The Walking Dead Season 6

How about a compound surrounded by razor wire with guard towers? They have plenty of guns. You can always make your own bullets.

Making your own bullets is easier said then done when comparing modern weapons to those used in the colonial period. You need reloading equipment, you need to molds, you need material for the bullet itself, you need casings, you need primers, and of course you need modern smokeless powder. Now they could scavenge such things in the short term if there is any left in sporting goods stores that sold such things.

But to actually manufacture new bullets requires an industrial and chemical based that has collapsed.

At the present level of society in the series, bullets are a finite resource that will only become more scarce.


Hmm. Really? People make their own bullets all the time.

Bullet shortage? No problem: Make your own |

I didn't say people don't reload there own shells, they do. But the ability to do that today is supported by a industrialized society and the ability to go down to get the materials that you need.

I used to reload my own ammo all the time when I was a shot-gunner.

Might be able to get or make the molds for the bullets themselves. But to make the shell casings that will function in a modern semi-automatic or military grade automatic weapon isn't going to happen with a blacksmith working over a coal fired forge.

Then you have the consumables that have to be available to make your own bullets. That includes the lead, the gunpowder, and the primers. You might get the molds for the head itself, but you need casings and consumables to complete the operation.

Then as a pointed out, if you have to revert to the production of colonial era black powder, that produces a lot more residue and contaminants then do modern chemically manufactured "smokeless" powder. I don't see a finely crafted modern semi- or fully automatic weapon being usable for long if you start putting black powder bullets through it.

From the article : "To do that, James says you need a press, dies and manuals to figure out how much powder to use."
"“As long as you can get the bullet, the powder, and the primer, and you have the casings, you’re good to go,” Schneck says."

And those measurements are crafted based on the type of powder you have and exhaustive testing by the manufacturer for different case sizes and bullet weight.

Because of high qualify chemical process today they can produce the tables the sportsman needs to load their own.

Unless the came across a gun store with a stock of powder, primers, cases, molds, lead, and presses. The idea that someone in a low- to no- tech society is just going to be able to reload shells is a stretch for any long period.


The link I supplied was about making your own ammo. :dunno: I think you are getting a bit too technical here. The materials would still exist.
How about a compound surrounded by razor wire with guard towers? They have plenty of guns. You can always make your own bullets.

That was basically what they had before with the prison. They took security there for granted too, which was why the Guv could trash the place so easily.

I didn't see razor wire. Just an old broken down fence at the old prison.
How about a compound surrounded by razor wire with guard towers? They have plenty of guns. You can always make your own bullets.

Making your own bullets is easier said then done when comparing modern weapons to those used in the colonial period. You need reloading equipment, you need to molds, you need material for the bullet itself, you need casings, you need primers, and of course you need modern smokeless powder. Now they could scavenge such things in the short term if there is any left in sporting goods stores that sold such things.

But to actually manufacture new bullets requires an industrial and chemical based that has collapsed.

At the present level of society in the series, bullets are a finite resource that will only become more scarce.


Hmm. Really? People make their own bullets all the time.

Bullet shortage? No problem: Make your own |

From the article : "To do that, James says you need a press, dies and manuals to figure out how much powder to use."
"“As long as you can get the bullet, the powder, and the primer, and you have the casings, you’re good to go,” Schneck says."

Yup, they could go to some old ammunition manufacturing plant and pick up those things, I think. :)
How about a compound surrounded by razor wire with guard towers? They have plenty of guns. You can always make your own bullets.

Making your own bullets is easier said then done when comparing modern weapons to those used in the colonial period. You need reloading equipment, you need to molds, you need material for the bullet itself, you need casings, you need primers, and of course you need modern smokeless powder. Now they could scavenge such things in the short term if there is any left in sporting goods stores that sold such things.

But to actually manufacture new bullets requires an industrial and chemical based that has collapsed.

At the present level of society in the series, bullets are a finite resource that will only become more scarce.


Hmm. Really? People make their own bullets all the time.

Bullet shortage? No problem: Make your own |

I didn't say people don't reload there own shells, they do. But the ability to do that today is supported by a industrialized society and the ability to go down to get the materials that you need.

I used to reload my own ammo all the time when I was a shot-gunner.

Might be able to get or make the molds for the bullets themselves. But to make the shell casings that will function in a modern semi-automatic or military grade automatic weapon isn't going to happen with a blacksmith working over a coal fired forge.

Then you have the consumables that have to be available to make your own bullets. That includes the lead, the gunpowder, and the primers. You might get the molds for the head itself, but you need casings and consumables to complete the operation.

