The Religious Right's Policies Are More Consistent With Science Than The Mainstream Democratic Party of Fiction and Make Believe

See, this is what we get from non-scientists

I'm very sorry, but you need to go to school for 8 years to get a clue about virology.

There is no substance anywhere, protease inhibitor or vaccine or anything else, that will "stop" a virus. From reproducing, or even just remaining intact.

You need to reduce "enough" of the function to give your immune system time to do its thing. It's virus kinetics versus immune system kinetics. If you slow down the virus "enough", you won't die
Do you know what treats viruses?
I contend that the Conservative Religious Right (RR) supports issues which are much more consistent with Science than the main stream Democratic Party (Dems). The Dems have moved so far Left, that they have turned into believers in fiction and fairies (pun intended).
The majority of United States political parties are farther right on the spectrum then the rest of the world. Based on that, I find your point of view seems to come from a religious nature. Science and religion aren't mutually exclusive, but 'by god' you seem to contend they are. That's my problem with this hackish tome. There is absolutely no critical thinking to this ideology. So I believe your 'contention' is complete garbage.

I stopped reading it after the first paragraph, because I can see a bad faith argument from the get-go.

Change my mind.
See, this is what we get from non-scientists

I'm very sorry, but you need to go to school for 8 years to get a clue about virology.

There is no substance anywhere, protease inhibitor or vaccine or anything else, that will "stop" a virus. From reproducing, or even just remaining intact.

You need to reduce "enough" of the function to give your immune system time to do its thing. It's virus kinetics versus immune system kinetics. If you slow down the virus "enough", you won't die

Except that most viruses are fairly benign and do no significant harm.
Covid actually would do no harm, if not for the immune system over reacting.
All the deadly harm comes only from our own immune system over reaction, where our own immune system macerates our lungs and murders us.
You were around from 1918 to 1921 eh....

The problem Spanish flu killing so many is that it never could go away, because the gov then told everyone to wear masks and social distance.
Whenever you wear masks and social distance, you prevent herd immunity and prevent any epidemic from ever ending.
You conserve easy hosts when you "flatten the curve".
Herd immunity only works when you achieve saturation or burn out of easy hosts.
I contend that the Conservative Religious Right (RR) supports issues which are much more consistent with Science than the main stream Democratic Party (Dems). The Dems have moved so far Left, that they have turned into believers in fiction and fairies (pun intended).

The RR believes that there are men and women with sex determined at conception, and that it would be an injustice against the weaker sex to allow men with Y chromosomes to compete against them in physical sports. Dems believe that gender identity is psychological and can be chosen at will. Some even believe that you can be gender fluid and change your gender at will based upon the state of one's mind when one wakes up in the morning. (1)

While the RR believes in forgiveness, the Dems seem to think everyone deserves an 'eleventeenth' chance and that prosecutions and punishments should be relaxed because the statistics are racist. We are seeing this in cities across America, where the peacemakers (police) are vilified and the career criminals are let out time after time in the name of criminal justice reform, resulting in surging violent crime against innocents. (2)

The RR believes a traditional family involving a father and a mother who raise children result in the best outcomes for society. Dems call this privilege, and think that alternatives of two mothers, two fathers, single mothers, or three parents are just as acceptable. (3)

It is wrong to teach heathen sexual practices to children. So go be gay if you want, but keep it to yourself and do not corrupt easily-influenced children. (4)

The RR thinks abortion of the most innocent and defenseless among us is murder, and when you abort a baby after 20 weeks (five months), you are actually killing a human being with unique DNA, a beating heart, and a working nervous system that can experience excruciating pain, and this is inhumane. Dems call it "choice" or "women's reproductive health," and think abortion should be legal for any reason at least up until the time of birth.

The RR believes in equal opportunity for all. Dems embrace "equity" and free stuff for everyone, with an emphasis on the "historically marginalized." Those who don't succeed are supposedly victims of an unjust system as opposed to being victims of their own efforts and toils. (5)

Conservatives recognize that our creator has gifted us with an immune system which is far more effective than any man-made vaccine (6). Dems push government-compelled vaccine and mask mandates. The mandates have obviously not worked; even after the large majority of the population submitted to vaccines, Omicron surged resulting in more cases than ever. It's only now that nature has taken its natural course and resulted in nearly everyone getting COVID that true widespread immunity has been obtained and we are starting to get back to normal as God intended.

