Debate Now Transgenderism is Just A Figment Of The Imagination

We now live in a world where that old Emperor is riding around naked as a jaybird.

Pointing out that he is naked not only takes normal intelligence (while we are clearly above that), but also a mind capable of observation.

These fundamentalists all believe what their masters tell them, not what they see.
Why DO you people tee yourselves up so readily?

Who won the 2020 election?
My instincts haven't failed me once.

And I have tested mine enough to rely on them.

Clearly you remain vague on the concept.
What you call "instinct" isn't instinct at all, but simply a conditioned reflex, instead.

As such, it is rather at the other end of the spectrum from instinct.
What you call "instinct" isn't instinct at all, but simply a conditioned reflex, instead.

As such, it is rather at the other end of the spectrum from instinct.
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We now live in a world where that old Emperor is riding around naked as a jaybird.

Pointing out that he is naked not only takes normal intelligence (while we are clearly above that), but also a mind capable of observation.

These fundamentalists all believe what their masters tell them, not what they see.
On one hand, it is almost impossible to accept that so many can buy into this... and so easily!
But then you see someone like 5thHorseman. And it becomes clear. He has intellectual blinders on.
His masters have placed them on him so easily, because he was so willing to accept it,
This is how cults are made.
It should be a prerequisite to graduate high school to study the FLDS cult. How otherwise intelligent, normal people can become so fantastically brain washed. And with such success that they will gladly sacrifice their own offspring to promote the madness they believe is real.
I'm not very good with setting up rules as most of you probably already know by now as the only one I can think of is to stay on topic. Anyways, if you guys want proof that Transgenderism does not exist then go ahead and watch this video. For these people don't have an argument for when it comes to being Transgender and then when it comes to being Transracial.

If it's perfectly acceptable to be Transgender even though it goes against biology, then how isn't it perfectly acceptable to be Transracial when it goes against biology as well? I'll tell you why,.. because it allows cheaters on sport's teams and rapists in the restrooms when you identify as Transgender. Being Transracial doesn't have these benefits. I'm curious if anybody has any further arguments though.

You know, I don't need videos to convince me that something is or is not real.
I live life.
Life says that Trans peopple are real and that Transgender is real.
That you do not like it doesn't make it not real
Your spending so much of your lives on a topic you fancy as 'FAKE NEWS" shows just how real it is.
The fascination of so many of you with it when it has zero impact on your lives shows just how real self hating closet queens are.

Lindell isn't proactively using the force of The State to demand that anyone accept him.

For someone who holds himself to be the smartest jackass in whatever room he's in, you really suck at this.
What does that twaddle refer to?
You know, I don't need videos to convince me that something is or is not real.
I live life.
Life says that Trans peopple are real and that Transgender is real.
That you do not like it doesn't make it not real
Your spending so much of your lives on a topic you fancy as 'FAKE NEWS" shows just how real it is.
The fascination of so many of you with it when it has zero impact on your lives shows just how real self hating closet queens are.

You know, I don't need videos to convince me that something is or is not real.
I live life.
Life says that Trans peopple are real and that Transgender is real.
That you do not like it doesn't make it not real
Your spending so much of your lives on a topic you fancy as 'FAKE NEWS" shows just how real it is.
The fascination of so many of you with it when it has zero impact on your lives shows just how real self hating closet queens are.

You might recall when I pointed this out in a thread, it was promptly spirited away.
On one hand, it is almost impossible to accept that so many can buy into this... and so easily!
But then you see someone like 5thHorseman. And it becomes clear. He has intellectual blinders on.
His masters have placed them on him so easily, because he was so willing to accept it,
This is how cults are made.
It should be a prerequisite to graduate high school to study the FLDS cult. How otherwise intelligent, normal people can become so fantastically brain washed. And with such success that they will gladly sacrifice their own offspring to promote the madness they believe is real.
All I can think is that he must still be a boy child.

The ones that get me are all the posters who have no awareness that they didn't support any of this crap just a few years ago. Heck, their Messiah Obama didn't even believe in Gay marriage until he was convinced otherwise as a prerequisite to his running for president.

We have come SO far, SO fast that I feel like I am watching a group psychosis in action. It is all quite intentional, it is all being orchestrated from above and precious few people are even capable of asking why.
You know, I don't need videos to convince me that something is or is not real.
I live life.
Life says that Trans peopple are real and that Transgender is real.
That you do not like it doesn't make it not real
Your spending so much of your lives on a topic you fancy as 'FAKE NEWS" shows just how real it is.
The fascination of so many of you with it when it has zero impact on your lives shows just how real self hating closet queens are.

Not even close.
Virtually no one is saying that Transgenderism (Gender Dysphoria) is not real.
That is what you want them to believe, and then chastise them for believing it.
The part you are missing is that Transgenderism is rare. Exceedingly rare.
As well as:
An effeminate gay man wearing women's clothing is not transgender. And sure as hell isn't a woman.
A straight or bisexual man wearing women's clothing because he is aroused by it is not transgender. And sure as hell isn't a woman.
But you want to pretend they are. You refuse to distinguish these two sets from actual transgenderism.
And then proceed to chastise those that don't agree.
Not even close.
Virtually no one is saying that Transgenderism (Gender Dysphoria) is not real.
That is what you want them to believe, and then chastise them for believing it.
The part you are missing is that Transgenderism is rare. Exceedingly rare.
As well as:
An effeminate gay man wearing women's clothing is not transgender. And sure as hell isn't a woman.
A straight or bisexual man wearing women's clothing because he is aroused by it is not transgender. And sure as hell isn't a woman.
But you want to pretend they are. You refuse to distinguish these two sets from actual transgenderism.
And then proceed to chastise those that don't agree.
The gap in IQ between the two of you is too great for him to ever be able to understand.

He knows what he is expected to say, and no more than that.
All I can think is that he must still be a boy child.

The ones that get me are all the posters who have no awareness that they didn't support any of this crap just a few years ago. Heck, their Messiah Obama didn't even believe in Gay marriage until he was convinced otherwise as a prerequisite to his running for president.

We have come SO far, SO fast that I feel like I am watching a group psychosis in action. It is all quite intentional, it is all being orchestrated from above and precious few people are even capable of asking why.
But you can't actually tell me who won the 2020 election, or even cite the Siunz on which you rely

Yours is a faith based belief.
All I can think is that he must still be a boy child.

The ones that get me are all the posters who have no awareness that they didn't support any of this crap just a few years ago. Heck, their Messiah Obama didn't even believe in Gay marriage until he was convinced otherwise as a prerequisite to his running for president.

We have come SO far, SO fast that I feel like I am watching a group psychosis in action. It is all quite intentional, it is all being orchestrated from above and precious few people are even capable of asking why.
It is tragic.
And a nightmare in it's success,
I have great fear for my two grandchildren. Now 2 and 7 months.
Will this pass before they get into school? Will the madness end before that, or at least begin to fail?
The Bud Light/Target saga is encouraging. I truly hold hope that Americans are finally reaching that point where the silent majority lose their silence. We control it all. But we are so damned reluctant to exercise that power. And it always takes so long and something so tragic for us to awaken and take action.
It is tragic.
And a nightmare in it's success,
I have great fear for my two grandchildren. Now 2 and 7 months.
Will this pass before they get into school? Will the madness end before that, or at least begin to fail?
The Bud Light/Target saga is encouraging. I truly hold hope that Americans are finally reaching that point where the silent majority lose their silence. We control it all. But we are so damned reluctant to exercise that power. And it always takes so long and something so tragic for us to awaken and take action.
You created this "crisis"....

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