The Plight of the Black Man - I Have a Solution!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Despite what some may think of me, I am really a sensitive and thoughtful human being. It hurts me watching the black man being drained of his humanity by the Democrat party. But there is more to it than just some skeevy politicians. I am going to reveal to you one of the fundamental problems with black men in America today. It is largely their source of hard times and low self-esteem. What could it possibly be, you wonder? Well, it is not "white supremacy" or other fictions. The answer is simple. The single most onerous thing holding black men down today in America is black women. Let me explain.

There are many fine women out there in the world. There is no reason that, say, a white dude cannot have a hottie on his arm and cock at any given time, regardless of his station in life. From wealthy investment bankers to some stupid 19 year old unemployed idiot, they all can have top shelf poon. It's a given. The same cannot be said for the black man.

Black women are generally less desirable than other women. Of course, there are exceptions. But the rule stands firm. First off, they have big asses. The very few who do not have big fat asses are bone thin and, therefore, gross and malformed. Black women generally carry more body fat than other women, except maybe Mexicans. Fortunately, a lot of Mexican women are starving to death, which makes their bodies look really tight and hot! But I digress.

Look, the bottom line is this. Say you have some wealthy black bank executive. When he steps out for drinks, he runs across slacker white boys with their 9s and 10s on their arms. The guy at the fast food restaurant is even getting his bone wet in a beauty. Hell, his pool guy is dating a 10. The fact is, if you are a white American guy, take reasonably good care of yourself, and have any game, then you can have a 9 or a 10 grade white chick.

So you got this poor, though wealth, accomplished black guy looking at all the white losers banging Grade-A cooch. However, each night when he gets home from work he has to settle for his fat-assed black chick and her repulsive sassy attitude. Let's face it, in addition to being physically gross, most black chicks are not very pleasant to be around. Our well-to-do black guy would dump her fat ass in a second if he could have one of those fine, young cooters like "Chad" the pool boy has. But he cannot have one. Why not?

Well, first, there is the cultural thing. White and black do not always mix. Sure, there are exceptions. But generally, they do not. Let me give you two examples. You got you a hot, young, tight black girlfriend. She even talks like a white chick and has a white job. One night you are lying next to her in bed, having just banged her with your big ivory love tool. Her phone rings, and she answers. It is her girlfriend, TaeQuaLaShondra. Immediately, your cute little meat puppet launches into some of the most foul ghetto-speak you have ever hear in your life!! Your cream immediately curdles inside you, and you start composing your break up lines. You may even consider accusing her of stealing from you so that the police can come take her away.

Example Number Two: You are a black dude and are dating a white chick you met at work. You think she is cute, and cannot wait to defile her with your large, uncircumcised animal-like appendage. She has a strong case of jungle fever and desperately wants to piss off her father. Now, like in all relationships, something will go wrong. Maybe she makes a mistake balancing his check book, causing his subscription to "Hot Ghetto Azz" to lapse due to non-payment. He gets pissed and maybe gives her a little love punch. She gets pissed over it, calls the police, and accuses him of rape. As a black man, he is fucked. Forget his job loss and social shunning. He will be lucky to just make it to the jail without getting lynched!!

In addition, there is a very strong cultural taboo in the black community against dating white chicks. Essentially, this was created by the big, ugly black women so they do not have to do without black dick. But regardless of its genesis, it is there. It is a fact. You see it in the media where they ask us to believe the fat, ugly black chick is some kind of ebony goddess. She is not, of course. She is just some fat, ugly black chick.

The well to do black gentleman begins to resent the white man for getting far better pussy than he can. Many convince themselves that their gross, fat, black wives are beautiful; that they represent the black ideal of beauty. Well, they don't. This is all self-defeatist bullshit. A hot chick is a hot chick, regardless of skin color. Black don't turn me off. Fat does.