Hmmm... Looks like those Bible thumpers are the scientific ones after all. It's the anti-religious progressives that are living in a land of make believe, fiction and magic.

God bless ✝️✡️⚛️🔬

1) Lia Thomas Wins an N.C.A.A. Swimming Title
2) Violent Crime Surges in Democrat-Run Cities
3) Traditional Family
4) LGTBQ teachers in their own words - Tucker: Libs of TikTok oust campaign was designed to shut down a highly effective Twitter feed
5) Kamala in her own words -
6) Fauci himself admitted it here

Ignorant and incorrect conception of the actual policies and differences.

No one is claiming that gender is psychological.
It is physiological, but NOT necessarily consistent with the chromosomes.
If a fetus is exposed to certain pesticides for example, the wrong genitalia can result.
This is not true. Your example to support your claim is what, less than 1% of the "cases?"

XXY chromosomes and such are rare, as are the deformities you are mentioning.

For you to deny that the Dems are propelling a self-chosen, completely elective, gender identity does not seem very sincere or scientific to me.

No one is suggesting infinite chances, but the reality is the game is rigged, the wealthy are cheating, and deliberately committing crimes they are not punished for. Humans are inherently not criminal. When people commit crimes, it is because there is something wrong with society. And that is obvious. Being wealthy, I can easily avoid paying any taxes at all, while the poor are forced to pay more taxes than I.
I completely disagree again. For example - crimes of property are not even punished anymore. In NYC, there is no bail, nor prison term for such crime. In San Francisco, there is no prosecution for shoplifting up to ~$1000.

You know this.
Not at all true. In fact, no primates are even remotely monogamous, so families are likely totally fake and a product of a corrupt human culture.
We are not monkeys. Quit advocating that we act like them.

I actually agree with this until puberty. Only then can sexual facts be discussed.
Great, but you think it is appropriate for a 55-yr-old man to teach these intimate subjects to you hypothetical 13-yr-old daughter. Or an LGBTQ+ techer who happens to be a trans activist on the internet teach alternative lifestyles to minors. I am not so sure about that.

Best to leave that subject to parents, I think.

Except that over population and poverty producing children threatens our entire society. We should value life more, but by not having such a large and aggressive military, police force, etc. We reproduce at a rate of prey, so have to artificially reduce reproductive rates.
There is no overpopulation problem. Humans are living longer than ever and the humans on the Earth have a better standard of living than ever, with more of the population than ever having access to clean water, food, clothing, shelter.

The threat to society comes from government pushing such nonsense about overpopulation/global warming/COVID lockdowns, the latter which did more harm than good.

If overpopulation is such a problem, then why is the Biden Admin and CDC pretending to try to save just about everyone from COVID, LOL?

Wrong. The game is totally rigged, and is much easier to make money if you have money to start with.
It's true, but everyone can be successful if they try their best every single day. I had no money when I started, but I did have a father an mother to keep me in line.

Wrong. Vaccines are much better than our immune system alone because we have to recover first before we get a natural immunity, while a vaccine immunity skips the risk of being infected.
The only problem is the mRNA concoctions are not real vaccines, and don't work.
Complete nonsense.

Natural immunity is far more effective than the vaccines. The vaccines attempt to mimic natural immunity.

Sure, if you get a jab after having COVID, you get a tiny boost, but you are missing the boat with this logic. I included in the OP a video of Dr. Fauci assertively disagreeing with your scientifically-flawed claim.

Incorrect. [...]
But REAL vaccines work great, like for polio, smallpox, etc.

Nonsense. Influenza vaccine is less than 50% effective. We were talking about COVID, a respiratory virus with a lot of similarities to influenza/Swine flu/Bird flu/ SARS / MERS / etc..

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Do you know what treats viruses?


COVID vaccines!!!!!!!

They don't prevent COVID infection. They don't prevent transmission from the vaccinated.

But the CDC tells us they reduce symptoms. All the triple vaccinated people who get infected with COVID post on Twitter telling us how happy they are that they got vaccinated!

It's comical.

The COVID vaccines are supposedly now as only effective as anti-viral treatments. :)
The majority of United States political parties are farther right on the spectrum then the rest of the world. Based on that, I find your point of view seems to come from a religious nature. Science and religion aren't mutually exclusive, but 'by god' you seem to contend they are. That's my problem with this hackish tome. There is absolutely no critical thinking to this ideology. So I believe your 'contention' is complete garbage.

I stopped reading it after the first paragraph, because I can see a bad faith argument from the get-go.

