Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God’s Existence


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God’s Existence:

1. If God did not exist, knowledge would be impossible.
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.
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I really don't understand the first point at all.

I'm not against the idea of God and have no reason to believe he doesn't exist but number 1 is just stupid.
The first premise needs some fleshing out. A double negative right off the bat doesn't portend well for a logical proof.

It's not a double negative. An example of a double negative would be I won't paint no wall. Notwithstanding, my off the cuff expression is clumsy. See edit above.
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Religion is whatever you want it to be. The only carry over from biblical times is the belief in a God but 'religion' itself has turned into a business. Christians believe all creation started with Genesis and 4,000 years later Christianity with the death of Christ. Now 2,021 years old it's all just a money making business. Lost are facts that ancient civilizations existed long before the supposed 'Creation of all'. Odd how some important aspects of Christianity are derived from ancient Greek polytheism which was practiced thousands of years before Christ. Zeus (God) who ruled over Mt. Olympus (Heaven) created man and later had a mortal son Argos (Christ). Anyway a fellow known as T.S had a wild but interesting theory on how Christianity borrowed a lot from the ancient Greeks. How Christ may actually just be a later day Zeus, seeing as how the name Jesus actually means Zeus in ancient texts. Again, just one man's theory but interesting none the less...Zeus and Jesus Christ: Their Shocking Connection
I really don't understand the first point at all.

I'm not against the idea of God and have no reason to believe he doesn't exist but number 1 is just stupid.

But why is it stupid in your opinion? Bear in mind that knowledge is derived via the application of conceptual and mathematical logic.

Delving deeper into the matter:

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Religion is whatever you want it to be. The only carry over from biblical times is the belief in a God but 'religion' itself has turned into a business. Christians believe all creation started with Genesis and 4,000 years later Christianity with the death of Christ. Now 2,021 years old it's all just a money making business. Lost are facts that ancient civilizations existed long before the supposed 'Creation of all'. Odd how some important aspects of Christianity are derived from ancient Greek polytheism which was practiced thousands of years before Christ. Zeus (God) who ruled over Mt. Olympus (Heaven) created man and later had a mortal son Argos (Christ). Anyway a fellow known as T.S had a wild but interesting theory on how Christianity borrowed a lot from the ancient Greeks. How Christ may actually just be a later day Zeus, seeing as how the name Jesus actually means Zeus in ancient texts. Again, just one man's theory but interesting none the less...Zeus and Jesus Christ: Their Shocking Connection

And there will be other nights and other days too!
There will be seconds to spin and minutes to spill,
Hours to wend down a winding rill,
Moments for me and moments for you. . . .
Transcendental Argument (TAG) for God’s Existence:

1. If God did not exist, knowledge would be impossible.
2. Knowledge is possible.
3. God exists.

A better argument would be:

1. If God The Easter Bunny did not exist, knowledge would be impossible.

2. Knowledge is possible.

3. The Easter Bunny exists.
I really don't understand the first point at all.

I'm not against the idea of God and have no reason to believe he doesn't exist but number 1 is just stupid.

But why is it stupid in your opinion? Bear in mind that knowledge is derived via the application of conceptual and mathematical logic.

Delving deeper into the matter:

What is logical about supernatural gods?
A better argument would be:

1. If God The Easter Bunny did not exist, knowledge would be impossible.

2. Knowledge is possible.

3. The Easter Bunny exists.

And the world’s amusements, its diversions, abound!
Sought by pale hands, chased by wooden feet:
Candy-coated rainbows that calm and feed the head
Or illicit, well-used harpies that slip into your bed . . .
Charms that lift you or drop you into a cold sweat.
A better argument would be:

1. If God The Easter Bunny did not exist, knowledge would be impossible.

2. Knowledge is possible.

3. The Easter Bunny exists.

And the world’s amusements, its diversions, abound!
Sought by pale hands, chased by wooden feet:
Candy-coated rainbows that calm and feed the head
Or illicit, well-used harpies that slip into your bed . . .
Charms that lift you or drop you into a cold sweat.
^^^^^ Reducing the religious extremist to babbling.
1. If God did not exist, knowledge would be impossible.
Actually it is the exact opposite, which you would know if you ever actually read the bible!
I have cravenly suffered the sentimental drivel of the career politician—
The pandering fop, the trailer-trash clone,
The glib picaro who would do anything at all to be somebody,
Except be somebody who would do anything useful.
I have felt his pudgy fingers foraging in my pockets—
The easy smile, the evasive speech, the beguiling eyes
that woo the timid sheep . . .​
The stuff and the skinny of Orwellian nightmares.
A better argument would be:

1. If God The Easter Bunny did not exist, knowledge would be impossible.

2. Knowledge is possible.

3. The Easter Bunny exists.

And the world’s amusements, its diversions, abound!
Sought by pale hands, chased by wooden feet:
Candy-coated rainbows that calm and feed the head
Or illicit, well-used harpies that slip into your bed . . .
Charms that lift you or drop you into a cold sweat.
^^^^^ Reducing the religious extremist to babbling.

And the nanny state, the meddler, bewitches so easily!
Conceived by venal men, contrived by ruthless means . . .
That ancient human misery loosed again on you and me,
Watching, prying . . . or it smothers,
The self-anointed class, the deified regime.
According to the bible knowledge is a FRUIT you eat from a tree!
“It’s as if atheists were lobotomized zombies or something,” Jane opined as she thought about the feminazi who taught her social studies class.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “The ramifications of their very own thought, if you can call it that, fly right over their heads.”

“But I thought atheists were free thinkers,” Dick said with a furrowed brow.

Jane looked confused.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.
A better argument would be:

1. If God The Easter Bunny did not exist, knowledge would be impossible.

2. Knowledge is possible.

3. The Easter Bunny exists.

And the world’s amusements, its diversions, abound!
Sought by pale hands, chased by wooden feet:
Candy-coated rainbows that calm and feed the head
Or illicit, well-used harpies that slip into your bed . . .
Charms that lift you or drop you into a cold sweat.
^^^^^ Reducing the religious extremist to babbling.

And the nanny state, the meddler, bewitches so easily!
Conceived by venal men, contrived by ruthless means . . .
That ancient human misery loosed again on you and me,
Watching, prying . . . or it smothers,
The self-anointed class, the deified regime.
^^^^^ Marshall Applewhite wannabe.

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