded and corrupt.............just like the Demonicreeps, they sink in deeper and deeper still!!!!
The media is owned by the DNC.

Time to stop whining about it.
the MSM media is controlled by the CIA and they are in bed with the dems so thats pretty accurate. when both parties for so many decades were equally corrupt and one in the same that would not be an accurate statement but now it pretty much is because of that. you can think of patriotic republicans out there but you bat a ZERE when you try and think of a dem who is,the days of when you could be proud to be a dem back in Kennedys day are long gone and over with.
Biden made them look like the foolish morons they are. Go Joe!
You are right . A clever performance.
He gave them his famous half smile pervert glance and did not trip or stumble .

But watch the video again .

A very noticeable wet patch down the front of his trousers .
Good old Piss Pants .
It is alarming and a scandal how the media is ignoring the mental health of President Joe Biden I am not contending he should resign over his mental decline but for damn sure the man should not be running for reelection! He clearly does not have the mental ability to reliably do a great job as President and the American people deserve a choice in Presidential elections between major Party candidates that have this minimum level of ability. The American people see time and time again how the media in their news coverage shirks their duty as journalists it seems more than ever that it is about ratings, about pulling in and holding attention of viewers so their employer can sell advertisements and rake in that revenue. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to know what is going on here if the media spotlights and harps on President Biden's mental decline and the evidence of it in his job performance he Joseph Biden won't be able to run for reelection in 2024 so the Democrat upcoming primary instead of having only one candidate will have a field of candidates which means that all the things President Biden and his White House does from now until the November 2024 election will have limited appeal to the American people because Biden and his administration will be old news, their history their on their way out it really doesn't matter what they do to a significant degree. So American viewers won't tune in that much to news coverage of the Biden Administration and therefore the media channels ad revenue will fall and media executives and media stock holders won't be happy! So what do the American people have we have the media sticking us with a Democrat Presidential candidate for 2024 that is fatally flawed, the 2024 general election with required Town Halls and Debates where Biden cannot be kept on script will reveal that the Biden campaign has no chance of winning his mental faculties deterioration sinks his candidacy!

The media characterizing this Biden problem as the age problem isn't getting it done; it doesn't mean squat that if President Biden wins reelection in 2024 when he is sworn in he will be twelve years older than the oldest President sworn into the Presidency prior to his tenure focusing on things like that is nonsense! There is plenty of people eighty and older in our society that are successful where mental decline is not a problem: Warren Buffet, Mitch McConnell, Steny Hoyer, etc.. The problem is when age has caused mental faculty deterioration in a person when one cannot recall things when one cannot competently analyze things when one misremembers things that is recalls things are false that never occurred! The media is infuriating on this issue in how they manipulate the American public they spun President Biden's State of the Union Address ten days ago as an example of how vigorous and full of fight Biden is when in all fairness that Speech was compelling evidence that his mental decline makes him unsuitable as a candidate for the 2024 Presidential election. First, Biden in recognizing Chuck Schumer screwed up his position calling him the Minority leader when in fact he was the Majority leader. During the speech when Biden claimed the Republican Party wanted to cut and sunset the Social Security and Medicare programs; obviously that was planned by Biden's speech writers to invoke a denial by Republicans in the chamber so that Biden would then have an opportunity to look strong by saying we the government in Washington are not going to threaten these programs we have a bipartisan agreement now - but Biden because of his mental decline couldn't even handle that slow pitch right over the plate. He said "I enjoy conversion" when he should have said "I like a conversion" (his statement could be interpreted that he is open to conversion on the issue); furthermore, he said "Social Security is off the Books" when he should have said "Social Security is off the table" his statement means he is agreeing to end the program! The important point here is that a President in order to do his or her job has to be able to communicate America's position on issues to other World leaders this display on Tuesday night indicates Biden does not have the ability to reliably do that! President Biden's mental decline reared its head during the speech when he failed to introduce the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States by name that being Oksana Markarova he announced the other guests to the SOTU by name at least their first name or by their son's name that was really embarrassing for the country because one Ms. Markarova is doing a great job, the American public often sees her on TV earnestly advocating for her country and the Ukrainian people are doing an incredibly valuable service for the American people and the Free World with their people dying in the dozens per day to stop Vladimir Putin in his ambitions to not only rebuild the old Soviet Union but to create an even larger Russian empire and our President does not show the Ukrainian Ambassador the respect she deserves! President Biden compounded the failure by directing the Ukrainian Ambassador to stand so that we could get a "look" at you, a women he wants to make sure the American people can get a look at her why didn't he just ask for the opportunity for the American people to be able to "check her out", I guess we should consider ourselves lucky he didn't direct her to walk to the podium in the chamber and then back to her seat so the American people could really get a good look at her! A President with good mental health would have said something like "would you mind standing so we could recognize your wonderful country"!