Change my mind.

I am not religious.

However, I have extraordinary respect for differing opinions, including those who are.

I am a strong supporter of the 1A, and think it is virtuous to live one's life in a moral manner.

As a scientist, I find my observation that the Religious Right practices more science than the "party of science" to be quite noteworthy.
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COVID vaccines!!!!!!!

They don't prevent COVID infection. They don't prevent transmission from the vaccinated.

But the CDC tells us they reduce symptoms. All the triple vaccinated people who get infected with COVID post on Twitter telling us how happy they are that they got vaccinated!

It's comical.

The COVID vaccines are supposedly now as only effective as anti-viral treatments. :)
They are effective at preventing covid infection though. Meanwhile those still purposefully unvaccinated for no other reason than because of the potato chips put into your veins or something will continue to either die, pass it on to someone who doesn't deserve to die from it, or experience long covid.
I am not religious.

However, I have extraordinary respect for differing opinions, including those who are.

I am a strong supporter of the 1A, and think it is virtuous to live one's life in a moral manner.
If you're not religious, then what do you base your idea of morality upon?
If you're not religious, then what do you base your idea of morality upon?

The Golden Rule is a good example. That and:
- Don't harm others.
- There is good and evil in the world. Take the side of good and fight the evil.
- Take responsibility for your own success or failure and actions
- Set a good example for others, including children
- Respect others' rights to hold differing views; we are all different
- Be kind.
- Help those in need.
- Respect the laws of nature ("Our Creator" :))
- Honor your word (e.g. remain faithful to your spouse)
- Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

There is a lot of good guidance in the Bible (e.g. Ten Commandments), and one need not be religious to heed good advice.
I contend that the Conservative Religious Right (RR) supports issues which are much more consistent with Science than the main stream Democratic Party (Dems). The Dems have moved so far Left, that they have turned into believers in fiction and fairies (pun intended).

The RR believes that there are men and women with sex determined at conception, and that it would be an injustice against the weaker sex to allow men with Y chromosomes to compete against them in physical sports. Dems believe that gender identity is psychological and can be chosen at will. Some even believe that you can be gender fluid and change your gender at will based upon the state of one's mind when one wakes up in the morning. (1)

While the RR believes in forgiveness, the Dems seem to think everyone deserves an 'eleventeenth' chance and that prosecutions and punishments should be relaxed because the statistics are racist. We are seeing this in cities across America, where the peacemakers (police) are vilified and the career criminals are let out time after time in the name of criminal justice reform, resulting in surging violent crime against innocents. (2)

The RR believes a traditional family involving a father and a mother who raise children result in the best outcomes for society. Dems call this privilege, and think that alternatives of two mothers, two fathers, single mothers, or three parents are just as acceptable. (3)

It is wrong to teach heathen sexual practices to children. So go be gay if you want, but keep it to yourself and do not corrupt easily-influenced children. (4)

The RR thinks abortion of the most innocent and defenseless among us is murder, and when you abort a baby after 20 weeks (five months), you are actually killing a human being with unique DNA, a beating heart, and a working nervous system that can experience excruciating pain, and this is inhumane. Dems call it "choice" or "women's reproductive health," and think abortion should be legal for any reason at least up until the time of birth.

The RR believes in equal opportunity for all. Dems embrace "equity" and free stuff for everyone, with an emphasis on the "historically marginalized." Those who don't succeed are supposedly victims of an unjust system as opposed to being victims of their own efforts and toils. (5)

Conservatives recognize that our creator has gifted us with an immune system which is far more effective than any man-made vaccine (6). Dems push government-compelled vaccine and mask mandates. The mandates have obviously not worked; even after the large majority of the population submitted to vaccines, Omicron surged resulting in more cases than ever. It's only now that nature has taken its natural course and resulted in nearly everyone getting COVID that true widespread immunity has been obtained and we are starting to get back to normal as God intended.

Hmmm... Looks like those Bible thumpers are the scientific ones after all. It's the anti-religious progressives that are living in a land of make believe, fiction and magic.

God bless ✝️✡️⚛️🔬

1) Lia Thomas Wins an N.C.A.A. Swimming Title
2) Violent Crime Surges in Democrat-Run Cities
3) Traditional Family
4) LGTBQ teachers in their own words - Tucker: Libs of TikTok oust campaign was designed to shut down a highly effective Twitter feed
5) Kamala in her own words -
6) Fauci himself admitted it here

Excellent post.

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