The Media Ignored The Top Story of 2013

Such 'Saturday Night Live' skits merely demonstrate the wide spread and pervasive nature of White Guilt in America which of course allowed Obama to become the most incompetent and fraudulent President in such crap is not funny any longer.

White guilt is of course the result of a wide spread racist propaganda campaign launched against European-Americans by various racist groups, individuals, Government public schools and was encouraged by many media outlets in the late 1990s.

The propaganda campaign goals were to diminish any sense of a European-American’s pride in oneself and their community. To encourage European-Americans to feel that the only way for them to feel is self-sacrificing for non-whites and to ignore their own interests. And to tarnish history with over exaggerations, wild claims all while pressuring publishers of books to underplay great accomplishments of history.

Most European-Americans see the propaganda for what it is, however to this day many still hold onto white guilt because it was the way they were taught in school as children and don't realize it is the result of a propaganda campaign.

At the height of the propaganda campaign was the Wichita Massacre, where several black men brutally beaten and murdered many whites in the ice cold feilds of Wichita, the media grossly hid the story from public view despite organizations such as the European-American Issues Forum bringing the case to their attention. Also came in to play was the notion to give greater punishment to whites who commit racial based crimes and ignore racial based crimes against whites.

A few examples of the propaganda campaign against white people of European ancestry:

"White folks was in caves while we was building empires... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." -- Rev. Al Sharpton

"There's no great, white bigot; there's just about 200 million little white bigots out there." -- USA Today columnist Julienne Malveaux

The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years." -- Louis Farrakhan who campaigned for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002, City College audience in New York

"I want to go up to the closest white person and say: 'You can't understand this, it's a black thing' and then slap him, just for my mental health." -- Charles Barron, a New York city councilman at a reparations rally, 2002

"Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them." -- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

(I) "will not let the white boys win in this election." -- Donna Brazile, Al Gore's Campaign Manager on the 2000 election

"The old white boys got taken fair and square." -- San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown after winning an election

"The Medicaid system must have been developed by a white male slave owner. It pays for you to be pregnant and have a baby, but it won't pay for much family planning." -- Jocelyn Elders
In a disgraceful pursuit to spread white guilt Susan Sontag stated: "The white race is the cancer of human history."
Fear the Black Man!

Yes but do not forget the liberals who enable and thus perpetuate this travesty.

[ame=]SNL's Garrett Morris- Gonna Get Me a Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

Yee haw!

The Wichita Horror>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.The Wichita Horror, the brutal murders by Jonathan and Reginald Carr -- The Crime Library ? Shattering Crimes ? Crime Library on

Not quite so funny is it?
Yes but do not forget the liberals who enable and thus perpetuate this travesty.

[ame=]SNL's Garrett Morris- Gonna Get Me a Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

Yee haw!

The Wichita Horror>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.The Wichita Horror, the brutal murders by Jonathan and Reginald Carr -- The Crime Library ? Shattering Crimes ? Crime Library on

Not quite so funny is it?

Can anyone find even a liberal who would laugh at the following>>>>Zebra Murders | Violence Against Whites
Do you understand what the word "trend" means?

Let's see - a year ago, black youth using sucker punches on white people was unheard of. Today, there are several dozen verified cases across the nation...

Yeah, that defines "trend."

It means a significant statistical change over time.

You have shown exactly zero evidence that shows any trend.

You mean, you have refused to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence provided due to your partisanship and the agenda of distorting the racial violence that the Obama administration has fomented.
I'm asking for data. Actual numbers. Evidence.

Then, once you are provided with the evidence, you ignore it, and dishonestly ask for the same evidence again.

The logical fallacy your are employing is known as illicit affirmative.

It's not clever, just dishonest.

Since you fear that the Knockout game is harming the leftist agenda, then I would advise you to do as Sharpton did, condemn it and seek to contain it. The man on the Titanic who shouted that water is not wet, was not a sage.

Not blogs and public figures that agree with you. Who the fuck cares what Al Sharpton or a Security Guards Union think?

You clearly care only what DailyKOS and ThinkProgress think...
You haven't provided "111,000" examples.

I suppose it was technically Google that provided the 111,000 examples....

Either way, you have an enormous volume of cases.


If I google "The Moon Landing was Fake", I'm sure I'll get just as many results. Would you consider that "evidence" of anything?
I'm asking for data. Actual numbers. Evidence.

Then, once you are provided with the evidence, you ignore it, and dishonestly ask for the same evidence again.

The logical fallacy your are employing is known as illicit affirmative.

It's not clever, just dishonest.

Since you fear that the Knockout game is harming the leftist agenda, then I would advise you to do as Sharpton did, condemn it and seek to contain it. The man on the Titanic who shouted that water is not wet, was not a sage.

Not blogs and public figures that agree with you. Who the fuck cares what Al Sharpton or a Security Guards Union think?

You clearly care only what DailyKOS and ThinkProgress think...

You have not provided ANY DATA.


Stop pretending that you have. A fucking Google search is not "data".

And pretending that you understand what "illicit affirmative" means is entertaining to watch, but it doesn't apply to this situation at all.

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