The media and their pursuit of ad revenue at the expense of good journalism is seen so frequently in the country and is really obstructing our progress as a country! This train derailment in East Palestine Ohio and the subsequent toxic contamination the media's sensationalism of the story has missed the job of good journalism, CNN had one story where they tangentially touched on the issue it was yesterday an interview of PA Governor Josh Shapiro who it was reported had written a letter to the top executives of Norfolk Southern saying that it was wrong of you not to explore other option then just venting this vinyl chloride and doing a controlled burn to eliminate the chemical. Basic decency, basic morality calls for government authorities to never allow a train company to either burn a spilled toxic chemical or deliberately release it on the ground and burn it. Common sense indicates that an open air burn will not generate the temperatures with containment to incinerate the toxic chemicals and the burn will just aerosolize the toxic chemical and cause it to contaminate a much larger area. The media should be having experts on educating the public how such a deliberate burn should never have taken place and having members of Congress on advocating that they will pass legislation that will never allow such reckless disregard to public health to ever take place again!

The media should be having members of Congress on pressing them on what they will do to speed up the timetable on Ukraine getting the thirty-one M1(Abrahms) tanks promised. The German's have promised to deliver their promised Leopard 2 tanks by the end of March this year; honestly one cannot say the Ukrainians will get the promised M1 tanks by the end of March 2024 over a year from now. The problem is that all active U.S. M1 tanks are made of depleted uranium armor because it is especially munitions resistant and U.S. law bars tanks with such armor from being transferred to foreign countries to protect America's weapons edge. To build new non depleted uranium bodies and turrets for these tanks will take over a year which seems to be the administration's plans; Congress could intercede here the U.S. has older vintage M1 tanks not made of depleted uranium in storage thousands of them, very effective tanks some used in the Gulf wars, Congress if it had the will could have some of these tanks brought up to operational status much quicker than the White House's timetable on the M1A2 tanks. Ukraine is facing a huge Russian offensive this year with Russia's strategy being to overwhelm Ukrainian forces with artillery and fighters they have successfully used this strategy in recent months in their successful battles of Soledar and Bakhmut. Over the next twelve months Ukrainian military losses could be thirty to forty thousand soldiers fighting this Russian manner of war, the Russian military's losses could be five times that number but that doesn't change the precious loss of Ukrainian men and men who are high quality soldiers that Ukraine cannot readily replace. Ukraine's only hope is to get more heavy weapons from the Free World and the most viable help is tanks which will allow them to cut off Russian supply lines so the Russian units will have to retreat. If the media does their job they will hold members of Congress to account on this issue of getting Ukraine M1 tanks so they can be used to stop this juggernaut Russian military campaign in play for this year!
You have to stop pretending your an MD & have actual access to the white house or medical records.
It is alarming and a scandal how the media is ignoring the mental health of President Joe Biden I am not contending he should resign over his mental decline but for damn sure the man should not be running for reelection! He clearly does not have the mental ability to reliably do a great job as President and the American people deserve a choice in Presidential elections between major Party candidates that have this minimum level of ability. The American people see time and time again how the media in their news coverage shirks their duty as journalists it seems more than ever that it is about ratings, about pulling in and holding attention of viewers so their employer can sell advertisements and rake in that revenue. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to know what is going on here if the media spotlights and harps on President Biden's mental decline and the evidence of it in his job performance he Joseph Biden won't be able to run for reelection in 2024 so the Democrat upcoming primary instead of having only one candidate will have a field of candidates which means that all the things President Biden and his White House does from now until the November 2024 election will have limited appeal to the American people because Biden and his administration will be old news, their history their on their way out it really doesn't matter what they do to a significant degree. So American viewers won't tune in that much to news coverage of the Biden Administration and therefore the media channels ad revenue will fall and media executives and media stock holders won't be happy! So what do the American people have we have the media sticking us with a Democrat Presidential candidate for 2024 that is fatally flawed, the 2024 general election with required Town Halls and Debates where Biden cannot be kept on script will reveal that the Biden campaign has no chance of winning his mental faculties deterioration sinks his candidacy!