Then as a pointed out, if you have to revert to the production of colonial era black powder, that produces a lot more residue and contaminants then do modern chemically manufactured "smokeless" powder. I don't see a finely crafted modern semi- or fully automatic weapon being usable for long if you start putting black powder bullets through it.

From the article : "To do that, James says you need a press, dies and manuals to figure out how much powder to use."
"“As long as you can get the bullet, the powder, and the primer, and you have the casings, you’re good to go,” Schneck says."

And those measurements are crafted based on the type of powder you have and exhaustive testing by the manufacturer for different case sizes and bullet weight.

Because of high qualify chemical process today they can produce the tables the sportsman needs to load their own.

Unless the came across a gun store with a stock of powder, primers, cases, molds, lead, and presses. The idea that someone in a low- to no- tech society is just going to be able to reload shells is a stretch for any long period.


The link I supplied was about making your own ammo. :dunno: I think you are getting a bit too technical here. The materials would still exist.

There would be some for a time. But we are talking 2-3 years into the Zombie Apocalypse. Any ammo and loading supplies will already be stripped.

You don't get to drive down to the Brass Pro Shop and get to restock your consumables.

How about a compound surrounded by razor wire with guard towers? They have plenty of guns. You can always make your own bullets.

That was basically what they had before with the prison. They took security there for granted too, which was why the Guv could trash the place so easily.

I didn't see razor wire. Just an old broken down fence at the old prison.

They had a double layered fence topped with razor wire. They also had concrete walls and guard towers.

They really should've done even more than that - like dig a moat, or something - to keep vehicles out. They also needed more active patrols in the area surrounding them.
How about a compound surrounded by razor wire with guard towers? They have plenty of guns. You can always make your own bullets.

That was basically what they had before with the prison. They took security there for granted too, which was why the Guv could trash the place so easily.

I didn't see razor wire. Just an old broken down fence at the old prison.

They had a double layered fence topped with razor wire. They also had concrete walls and guard towers.

They really should've done even more than that - like dig a moat, or something - to keep vehicles out. They also needed more active patrols in the area surrounding them.

In the section of fence where the gov broke through? I don't remember seeing any of that. Just an old fence. In fact, they would walk right up to the fence and stab zombies in the head sometimes. Remember? :)
How about a compound surrounded by razor wire with guard towers? They have plenty of guns. You can always make your own bullets.

Making your own bullets is easier said then done when comparing modern weapons to those used in the colonial period. You need reloading equipment, you need to molds, you need material for the bullet itself, you need casings, you need primers, and of course you need modern smokeless powder. Now they could scavenge such things in the short term if there is any left in sporting goods stores that sold such things.

But to actually manufacture new bullets requires an industrial and chemical based that has collapsed.

At the present level of society in the series, bullets are a finite resource that will only become more scarce.


Hmm. Really? People make their own bullets all the time.

Bullet shortage? No problem: Make your own |

I didn't say people don't reload there own shells, they do. But the ability to do that today is supported by a industrialized society and the ability to go down to get the materials that you need.

I used to reload my own ammo all the time when I was a shot-gunner.

Might be able to get or make the molds for the bullets themselves. But to make the shell casings that will function in a modern semi-automatic or military grade automatic weapon isn't going to happen with a blacksmith working over a coal fired forge.

Then you have the consumables that have to be available to make your own bullets. That includes the lead, the gunpowder, and the primers. You might get the molds for the head itself, but you need casings and consumables to complete the operation.

Then as a pointed out, if you have to revert to the production of colonial era black powder, that produces a lot more residue and contaminants then do modern chemically manufactured "smokeless" powder. I don't see a finely crafted modern semi- or fully automatic weapon being usable for long if you start putting black powder bullets through it.

From the article : "To do that, James says you need a press, dies and manuals to figure out how much powder to use."
"“As long as you can get the bullet, the powder, and the primer, and you have the casings, you’re good to go,” Schneck says."

And those measurements are crafted based on the type of powder you have and exhaustive testing by the manufacturer for different case sizes and bullet weight.

Because of high qualify chemical process today they can produce the tables the sportsman needs to load their own.

Unless the came across a gun store with a stock of powder, primers, cases, molds, lead, and presses. The idea that someone in a low- to no- tech society is just going to be able to reload shells is a stretch for any long period.


The link I supplied was about making your own ammo. :dunno: I think you are getting a bit too technical here. The materials would still exist.

There would be some for a time. But we are talking 2-3 years into the Zombie Apocalypse. Any ammo and loading supplies will already be stripped.