The black man soon starts thinking, "Why does any of this matter? Hell, he could become the president of the United States of America, and yet the best he could possibly hope to get is ... Michelle Obama?!? Gross!!!! She looks like a giant horse turd with hair and heels!!!" Some suffer the Marion Barry effect and start doing drugs and stealing shit, maybe even getting into illegal dog fighting. Because what is the point of living the good life if you do not have some hot cooch to burn up? It is a valid concern. I would not be nearly as happy-go-lucky as I am today if I could not bust a nut in some chick's face from time to time!! We are all sexual creatures.

The black man needs to bring down the tyranny of the black woman. I am not just talking about reversing the taboo about black men dating non-black chicks. I mean, they need to make those bitches go on diets and eat healthy. They need to go on treadmills and not come off them until they are under 125 lbs. They need to work out and tone their bodies. They need to do something about that hair. Maybe most important of all, they need to learn how to shut the fuck up so a man can enjoy some peace and quiet without their toxic bullshit.

See, if you are a white guy and your white bitch gives you grief, you just dump her and go get yourself another one. They are like Reese's Pieces. It is not that easy for black men. There is nothing really gained by dumping one fat, ugly bitch for another fat, ugly bitch. It is really unfair that the black man has to live under their tyrannical regime.

Black men need to be liberated. All men should be free to enjoy a fine piece of ass, especially as a spoil of success. Until successful black guys can bang hotties we will not, as a nation, be free. As it is, young black males don't give a shit about being successful in a legitimate way because they know it will have absolutely zero impact on their ability to attract better pussy. So they just stop giving a shit. They go into gangs and get into drugs. But, if they started seeing successful black men with hot little bangables on their arms, then they will start thinking about going to college and making some real money so they can up their fuck game!

Don't ever underestimate the power of 'tang in any culture. Black men are being perniciously abused by black women and black culture in this department, and it is not fair. Democrats are not doing them any favors either. But until our society starts allowing black men to get butter twat, I am afraid that they will remain in chains. It is just as much the black woman's fault as it is the leftist politicians. Thus, black men need to start moving right and banging white pussy. Justice Thomas learned this. Tim Scott learned it too. They will continue to be derided for it until this gets mainstream. But all it takes is one or two brave black freedom fighters to light the fire and make them at last!!
Despite what some may think of me, I am really a sensitive and thoughtful human being. It hurts me watching the black man being drained of his humanity by the Democrat party. But there is more to it than just some skeevy politicians. I am going to reveal to you one of the fundamental problems with black men in America today. It is largely their source of hard times and low self-esteem. What could it possibly be, you wonder? Well, it is not "white supremacy" or other fictions. The answer is simple. The single most onerous thing holding black men down today in America is black women. Let me explain.

There are many fine women out there in the world. There is no reason that, say, a white dude cannot have a hottie on his arm and cock at any given time, regardless of his station in life. From wealthy investment bankers to some stupid 19 year old unemployed idiot, they all can have top shelf poon. It's a given. The same cannot be said for the black man.

Black women are generally less desirable than other women. Of course, there are exceptions. But the rule stands firm. First off, they have big asses. The very few who do not have big fat asses are bone thin and, therefore, gross and malformed. Black women generally carry more body fat than other women, except maybe Mexicans. Fortunately, a lot of Mexican women are starving to death, which makes their bodies look really tight and hot! But I digress.

Look, the bottom line is this. Say you have some wealthy black bank executive. When he steps out for drinks, he runs across slacker white boys with their 9s and 10s on their arms. The guy at the fast food restaurant is even getting his bone wet in a beauty. Hell, his pool guy is dating a 10. The fact is, if you are a white American guy, take reasonably good care of yourself, and have any game, then you can have a 9 or a 10 grade white chick.

So you got this poor, though wealth, accomplished black guy looking at all the white losers banging Grade-A cooch. However, each night when he gets home from work he has to settle for his fat-assed black chick and her repulsive sassy attitude. Let's face it, in addition to being physically gross, most black chicks are not very pleasant to be around. Our well-to-do black guy would dump her fat ass in a second if he could have one of those fine, young cooters like "Chad" the pool boy has. But he cannot have one. Why not?

