They are busting Trump rght now in court

Did 85% of the people from that district vote for Joe Biden in 2020? It's obvious that you're not going to get a fair verdict in a case where you've got that kind of a jury pool especially when you've got a judge like this one. That's all Trump is saying. Conflicted judge...biased jury pool.
Judge has been doing a stand up job. Trump just needs somebody to attack. So of course he goes to the playbook. Call it rigged, attack the judge attack Biden. Yawn. So predictable
We didn't have in person voting with valid ID in 2000. We didn't have that because Democrats refuse to make that the standard. Why?

Of course we did. I had to show my driver's license. And I voted in person on a paper ballot.
Is there a crime if someone intends to commit one but doesn't?


That is one of three potential elements of § 175.10...

intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

... so no, a crime not even needs to be committed. Just the intent to commit one or to aid or conceal one.

As far as Bragg saying there was a crime, the was. Illegal campaign. Cohen was convicted of that and sent to jail for that, among other crimes. That has been adjudicated.

And instead of reporting that $130K payment to Stormy, Trump concealed that illegal payment by reporting it as "legal services."
Ok, so, what cohen did was a crime, he made a NDA payment to keep the incident out of the news, but just because cohen was convicted of something, doesn’t mean trump is also guilty of something.

Again, Trump says the payment was to keep from embarrassing his family and the false entry into the business record, that was an internal record, could have been to conceal it for business purposes, which isn’t a crime. It’s going to take a court case to try this issue to see if indeed Trump violated campaign finance laws.

Now, you may believe that he did…hell, I might even believe that he did, but what we think has no bearing on what the law says.

Bragg says Trump was trying to conceal a crime..Trump says he was trying to conceal it from his family…

As they say in the law…innocent until proven guilty.

Also, because this was an internal record, how can there be intent to defraud, or to conceal anything from the public since these documents would have never been made to the public had it not been for Bragg.

The affair was known, cohen was convicted, the trump organization made a note in its internal ledgers about then repayment to cohen.

Where do they get he was trying to conceal a crime? From whom?

Now, if they want to go after trump for making a hush money payment, they can do that, but several have already passed on that. However, if the internal record was never meant to be seen by the public, then no concealment has taken place…until Bragg brought it out.
Well you just said it. He ignorantly called the jury democrats and corrupt. That shit leads to death threats and harassment from his idiot followers.

Yeah he called them democrats, but I didn’t see anything about him calling them corrupt. He called the judge corrupt..for sure.

I can see the issue about death threats, but trump can’t control that. There will probably be threats even without Trump speaking…however, for their safety, I’ll give you that. So the judge can tell Trump to not make references to the jury…fine. However, why does Trump have to lose ALL of his freedom of speech because he speaks out against this trial?

The problem here is that you have a leftist media..and politicians, who are getting a lot of news out about this, making accusations and speaking ill of Trump and everyone says that ok, but Trump isn’t allowed to fire back with rebuttal and commentary of his own?
Ok, so, what cohen did was a crime, he made a NDA payment to keep the incident out of the news, but just because cohen was convicted of something, doesn’t mean trump is also guilty of something.

Again, Trump says the payment was to keep from embarrassing his family and the false entry into the business record, that was an internal record, could have been to conceal it for business purposes, which isn’t a crime. It’s going to take a court case to try this issue to see if indeed Trump violated campaign finance laws.

Now, you may believe that he did…hell, I might even believe that he did, but what we think has no bearing on what the law says.

Bragg says Trump was trying to conceal a crime..Trump says he was trying to conceal it from his family…

As they say in the law…innocent until proven guilty.

Also, because this was an internal record, how can there be intent to defraud, or to conceal anything from the public since these documents would have never been made to the public had it not been for Bragg.

The affair was known, cohen was convicted, the trump organization made a note in its internal ledgers about then repayment to cohen.

Where do they get he was trying to conceal a crime? From whom?

Now, if they want to go after trump for making a hush money payment, they can do that, but several have already passed on that. However, if the internal record was never meant to be seen by the public, then no concealment has taken place…until Bragg brought it out.
It was a legal expense and reported.
Good for you! Wasn't an imposition...was it? So why can't we make that the LAW for everyone who wants to vote?

Because that failed too. You're never gonna be happy unless your candidate wins. I get it.

And again, the amount of actual voter fraud in infinitesimally small. I posted this a year ago...

Thanks for posting that. I love the Heritage fraud database. Watch as I use this to show how rare voter fraud is...

Cheating does happen but it's infinitesimal. The Heritage Foundation maintains a database and recorded about 1400 cases out of some 1.5 billion votes cast over the last 4 decades.

That's an incident rate of of just 0.0000009.
Ok, so, what cohen did was a crime, he made a NDA payment to keep the incident out of the news, but just because cohen was convicted of something, doesn’t mean trump is also guilty of something.