You don't get to drive down to the Brass Pro Shop and get to restock your consumables.


Well, those supplies have to come from someplace now or else we would have run out long ago. Isn't it just molten steel or lead?
The prison was perfect. Land to grow crops, sturdy walls, towers, etc.
No, they didn't do enough to protect it. But, they keep learning. Having a town in the middle of nowhere is harder to guard. They need to get out of there and find another prison. Or an island.
How about a compound surrounded by razor wire with guard towers? They have plenty of guns. You can always make your own bullets.

That was basically what they had before with the prison. They took security there for granted too, which was why the Guv could trash the place so easily.

I didn't see razor wire. Just an old broken down fence at the old prison.

They had a double layered fence topped with razor wire. They also had concrete walls and guard towers.

They really should've done even more than that - like dig a moat, or something - to keep vehicles out. They also needed more active patrols in the area surrounding them.

In the section of fence where the gov broke through? I don't remember seeing any of that. Just an old fence. In fact, they would walk right up to the fence and stab zombies in the head sometimes. Remember? :)
I think most of it had double-layered fence, which had razor wire along the top (like a prison should). There were also guard towers near-by. It just didn't matter much because the Guv had trucks and a tank. Lol

They really needed to dig a ditch around the fence to stop vehicles, at the very least.
Well, those supplies have to come from someplace now or else we would have run out long ago. Isn't it just molten steel or lead?

We aren't talking about now. We're talking about 2-3 years into the Zombie Apocalypse.

Bullets are more than molten steal or lead.

If you have the empty shell (the casing) and lead. You need consumable parts that have to be reloaded, the gunpowder and the primers. Modern gunpowder is a fine chemical explosive that is not something produced in someone's kitchen. Then you need primers in modern center-fire weapons.

You can read more about primers and their chemical make-up here -->> Centerfire ammunition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You never see anyone picking up their brass

Yes I have, did it all the time at the range.



I mean on TWD. They never pick it up on the show, as if they could walk over to Dick's and pick up another 5,000 rounds anytime they wanted

Yep. I've noticed that also. Now, there are times they were on foot and brass gets heavy when you are hauling it around.

Now when they have vehicle transport never seen them load up brass. Hell even in Alexandria you don't see it. Consider the "Armory" in Alexandria, all kinds of weapons stashed in the living room (or dining room) to the right as you walk in the door, but you don't see a lot of ammo boxes as part of the scene dressing.

You never see anyone picking up their brass

Yes I have, did it all the time at the range.



I mean on TWD. They never pick it up on the show, as if they could walk over to Dick's and pick up another 5,000 rounds anytime they wanted

Then if they saved all those shells, they could make their own bullets! Right?

Yup. They could (and really should) recycle the brass casings from the all the rounds they fire whenever possible. Powder and primer would be harder to make, but there are ways around that.
You never see anyone picking up their brass

Yes I have, did it all the time at the range.



I mean on TWD. They never pick it up on the show, as if they could walk over to Dick's and pick up another 5,000 rounds anytime they wanted

Then if they saved all those shells, they could make their own bullets! Right?

Yup. They could (and really should) recycle the brass casings from the all the rounds they fire whenever possible. Powder and primer would be harder to make, but there are ways around that.

That's what I would do. I would have someone who could make ammo. I would raid all gun shops and gun manufacturing factories, houses, anywhere I could get weapons and ammo.
That's what I would do. I would have someone who could make ammo. I would raid all gun shops and gun manufacturing factories, houses, anywhere I could get weapons and ammo.

We are 2 - 3 years into the zombie apocalypse.

I think someone would have thought of that before.

There have been multiple cases were out group has had to cut and run with little but the clothes on their backs (name after Hershal's Farm and the Prison), you think that if you visit a gun store now there are going to be guns, ammo, and consumables to reload ammo laying around?

That's what I would do. I would have someone who could make ammo. I would raid all gun shops and gun manufacturing factories, houses, anywhere I could get weapons and ammo.

We are 2 - 3 years into the zombie apocalypse.

I think someone would have thought of that before.

There have been multiple cases were out group has had to cut and run with little but the clothes on their backs (name after Hershal's Farm and the Prison), you think that if you visit a gun store now there are going to be guns, ammo, and consumables to reload ammo laying around?


Yeah, well this is television designed to entertain the audience. :D Umm. Yes, I do think there would be plenty of weapons and ammo. Two to three years into the zombie apocalypse, most people are dead now. Zombies don't use weapons or ammo.

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