Well, first, there is the cultural thing. White and black do not always mix. Sure, there are exceptions. But generally, they do not. Let me give you two examples. You got you a hot, young, tight black girlfriend. She even talks like a white chick and has a white job. One night you are lying next to her in bed, having just banged her with your big ivory love tool. Her phone rings, and she answers. It is her girlfriend, TaeQuaLaShondra. Immediately, your cute little meat puppet launches into some of the most foul ghetto-speak you have ever hear in your life!! Your cream immediately curdles inside you, and you start composing your break up lines. You may even consider accusing her of stealing from you so that the police can come take her away.

Example Number Two: You are a black dude and are dating a white chick you met at work. You think she is cute, and cannot wait to defile her with your large, uncircumcised animal-like appendage. She has a strong case of jungle fever and desperately wants to piss off her father. Now, like in all relationships, something will go wrong. Maybe she makes a mistake balancing his check book, causing his subscription to "Hot Ghetto Azz" to lapse due to non-payment. He gets pissed and maybe gives her a little love punch. She gets pissed over it, calls the police, and accuses him of rape. As a black man, he is fucked. Forget his job loss and social shunning. He will be lucky to just make it to the jail without getting lynched!!

In addition, there is a very strong cultural taboo in the black community against dating white chicks. Essentially, this was created by the big, ugly black women so they do not have to do without black dick. But regardless of its genesis, it is there. It is a fact. You see it in the media where they ask us to believe the fat, ugly black chick is some kind of ebony goddess. She is not, of course. She is just some fat, ugly black chick.

The well to do black gentleman begins to resent the white man for getting far better pussy than he can. Many convince themselves that their gross, fat, black wives are beautiful; that they represent the black ideal of beauty. Well, they don't. This is all self-defeatist bullshit. A hot chick is a hot chick, regardless of skin color. Black don't turn me off. Fat does.

The black man soon starts thinking, "Why does any of this matter? Hell, he could become the president of the United States of America, and yet the best he could possibly hope to get is ... Michelle Obama?!? Gross!!!! She looks like a giant horse turd with hair and heels!!!" Some suffer the Marion Barry effect and start doing drugs and stealing shit, maybe even getting into illegal dog fighting. Because what is the point of living the good life if you do not have some hot cooch to burn up? It is a valid concern. I would not be nearly as happy-go-lucky as I am today if I could not bust a nut in some chick's face from time to time!! We are all sexual creatures.

The black man needs to bring down the tyranny of the black woman. I am not just talking about reversing the taboo about black men dating non-black chicks. I mean, they need to make those bitches go on diets and eat healthy. They need to go on treadmills and not come off them until they are under 125 lbs. They need to work out and tone their bodies. They need to do something about that hair. Maybe most important of all, they need to learn how to shut the fuck up so a man can enjoy some peace and quiet without their toxic bullshit.

See, if you are a white guy and your white bitch gives you grief, you just dump her and go get yourself another one. They are like Reese's Pieces. It is not that easy for black men. There is nothing really gained by dumping one fat, ugly bitch for another fat, ugly bitch. It is really unfair that the black man has to live under their tyrannical regime.

Black men need to be liberated. All men should be free to enjoy a fine piece of ass, especially as a spoil of success. Until successful black guys can bang hotties we will not, as a nation, be free. As it is, young black males don't give a shit about being successful in a legitimate way because they know it will have absolutely zero impact on their ability to attract better pussy. So they just stop giving a shit. They go into gangs and get into drugs. But, if they started seeing successful black men with hot little bangables on their arms, then they will start thinking about going to college and making some real money so they can up their fuck game!

