There has been no "global warming" for eight years


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Brace yourselves, Greenies. Your whole nonsense about "man-made global warming" has been put to rest once and for all.

"Recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. And NASA satellite data reportedly confirms that evidence, showing no global warming for eight years and five months, according to JunkScience’s Steve Milloy. But leftists are quick to warn people against drawing the obvious conclusion that the world isn’t about to become a burning ball of fire.

It's official:
No global warming for 8 years and 5 months, per NASA satellite data.
That's no warming despite ~475 billion tons of CO2 emissions.
CO2 warming is the biggest scientific hoax of all time.The New Pause lengthens again: 101 months and counting … | Watts Up With That?
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) February 4, 2023

Recently published evidence also showed that there was actually a near-record low of major hurricanes in 2022, indicating that weather isn’t getting progressively and exponentially worse globally, despite the climate frenzy of the media and governments. And the Northeast is currently experiencing record cold in a harsh winter, with Mt. Washington, N.H., yesterday dropping to -45.5 degrees Fahrenheit and -107 degree wind chill.

Axios, which normally loves to scare-monger about global warming, reported today, “Arctic outbreak shatters records in Northeast.” I’m going to go out on a limb — or a glacier — and say that the Northeastern U.S. is definitely not about to suffer devastating effects from “global warming.”

NOAA makes it official.
Last 8 years… global cooling… at a rate of 0.11°C/decade…. despite 450+ billion tons of emissions worth 14% of total manmade CO2 in the atmosphere.
CO2 warming is a hoax.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) January 13, 2023"

Hot Air: No Global Warming for Eight Years
Meanwhile back in reality...

Brace yourselves, Greenies. Your whole nonsense about "man-made global warming" has been put to rest once and for all.

"Recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. And NASA satellite data reportedly confirms that evidence, showing no global warming for eight years and five months, according to JunkScience’s Steve Milloy. But leftists are quick to warn people against drawing the obvious conclusion that the world isn’t about to become a burning ball of fire.

Recently published evidence also showed that there was actually a near-record low of major hurricanes in 2022, indicating that weather isn’t getting progressively and exponentially worse globally, despite the climate frenzy of the media and governments. And the Northeast is currently experiencing record cold in a harsh winter, with Mt. Washington, N.H., yesterday dropping to -45.5 degrees Fahrenheit and -107 degree wind chill.

Axios, which normally loves to scare-monger about global warming, reported today, “Arctic outbreak shatters records in Northeast.” I’m going to go out on a limb — or a glacier — and say that the Northeastern U.S. is definitely not about to suffer devastating effects from “global warming.”

Hot Air: No Global Warming for Eight Years

No warming for 8 years actually means it is even more badder for the world than ever before……….and the near record lack of hurricanes means it is even more super dooper, double really really badder and that we need to give more money to the government and stop using not only cars, gas stoves and anything more modern than windmills……we need to simply stop using any energy at all or in 6 million years the world temperature will increase .00000000000001% of a degree………,
Brace yourselves, Greenies. Your whole nonsense about "man-made global warming" has been put to rest once and for all.

"Recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. And NASA satellite data reportedly confirms that evidence, showing no global warming for eight years and five months, according to JunkScience’s Steve Milloy. But leftists are quick to warn people against drawing the obvious conclusion that the world isn’t about to become a burning ball of fire.

Recently published evidence also showed that there was actually a near-record low of major hurricanes in 2022, indicating that weather isn’t getting progressively and exponentially worse globally, despite the climate frenzy of the media and governments. And the Northeast is currently experiencing record cold in a harsh winter, with Mt. Washington, N.H., yesterday dropping to -45.5 degrees Fahrenheit and -107 degree wind chill.

Axios, which normally loves to scare-monger about global warming, reported today, “Arctic outbreak shatters records in Northeast.” I’m going to go out on a limb — or a glacier — and say that the Northeastern U.S. is definitely not about to suffer devastating effects from “global warming.”

Hot Air: No Global Warming for Eight Years

The Warmers themselves said there been no warming since 1995, they had to add in the fake dataset of "warming trapped (like a rat!) in the deep ocean" to make their Bernie Madoff fudged numbers add up
Meanwhile back in reality...