Again, Trump says the payment was to keep from embarrassing his family and the false entry into the business record, that was an internal record, could have been to conceal it for business purposes, which isn’t a crime. It’s going to take a court case to try this issue to see if indeed Trump violated campaign finance laws.

Now, you may believe that he did…hell, I might even believe that he did, but what we think has no bearing on what the law says.

Bragg says Trump was trying to conceal a crime..Trump says he was trying to conceal it from his family…

As they say in the law…innocent until proven guilty.

Also, because this was an internal record, how can there be intent to defraud, or to conceal anything from the public since these documents would have never been made to the public had it not been for Bragg.

The affair was known, cohen was convicted, the trump organization made a note in its internal ledgers about then repayment to cohen.

Where do they get he was trying to conceal a crime? From whom?

Now, if they want to go after trump for making a hush money payment, they can do that, but several have already passed on that. However, if the internal record was never meant to be seen by the public, then no concealment has taken place…until Bragg brought it out.

It's been adjudicated. It was an illegal campaign contribution. That's not a "legal service." It's a crime. Crimes are not legal services. But Trump reported it as a legal service. This is the underlying crime they're going after...

§ 17-152. Conspiracy to promote or prevent election. Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Trump and Cohen conspired to make payments to silence 2 women just before the election. Buying that silence was by the "unlawful means" of making illegal campaign contributions.
Because that failed too. You're never gonna be happy unless your candidate wins. I get it.

And again, the amount of actual voter fraud in infinitesimally small. I posted this a year ago...

Thanks for posting that. I love the Heritage fraud database. Watch as I use this to show how rare voter fraud is...
Cheating does happen but it's infinitesimal. The Heritage Foundation maintains a database and recorded about 1400 cases out of some 1.5 billion votes cast over the last 4 decades.
That's an incident rate of of just 0.0000009.
this database proves nothing.

to think they have successfully captured all cheating is retard level brilliance.
this database proves nothing.

to think they have successfully captured all cheating is retard level brilliance.

Even if only 1 out of a thousand get caught, it's still infinitesimal... 0.0009.
Even if only 1 out of a thousand get caught, it's still infinitesimal... 0.0009.
but that "if" is just made up nonsense.

nobody has a clue.

ok, some shit is in a database. that proves nothing.

and fuck The Heritage Foundation.
but that "if" is just made up nonsense.

nobody has a clue.

ok, some shit is in a database. that proves nothing.

and fuck The Heritage Foundation.

Yes, it's far less than 1/1000. It's not difficult to catch such offenders during the cutting/counting/canvassing process.

It's infinitesimal.

Losers cry. There's no need to upend our election process because of crybabies.
It's been adjudicated. It was an illegal campaign contribution. That's not a "legal service." It's a crime. Crimes are not legal services. But Trump reported it as a legal service. This is the underlying crime they're going after...

§ 17-152. Conspiracy to promote or prevent election. Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Trump and Cohen conspired to make payments to silence 2 women just before the election. Buying that silence was by the "unlawful means" of making illegal campaign contributions.

…17-152 says it’s a misdemeanor…

Cohen said, at first, that Trump had nothing to do with the payment. Even in cohens conviction, they said he did it on his own..and that trump only paid him as a reimbursement.

Also, Trump paid out of his personal account, not out of the company funds, right? How can that be a campaign finance violation if the money donated to the campaign was his own. Candidates use their own money for campaigns all the time.

As far as the false business entry, again, it was internal so there is no intent to defraud if nobody is going to see those documents.

As far as why they would label it as “legal expenses”…probably because it looks better for business records than “payment to porn star”….
Yes there is a matter of crime and it appears that Trump has committed one. Had Trump not been president, he would have gone to prison with Cohen.
Maybe the prosecution will call Stormy’s former lawyer and DNC short list VP pick Michael Avenetti?
You don't seem to grasp the concept here, Marener! The reason behind the alternate electors...the reason behind the Gore challenge in Florida...the reason behind the Trump challenge in Georgia...the reason behind Jan. that the elections aren't viewed as secure. People don't trust the outcome...and that's on both sides of the political spectrum. So why don't we go back to paper ballots? Why don't we have people vote in person with valid ID? It's a simple solution to a problem that is causing riots in the streets. So why don't we fix the problem?
Challenging the election in court is one thing. There are rules. People abide by the decisions. Politicians can’t just screw with the results because they want to.

Then there is what Trump did, using fraud and corruption to try to change the outcome of the election by wiping out millions of legitimate votes so it looks like he wins.

To any sane individual, that’s far worse than a couple of rare instances of voter fraud. It’s systemic failure of democracy.

I know you dont trust the election results. If I were a corrupt politician intended to change the outcome of the election, the first thing I’d do is convince my supporters not to trust the results. That’s exactly what Trump did and he did it with a mountain of lies.

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