Don't ever underestimate the power of 'tang in any culture. Black men are being perniciously abused by black women and black culture in this department, and it is not fair. Democrats are not doing them any favors either. But until our society starts allowing black men to get butter twat, I am afraid that they will remain in chains. It is just as much the black woman's fault as it is the leftist politicians. Thus, black men need to start moving right and banging white pussy. Justice Thomas learned this. Tim Scott learned it too. They will continue to be derided for it until this gets mainstream. But all it takes is one or two brave black freedom fighters to light the fire and make them at last!!
Can we say, idiotic post?!
Despite what some may think of me, I am really a sensitive and thoughtful human being. It hurts me watching the black man being drained of his humanity by the Democrat party. But there is more to it than just some skeevy politicians. I am going to reveal to you one of the fundamental problems with black men in America today. It is largely their source of hard times and low self-esteem. What could it possibly be, you wonder? Well, it is not "white supremacy" or other fictions. The answer is simple. The single most onerous thing holding black men down today in America is black women. Let me explain.

There are many fine women out there in the world. There is no reason that, say, a white dude cannot have a hottie on his arm and cock at any given time, regardless of his station in life. From wealthy investment bankers to some stupid 19 year old unemployed idiot, they all can have top shelf poon. It's a given. The same cannot be said for the black man.

Black women are generally less desirable than other women. Of course, there are exceptions. But the rule stands firm. First off, they have big asses. The very few who do not have big fat asses are bone thin and, therefore, gross and malformed. Black women generally carry more body fat than other women, except maybe Mexicans. Fortunately, a lot of Mexican women are starving to death, which makes their bodies look really tight and hot! But I digress.

Look, the bottom line is this. Say you have some wealthy black bank executive. When he steps out for drinks, he runs across slacker white boys with their 9s and 10s on their arms. The guy at the fast food restaurant is even getting his bone wet in a beauty. Hell, his pool guy is dating a 10. The fact is, if you are a white American guy, take reasonably good care of yourself, and have any game, then you can have a 9 or a 10 grade white chick.

So you got this poor, though wealth, accomplished black guy looking at all the white losers banging Grade-A cooch. However, each night when he gets home from work he has to settle for his fat-assed black chick and her repulsive sassy attitude. Let's face it, in addition to being physically gross, most black chicks are not very pleasant to be around. Our well-to-do black guy would dump her fat ass in a second if he could have one of those fine, young cooters like "Chad" the pool boy has. But he cannot have one. Why not?

Well, first, there is the cultural thing. White and black do not always mix. Sure, there are exceptions. But generally, they do not. Let me give you two examples. You got you a hot, young, tight black girlfriend. She even talks like a white chick and has a white job. One night you are lying next to her in bed, having just banged her with your big ivory love tool. Her phone rings, and she answers. It is her girlfriend, TaeQuaLaShondra. Immediately, your cute little meat puppet launches into some of the most foul ghetto-speak you have ever hear in your life!! Your cream immediately curdles inside you, and you start composing your break up lines. You may even consider accusing her of stealing from you so that the police can come take her away.

Example Number Two: You are a black dude and are dating a white chick you met at work. You think she is cute, and cannot wait to defile her with your large, uncircumcised animal-like appendage. She has a strong case of jungle fever and desperately wants to piss off her father. Now, like in all relationships, something will go wrong. Maybe she makes a mistake balancing his check book, causing his subscription to "Hot Ghetto Azz" to lapse due to non-payment. He gets pissed and maybe gives her a little love punch. She gets pissed over it, calls the police, and accuses him of rape. As a black man, he is fucked. Forget his job loss and social shunning. He will be lucky to just make it to the jail without getting lynched!!

In addition, there is a very strong cultural taboo in the black community against dating white chicks. Essentially, this was created by the big, ugly black women so they do not have to do without black dick. But regardless of its genesis, it is there. It is a fact. You see it in the media where they ask us to believe the fat, ugly black chick is some kind of ebony goddess. She is not, of course. She is just some fat, ugly black chick.

The well to do black gentleman begins to resent the white man for getting far better pussy than he can. Many convince themselves that their gross, fat, black wives are beautiful; that they represent the black ideal of beauty. Well, they don't. This is all self-defeatist bullshit. A hot chick is a hot chick, regardless of skin color. Black don't turn me off. Fat does.