The media characterizing this Biden problem as the age problem isn't getting it done; it doesn't mean squat that if President Biden wins reelection in 2024 when he is sworn in he will be twelve years older than the oldest President sworn into the Presidency prior to his tenure focusing on things like that is nonsense! There is plenty of people eighty and older in our society that are successful where mental decline is not a problem: Warren Buffet, Mitch McConnell, Steny Hoyer, etc.. The problem is when age has caused mental faculty deterioration in a person when one cannot recall things when one cannot competently analyze things when one misremembers things that is recalls things are false that never occurred! The media is infuriating on this issue in how they manipulate the American public they spun President Biden's State of the Union Address ten days ago as an example of how vigorous and full of fight Biden is when in all fairness that Speech was compelling evidence that his mental decline makes him unsuitable as a candidate for the 2024 Presidential election. First, Biden in recognizing Chuck Schumer screwed up his position calling him the Minority leader when in fact he was the Majority leader. During the speech when Biden claimed the Republican Party wanted to cut and sunset the Social Security and Medicare programs; obviously that was planned by Biden's speech writers to invoke a denial by Republicans in the chamber so that Biden would then have an opportunity to look strong by saying we the government in Washington are not going to threaten these programs we have a bipartisan agreement now - but Biden because of his mental decline couldn't even handle that slow pitch right over the plate. He said "I enjoy conversion" when he should have said "I like a conversion" (his statement could be interpreted that he is open to conversion on the issue); furthermore, he said "Social Security is off the Books" when he should have said "Social Security is off the table" his statement means he is agreeing to end the program! The important point here is that a President in order to do his or her job has to be able to communicate America's position on issues to other World leaders this display on Tuesday night indicates Biden does not have the ability to reliably do that! President Biden's mental decline reared its head during the speech when he failed to introduce the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States by name that being Oksana Markarova he announced the other guests to the SOTU by name at least their first name or by their son's name that was really embarrassing for the country because one Ms. Markarova is doing a great job, the American public often sees her on TV earnestly advocating for her country and the Ukrainian people are doing an incredibly valuable service for the American people and the Free World with their people dying in the dozens per day to stop Vladimir Putin in his ambitions to not only rebuild the old Soviet Union but to create an even larger Russian empire and our President does not show the Ukrainian Ambassador the respect she deserves! President Biden compounded the failure by directing the Ukrainian Ambassador to stand so that we could get a "look" at you, a women he wants to make sure the American people can get a look at her why didn't he just ask for the opportunity for the American people to be able to "check her out", I guess we should consider ourselves lucky he didn't direct her to walk to the podium in the chamber and then back to her seat so the American people could really get a good look at her! A President with good mental health would have said something like "would you mind standing so we could recognize your wonderful country"!

The media and their pursuit of ad revenue at the expense of good journalism is seen so frequently in the country and is really obstructing our progress as a country! This train derailment in East Palestine Ohio and the subsequent toxic contamination the media's sensationalism of the story has missed the job of good journalism, CNN had one story where they tangentially touched on the issue it was yesterday an interview of PA Governor Josh Shapiro who it was reported had written a letter to the top executives of Norfolk Southern saying that it was wrong of you not to explore other option then just venting this vinyl chloride and doing a controlled burn to eliminate the chemical. Basic decency, basic morality calls for government authorities to never allow a train company to either burn a spilled toxic chemical or deliberately release it on the ground and burn it. Common sense indicates that an open air burn will not generate the temperatures with containment to incinerate the toxic chemicals and the burn will just aerosolize the toxic chemical and cause it to contaminate a much larger area. The media should be having experts on educating the public how such a deliberate burn should never have taken place and having members of Congress on advocating that they will pass legislation that will never allow such reckless disregard to public health to ever take place again!

The media should be having members of Congress on pressing them on what they will do to speed up the timetable on Ukraine getting the thirty-one M1(Abrahms) tanks promised. The German's have promised to deliver their promised Leopard 2 tanks by the end of March this year; honestly one cannot say the Ukrainians will get the promised M1 tanks by the end of March 2024 over a year from now. The problem is that all active U.S. M1 tanks are made of depleted uranium armor because it is especially munitions resistant and U.S. law bars tanks with such armor from being transferred to foreign countries to protect America's weapons edge. To build new non depleted uranium bodies and turrets for these tanks will take over a year which seems to be the administration's plans; Congress could intercede here the U.S. has older vintage M1 tanks not made of depleted uranium in storage thousands of them, very effective tanks some used in the Gulf wars, Congress if it had the will could have some of these tanks brought up to operational status much quicker than the White House's timetable on the M1A2 tanks. Ukraine is facing a huge Russian offensive this year with Russia's strategy being to overwhelm Ukrainian forces with artillery and fighters they have successfully used this strategy in recent months in their successful battles of Soledar and Bakhmut. Over the next twelve months Ukrainian military losses could be thirty to forty thousand soldiers fighting this Russian manner of war, the Russian military's losses could be five times that number but that doesn't change the precious loss of Ukrainian men and men who are high quality soldiers that Ukraine cannot readily replace. Ukraine's only hope is to get more heavy weapons from the Free World and the most viable help is tanks which will allow them to cut off Russian supply lines so the Russian units will have to retreat. If the media does their job they will hold members of Congress to account on this issue of getting Ukraine M1 tanks so they can be used to stop this juggernaut Russian military campaign in play for this year!

President Biden is doing a great job! Go Joe! It's great to have normal/sane government once again!

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