The seven worst presidents of the United States? Here is a list of them. Hey wait a minute we are missing one.

Trump was a great president. An indication of just how great is how much of what he warned of has actually happened. If events continue to unfold on the same path, even fraud won't keep Trump from the white house.

And Biden is so pathetic, he'll probably get a second chance.
Wilson kicked off the party with the Federal Reserve Act, handing over control of the nation's money supply to bankers, and when Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 he created the nightmare in which we find ourselves now. After them the rest are mostly figureheads. LBJ escaped justice by murders and lies. Bush 43 should have been tried for treason for starting wars of aggression, and the real president Cheney should have been right beside him.
Wilson kicked off the party with the Federal Reserve Act, handing over control of the nation's money supply to bankers, and when Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 he created the nightmare in which we find ourselves now. After them the rest are mostly figureheads. LBJ escaped justice by murders and lies. Bush 43 should have been tried for treason for starting wars of aggression, and the real president Cheney should have been right beside him.
Dont forget FDR and Tricky Dick who took the US off the gold standard, which is why are dollar is so inflated.
Obama and Carter, both got ambassadors murdered and did nothing about it.

13 US embassies were attacked when Dubya was president.. and 60 people were killed.

You don't know anything about Benghazi or Libya.
13 US embassies were attacked when Dubya was president.. and 60 people were killed.

You don't know anything about Benghazi or Libya.
No ambassador murdered while bush was president

Benghazi, most likely there is not a place on earth with more terrorists.

I do know Benghazi was attacked on the anniversary of 9/11, our ambassador murdered, and we did not retaliate.

What would you like to know about benghazi or libya

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