The black man soon starts thinking, "Why does any of this matter? Hell, he could become the president of the United States of America, and yet the best he could possibly hope to get is ... Michelle Obama?!? Gross!!!! She looks like a giant horse turd with hair and heels!!!" Some suffer the Marion Barry effect and start doing drugs and stealing shit, maybe even getting into illegal dog fighting. Because what is the point of living the good life if you do not have some hot cooch to burn up? It is a valid concern. I would not be nearly as happy-go-lucky as I am today if I could not bust a nut in some chick's face from time to time!! We are all sexual creatures.

The black man needs to bring down the tyranny of the black woman. I am not just talking about reversing the taboo about black men dating non-black chicks. I mean, they need to make those bitches go on diets and eat healthy. They need to go on treadmills and not come off them until they are under 125 lbs. They need to work out and tone their bodies. They need to do something about that hair. Maybe most important of all, they need to learn how to shut the fuck up so a man can enjoy some peace and quiet without their toxic bullshit.

See, if you are a white guy and your white bitch gives you grief, you just dump her and go get yourself another one. They are like Reese's Pieces. It is not that easy for black men. There is nothing really gained by dumping one fat, ugly bitch for another fat, ugly bitch. It is really unfair that the black man has to live under their tyrannical regime.

Black men need to be liberated. All men should be free to enjoy a fine piece of ass, especially as a spoil of success. Until successful black guys can bang hotties we will not, as a nation, be free. As it is, young black males don't give a shit about being successful in a legitimate way because they know it will have absolutely zero impact on their ability to attract better pussy. So they just stop giving a shit. They go into gangs and get into drugs. But, if they started seeing successful black men with hot little bangables on their arms, then they will start thinking about going to college and making some real money so they can up their fuck game!

Don't ever underestimate the power of 'tang in any culture. Black men are being perniciously abused by black women and black culture in this department, and it is not fair. Democrats are not doing them any favors either. But until our society starts allowing black men to get butter twat, I am afraid that they will remain in chains. It is just as much the black woman's fault as it is the leftist politicians. Thus, black men need to start moving right and banging white pussy. Justice Thomas learned this. Tim Scott learned it too. They will continue to be derided for it until this gets mainstream. But all it takes is one or two brave black freedom fighters to light the fire and make them at last!!
Wow .. that was an interesting OP .. you could do with a kick to the balls in a few spots but .. just brutal .. 😂
One cannot deny the fact that when Black men come into a lot of cash - most publicly as an entertainers or professional athletes - they tend to seek out white women rather than women of their own race. And many of the ones who don't, look for a Black woman who looks 90% "white."

Hence Black women who actually look "Black" often feel disrespected in the community.

Mixed race couples with a "white" man and a Black woman used to be extremely rare, but now one sees it in a few high-profile couples.

FWIW, the statistics of Black men sexually assaulting "white" women are out there, the statistics of the reverse are so scant that few trackers even bother to mention them.
Despite what some may think of me, I am really a sensitive and thoughtful human being. It hurts me watching the black man being drained of his humanity by the Democrat party. But there is more to it than just some skeevy politicians. I am going to reveal to you one of the fundamental problems with black men in America today. It is largely their source of hard times and low self-esteem. What could it possibly be, you wonder? Well, it is not "white supremacy" or other fictions. The answer is simple. The single most onerous thing holding black men down today in America is black women. Let me explain.

There are many fine women out there in the world. There is no reason that, say, a white dude cannot have a hottie on his arm and cock at any given time, regardless of his station in life. From wealthy investment bankers to some stupid 19 year old unemployed idiot, they all can have top shelf poon. It's a given. The same cannot be said for the black man.

Black women are generally less desirable than other women. Of course, there are exceptions. But the rule stands firm. First off, they have big asses. The very few who do not have big fat asses are bone thin and, therefore, gross and malformed. Black women generally carry more body fat than other women, except maybe Mexicans. Fortunately, a lot of Mexican women are starving to death, which makes their bodies look really tight and hot! But I digress.