View attachment 753990
Oxygen isotope measurements of the GISP2 ice core show that about 8,500 of the past 10,000 years were significantly warmer than recent decades. The most recent 1 500 years, including the Little Ice Age were cooler. Temperature reconstructions from borehole data confirm the oxygen isotope data and show that about 8,500 of the past 10,000 years were significantly warmer than recent decades. Temperature measurements at eight Greenland weather stations show that temperatures in recent decades have not exceeded 1930s levels, so top-of-core data (1987) may be compared to paleo-temperatures over the past 10,000 years.


δ18O from the GISP2 ice core for the past 10,000 years. Red areas represent temperatures warmer than those in 1987 (top of the core); blue areas were cooler. Almost all of the past 10,000 years were warmer than the past 1500 years. (Plotted from data in Grootes and Stuiver, 1997)
Trusting Biden's "climate experts" is like trusting Xi not to invade Taiwan....

Simple truth is that the raw data from both satellites and balloons never showed any warming until fudged in 2005.

Parroting fudged data is not helpful.

Asking how Co2 froze Greenland and melted North America at the same time.... yeah, they do NOT like that....
Of the ten warmest years on record, eight have occurred in the last eight years. But to "Conservatives" facts are irrelevant, all that matters is adhering to the party lies.

Only once you add in the imaginary "warming trapped (like a rat!) in the deep ocean"

Bernie Madoff would still be in business if he dealt in Global Warming futures
Brace yourselves, Greenies. Your whole nonsense about "man-made global warming" has been put to rest once and for all.

"Recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. And NASA satellite data reportedly confirms that evidence, showing no global warming for eight years and five months, according to JunkScience’s Steve Milloy. But leftists are quick to warn people against drawing the obvious conclusion that the world isn’t about to become a burning ball of fire.

Recently published evidence also showed that there was actually a near-record low of major hurricanes in 2022, indicating that weather isn’t getting progressively and exponentially worse globally, despite the climate frenzy of the media and governments. And the Northeast is currently experiencing record cold in a harsh winter, with Mt. Washington, N.H., yesterday dropping to -45.5 degrees Fahrenheit and -107 degree wind chill.

Axios, which normally loves to scare-monger about global warming, reported today, “Arctic outbreak shatters records in Northeast.” I’m going to go out on a limb — or a glacier — and say that the Northeastern U.S. is definitely not about to suffer devastating effects from “global warming.”

Hot Air: No Global Warming for Eight Years
And what do you believe has caused global warming to cease?

That period from 1945 to 1965 - 20 years with no warming - surely that should have marked the end. What makes you think 8 years is long enough to disregard the 150 year, accelerating warming trend we've all observed?

And what do you believe has caused global warming to cease?

That period from 1945 to 1965 - 20 years with no warming - surely that should have marked the end. What makes you think 8 years is long enough to disregard the 150 year, accelerating warming trend we've all observed?

This graphic was supposed to be in the post above.
Posted this up on FB today...

Flagged as "misinformation" within 10 seconds".

What does it mean?
It means that it's misinformation.
Means we are at war folks. Just a matter of time until the shitshow starts. All I know is...some people are going to be losing all their stuff.
Because a FB post of yours got flagged you think the world is at war? That's really pathetic. And which people are going to be losing all their stuff and HOW? Are you going to take up a life of crime?
The geologic record is littered with examples of cooling and warming trends that were not cause by CO2 or orbital forcing.
Of the ten warmest years on record, eight have occurred in the last eight years. But to "Conservatives" facts are irrelevant, all that matters is adhering to the party lies.

You avoided post one presentation thus you scored ZERO points.

It has been cooling for over 8 years now a fact you are resisting.
Just a reminder that the past 8 years is about weather, not climate ... over the past eight intervals, there have been 5 years of warming and 3 years of cooling ... compared to CO2 increases every year ... this gives us a 62.5% correlation coefficient, where coin-flipping is 50% ... ha ha ha ...

The National Weather Service, a division of NOAA, uses the bicentennial Kennedy half-dollar piece (mint mark "S") ...

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