Those under 40, getting pets, delaying marriage


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
I had noticed most people I knew under 30 were still single and didn't even have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Apparently they don't want to live alone, so they get a pet. After a brief internet search...

---The only thing getting me through my 30s is a cranky, agoraphobic Chihuahua named Midge.---

---Now, given all those reasons, it becomes pretty clear why so many younger folks are putting off marriage and children for later. And this is the first big reason why they choose to own a pet instead---

---Dogs, Not Marriage or Kids, Motivate Millennials to Buy Homes---

Even in China: ---China’s pet economy booms as more millennials delay marriage and kids for fur babies---

Pets don't holler GET ME A SAMMICH, or whine and cry when they get a cold and want some orange juice at 3am, or in general are wanting a slave with love having nothing to do with it. I miss Dennis very much, but my cat is good company.

Plus, who wants to have kids in this fucked up world of today?
Gracie, you've made my point. Pets will pee on your carpet, but they won't start an argument with you.
Pets don't holler GET ME A SAMMICH, or whine and cry when they get a cold and want some orange juice at 3am, or in general are wanting a slave with love having nothing to do with it. I miss Dennis very much, but my cat is good company.

Plus, who wants to have kids in this fucked up world of today?
lol. I pushed a progressive hunter button.
I had noticed most people I knew under 30 were still single and didn't even have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Apparently they don't want to live alone, so they get a pet. After a brief internet search...

---The only thing getting me through my 30s is a cranky, agoraphobic Chihuahua named Midge.---

---Now, given all those reasons, it becomes pretty clear why so many younger folks are putting off marriage and children for later. And this is the first big reason why they choose to own a pet instead---

---Dogs, Not Marriage or Kids, Motivate Millennials to Buy Homes---

Even in China: ---China’s pet economy booms as more millennials delay marriage and kids for fur babies---

This is a mark of our immaturity, nothing more, nothing less
My wife happily makes my sandwiches! And I happily draw her bath, and scritch her back, and move heavy things, and open jars, etc.

It's a give/give relationship.
My wife happily makes my sandwiches! And I happily draw her bath, and scritch her back, and move heavy things, and open jars, etc.

It's a give/give relationship.
Seems the younger generations are not willing to compromise, which is necessary in a true partnership.
Interesting life choice debate for a single person.

Apparently having a pet makes you sexy especially if you are a male. On the bad side having a pet insinuates a less clean living environment. So it makes you less desirable as a partner to share a home with. This is one of those catch 22’s. I suppose it’s best to get a pet for a few months, take lots of pictures and document the whole experience then dump the dirty rodent. That might be the perfect compromise to obtain the best of both worlds.

Choices choices
My wife happily makes my sandwiches! And I happily draw her bath, and scritch her back, and move heavy things, and open jars, etc.

It's a give/give relationship.

Jewish tradition has this dilemma covered. The terms of the marriage arrangement are written out in elaborate detail. That way there is never any resentment when one ends up doing all the housework. If I ever get in a relationship again I am negotiating that I do all the housework. I have my own selfish motives for it that I suppose could be discussed in another thread. This thread is about pets.
Jewish tradition has this dilemma covered. The terms of the marriage arrangement are written out in elaborate detail. That way there is never any resentment when one ends up doing all the housework. If I ever get in a relationship again I am negotiating that I do all the housework. I have my own selfish motives for it that I suppose could be discussed in another thread. This thread is about pets.

Actually the thread is about PEOPLE, who choose pets over relationships, and why.
Actually the thread is about PEOPLE, who choose pets over relationships, and why.

Interesting. So they deliberate get a pet to avoid a relationship? I just thought they were single and got a pet. I didn’t know it was to avoid a relationship. Are you sure that’s a thing?
Interesting. So they deliberate get a pet to avoid a relationship? I just thought they were single and got a pet. I didn’t know it was to avoid a relationship. Are you sure that’s a thing?

Read the OP.
Interesting. So they deliberate get a pet to avoid a relationship? I just thought they were single and got a pet. I didn’t know it was to avoid a relationship. Are you sure that’s a thing?
More people under 40 are getting pets...and they're not getting married. Some may have a BF/GF, a lot of others don't. It seems like they prefer the company of a pet over a human. Why?
Fear of intimacy?
I think it's more likely they are spoiled. In my generation the typical family had 4 to 6 children. You had to learn how to compromise.

Now a typical family only has one or two children. Now these kids can live their childhood without having to compromise. Now that they're are becoming adults, we can see the price to be paid for raising kids without teaching them to compromise.
I think it's more likely they are spoiled. In my generation the typical family had 4 to 6 children. You had to learn how to compromise.

Now a typical family only has one or two children. Now these kids can live their childhood without having to compromise. Now that they're are becoming adults, we can see the price to be paid for raising kids without teaching them to compromise.
Breed less humans. Breed more dogs. Easy fix.

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