Look, the bottom line is this. Say you have some wealthy black bank executive. When he steps out for drinks, he runs across slacker white boys with their 9s and 10s on their arms. The guy at the fast food restaurant is even getting his bone wet in a beauty. Hell, his pool guy is dating a 10. The fact is, if you are a white American guy, take reasonably good care of yourself, and have any game, then you can have a 9 or a 10 grade white chick.

So you got this poor, though wealth, accomplished black guy looking at all the white losers banging Grade-A cooch. However, each night when he gets home from work he has to settle for his fat-assed black chick and her repulsive sassy attitude. Let's face it, in addition to being physically gross, most black chicks are not very pleasant to be around. Our well-to-do black guy would dump her fat ass in a second if he could have one of those fine, young cooters like "Chad" the pool boy has. But he cannot have one. Why not?

Well, first, there is the cultural thing. White and black do not always mix. Sure, there are exceptions. But generally, they do not. Let me give you two examples. You got you a hot, young, tight black girlfriend. She even talks like a white chick and has a white job. One night you are lying next to her in bed, having just banged her with your big ivory love tool. Her phone rings, and she answers. It is her girlfriend, TaeQuaLaShondra. Immediately, your cute little meat puppet launches into some of the most foul ghetto-speak you have ever hear in your life!! Your cream immediately curdles inside you, and you start composing your break up lines. You may even consider accusing her of stealing from you so that the police can come take her away.

Example Number Two: You are a black dude and are dating a white chick you met at work. You think she is cute, and cannot wait to defile her with your large, uncircumcised animal-like appendage. She has a strong case of jungle fever and desperately wants to piss off her father. Now, like in all relationships, something will go wrong. Maybe she makes a mistake balancing his check book, causing his subscription to "Hot Ghetto Azz" to lapse due to non-payment. He gets pissed and maybe gives her a little love punch. She gets pissed over it, calls the police, and accuses him of rape. As a black man, he is fucked. Forget his job loss and social shunning. He will be lucky to just make it to the jail without getting lynched!!

In addition, there is a very strong cultural taboo in the black community against dating white chicks. Essentially, this was created by the big, ugly black women so they do not have to do without black dick. But regardless of its genesis, it is there. It is a fact. You see it in the media where they ask us to believe the fat, ugly black chick is some kind of ebony goddess. She is not, of course. She is just some fat, ugly black chick.

The well to do black gentleman begins to resent the white man for getting far better pussy than he can. Many convince themselves that their gross, fat, black wives are beautiful; that they represent the black ideal of beauty. Well, they don't. This is all self-defeatist bullshit. A hot chick is a hot chick, regardless of skin color. Black don't turn me off. Fat does.

The black man soon starts thinking, "Why does any of this matter? Hell, he could become the president of the United States of America, and yet the best he could possibly hope to get is ... Michelle Obama?!? Gross!!!! She looks like a giant horse turd with hair and heels!!!" Some suffer the Marion Barry effect and start doing drugs and stealing shit, maybe even getting into illegal dog fighting. Because what is the point of living the good life if you do not have some hot cooch to burn up? It is a valid concern. I would not be nearly as happy-go-lucky as I am today if I could not bust a nut in some chick's face from time to time!! We are all sexual creatures.

The black man needs to bring down the tyranny of the black woman. I am not just talking about reversing the taboo about black men dating non-black chicks. I mean, they need to make those bitches go on diets and eat healthy. They need to go on treadmills and not come off them until they are under 125 lbs. They need to work out and tone their bodies. They need to do something about that hair. Maybe most important of all, they need to learn how to shut the fuck up so a man can enjoy some peace and quiet without their toxic bullshit.

See, if you are a white guy and your white bitch gives you grief, you just dump her and go get yourself another one. They are like Reese's Pieces. It is not that easy for black men. There is nothing really gained by dumping one fat, ugly bitch for another fat, ugly bitch. It is really unfair that the black man has to live under their tyrannical regime.

