Time to Emphasize Language Learning

Good question. I'm always amazed when a kid is working checkout, your bill is $1.36, you give him-her $5.36 and they say "no, that's too much, you don't need that change". They don't get it. I am, however, for kids learning extra languages. I just wouldn't prioritize it until at least 90% of the kids can comprehend the above problem.
When do you have exactly $0.36?
After visiting 2 or 3 stores and paying cash, but that's not the point and that should have been clear to you. You're worrying what ifs and whys instead of solving the problem.

I do exactly as you describe every chance I get. I keep change in the car and take it with me into any store. I do not want to carry around a huge pocket of change. Another reason to like self checkout. I can dump in coins first.
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The world's not getting smaller, but it is becoming more interconnected. Beyond that, within the US more businesses are catering to more specific groups of customers. This requires more and more specialized skills. Education should reflect this to the economic benefit of the country.
languages are important!

The world's not getting smaller, but it is becoming more interconnected. Beyond that, within the US more businesses are catering to more specific groups of customers. This requires more and more specialized skills. Education should reflect this to the economic benefit of the country.
so it should be!

The world's not getting smaller, but it is becoming more interconnected. Beyond that, within the US more businesses are catering to more specific groups of customers. This requires more and more specialized skills. Education should reflect this to the economic benefit of the country.
Being fluent in more than one language certainly opens more employment opportunity doors. As a business owner in Texas, I can attest to that.

The world's not getting smaller, but it is becoming more interconnected. Beyond that, within the US more businesses are catering to more specific groups of customers. This requires more and more specialized skills. Education should reflect this to the economic benefit of the country.
We actually need more generalized skills. The division of labor and specialization has the effect of actually dumbing down the nation. We know more and more about less and less until we know everything about nothing.
We actually need more generalized skills. The division of labor and specialization has the effect of actually dumbing down the nation. We know more and more about less and less until we know everything about nothing.
What's more generalized than communication?
WHY? Kids cant do basic Math or Algebra 101. Get that cleaned up before you pile on more Mexican wothless activities. If Mexico is so great? Go back home.

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