Black men need to be liberated. All men should be free to enjoy a fine piece of ass, especially as a spoil of success. Until successful black guys can bang hotties we will not, as a nation, be free. As it is, young black males don't give a shit about being successful in a legitimate way because they know it will have absolutely zero impact on their ability to attract better pussy. So they just stop giving a shit. They go into gangs and get into drugs. But, if they started seeing successful black men with hot little bangables on their arms, then they will start thinking about going to college and making some real money so they can up their fuck game!

Don't ever underestimate the power of 'tang in any culture. Black men are being perniciously abused by black women and black culture in this department, and it is not fair. Democrats are not doing them any favors either. But until our society starts allowing black men to get butter twat, I am afraid that they will remain in chains. It is just as much the black woman's fault as it is the leftist politicians. Thus, black men need to start moving right and banging white pussy. Justice Thomas learned this. Tim Scott learned it too. They will continue to be derided for it until this gets mainstream. But all it takes is one or two brave black freedom fighters to light the fire and make them at last!!
I have not laughed so hard in a long time.


Laughter truly is the best medicine.
Racist, systemic criminal, black supremacists vote 92% dem. They know if they vote dem, they get a get out of jail card for free and lots of chitlins and sweet potato pies to eat from the dems.

black beatdown 2.84.gif

About 5 to 7 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow the laws, the black said, "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws." The retired cop was dumbfounded with the black's reply.


Blacks have a saying: if it is ain't right. Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. Now, I don't make this stuff up. I get it right from the blacks' own mouths on PBS or NPR. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story link below...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.


White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.
Racist, systemic criminal, black supremacists vote 92% dem. They know if they vote dem, they get a get out of jail card for free and lots of chitlins and sweet potato pies to eat from the dems.

View attachment 866869

About 5 to 7 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow the laws, the black said, "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws." The retired cop was dumbfounded with the black's reply.

View attachment 866870

Blacks have a saying: if it is ain't right. Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. Now, I don't make this stuff up. I get it right from the blacks' own mouths on PBS or NPR. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story link below...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.


White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.

It is now impossible to find conscientious and competent teachers in many cities.

The violence and vandalism in many urban schools would make the hair on your head stand on end if it were shown on TV.

An unusually large proportion of students of ethnicity X are full of rage and will resort to violence on the slightest pretext.

Even in the 1960s, it was suggested that teachers in "certain" schools receive combat pay. Of course, the proposal was dismissed as "racist." (And we all know what Senator Biden once said about integrated schools!!!)
Despite what some may think of me, I am really a sensitive and thoughtful human being.
No need to read further .
Successfully disguising the truth requires intelligence .

Presume you will offer Segregation / Selective Elimination / Re-appraisal of Slavery/ Genocide .
That is , if it works for Israel , it should also work for everything else .

Another long winded Rod load of nonsense .
If we have to vote , I go for deportation because you could make it fun .Although they will be most irritated .
No need to read further .
Successfully disguising the truth requires intelligence .

Presume you will offer Segregation / Selective Elimination / Re-appraisal of Slavery/ Genocide .
That is , if it works for Israel , it should also work for everything else .

Another long winded Rod load of nonsense .
If we have to vote , I go for deportation because you could make it fun .Although they will be most irritated .

This luiza bitch can’t even keep her anti Semitism in check long enough to discuss black/white racism.
Get a room, car, papers, JOB, wakeup, cleanup, showup and shutup. Yes sir, I’ll take care of it…..

keep the rod in the holster for a while. Lay off the gange.

good start.
One cannot deny the fact that when Black men come into a lot of cash - most publicly as an entertainers or professional athletes - they tend to seek out white women rather than women of their own race. And many of the ones who don't, look for a Black woman who looks 90% "white."

Hence Black women who actually look "Black" often feel disrespected in the community.

Mixed race couples with a "white" man and a Black woman used to be extremely rare, but now one sees it in a few high-profile couples.

FWIW, the statistics of Black men sexually assaulting "white" women are out there, the statistics of the reverse are so scant that few trackers even bother to mention them.
Black women are harder to schmooze than white women. They also have to gall to think they're an equal in a relationship.

"Whatchoo mean you President...we President! -Michelle Obama

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