Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

This is what I think of the NFL .
The Association ( Owners ) are a disgrace .
The Union ( Players ) are a disgrace .

This whole Organization is a disgrace .......
No one cares what you think.

If you think Politics belong in the NFL .
Then tell them to send their players to law school and become lawyers .
There's no teachers there ( Law School ) to mark up their grades ..

So I don't think any will become lawyers ...
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Who cares what trump calls them? He has every right to call them whatever he wants. I've been calling them selfish narcissistic idiots.

When he starts throwing them in jail or fining them, then we have a problem

White supremacist in violent protest..."very good people"

Black football players silently protesting injustice "sons of bitches".

Yeah, who cares what the racist orange troll says.

So tell me, exactly what 'injustice' are they protesting? Show facts, data, stats, etc. Otherwise you are hysterical.
It's Nearly Impossible for Victims of Police Brutality to Get Justice

Police killed more than 100 unarmed black people in 2015

Here's A Timeline Of Unarmed Black People Killed By Police Over Past Year

So easy even a blind and closed minded conservative could have done it.......if they wanted to.
This is what I think of the NFL .
The Association ( Owners ) are a disgrace .
The Union ( Players ) are a disgrace .

This whole Organization is a disgrace .......
No one cares what you think.

If you think Politics belong in the NFL .
Then tell them to send their players to law school and become lawyers .
There's no teachers there ( Law School ) to mark up their grades ..

So I don't think any will become lawyers ...
And yet, no one still cares what you think.
It's Nearly Impossible for Victims of Police Brutality to Get Justice

That link is so radical communist left and anti law enforcement. It is also a hate Trump site. Here is just one example of their far-left, hate speech:

"Similarly, when police counter chants of “Black Lives Matter” with “Blue Lives Matter,” they are reaffirming the higher value that our criminal justice system and even our popular culture places on the lives of police over everyone else."

What a pile of stinking bullshit. And you swallowed it.

Police killed more than 100 unarmed black people in 2015

OK I went to your link and picked one to investigate. Jonathan Sanders where it is claimed the police officer killed him. Unfortunately, for you, again you swallowed bullshit.

“(The) medical examiner as well found that once he ingested the amount of cocaine, and all the baggie that (he) did, (it) played a big part in his asphyxiation,” Street said.
Sanders’ cause of death was ruled to be mechanical asphyxia associated with cocaine toxicity."

Grand jury does not indict Stonewall officer in man’s death

Police killed more than 100 unarmed black people in 2015

Here's A Timeline Of Unarmed Black People Killed By Police Over Past Year

So easy even a blind and closed minded conservative could have done it.......if they wanted to.

You just Google this crap and believe whatever you find instead of seeking the truth then with spectacular ignorance you post it as truth. Talk about blind and close minded...Well, I'm not wasting my time any further with a liar.
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When you do criminal things you get shot by cops idiot.
The National Anthem was written about the American flag you dunderhead.
Kneeling is disrespecting the Flag and the excuse (cops out to get blacks) is hysterical. 'dipshit'

Really? Well now....because YOU say so? How narcissistic can you get...'dipshit'
So you spit on Korean veterans and Iraq veterans and Afghanistan veterans because of some insane fantasy you were told to believe and, in doing so, you disrespect those who died in those conflicts. What a 'dipshit' you are.

Unlike you, you moron, I've been a cop. I've seen at least three videos where the cops were way out of line and over reacted. And you know what? The law was on my side and they got their arses handed to them on a plate.

You have no idea what the word hysterical means. You keep on misusing it, which just goes to show what a moron you are.

I don't disrespect them, but they were not fighting to 'defend' the US in any way, shape or form. Iraq was no threat to the US. Neither was Korea or Vietnam. Neither was Afghanistan. N Korea might be now thanks to two immature leaders.
That's what the PINO does -- tweets and vomits shit from his stupid mouth.

He can't read... or lead.
Unlike you, you moron, I've been a cop. I've seen at least three videos where the cops were way out of line and over reacted. And you know what? The law was on my side and they got their arses handed to them on a plate.

I have no problem with cops being found guilty in a court of law you idiot. However, when they are found not guilty I have a problem with morons like you setting yourselves up as judge and/or jury.

You have no idea what the word hysterical means. You keep on misusing it, which just goes to show what a moron you are.

Yeah, just keep flogging that dead horse in your desperation to say something relevant.

I don't disrespect them, but they were not fighting to 'defend' the US in any way, shape or form. Iraq was no threat to the US. Neither was Korea or Vietnam. Neither was Afghanistan. N Korea might be now thanks to two immature leaders.

Fortunately, your estimable opinion counts for shit and your insulting disrespect of our fallen soldiers is sick.
Then he is forced to apologize.
False. I already posted his statement in this thread.

Are you going to call him a liar? After you wingnuts have called him a hero?
The head coach admonished him for not standing with the team, you can deny it all you want but that is what his team mates have reported happened.
It's during the season and a sliver of discontent in any team is not a good thing. The coach recognized it but It was a bad idea to hold the team in the locker room in the first place and it's actually a rule violation to do so.
The coach is a bonehead and if I owned the Pittsburgh NFL team I would be looking for a more intelligent coach today.
I'm Not a huge football fan but it's still depressing to watch the league disintegrate right before our eyes by following the lead of a progressive butt hurt minority.
The media and the entertainment industry are leading libs right down the drain and now the NFL is jumping into oblivion. WOW! It's almost as if the media is on our payroll. Now the NFL is assisting. Got to love it. Please keep taking a knee right up to election day!!!!! Trump wins again!!!!!
Would one of you call me an SOB? I would feel better. Better yet deport this American born citizen......
I guess it will take time for the libs to realize just how small of a minority they actually are......Who does the NFL advertise to? it ain't the croissant crowd...Ford trucks and Bud Light......Wake up before it's too late Goodall!
When you do criminal things you get shot by cops idiot.
What did Sandra Bland or Philando Castille do that was criminal?

I dunno, you tell me fool. Provide a link or STFU.
You claimed the people on that list did criminal things.

Were you talking out your ass again?

Is your Google not working? Look up both of them.

I claimed no such thing, I chose 1 case and found out what you posted was a lie. Provide a link to support your claims, I'm not doing your work for you....moron.

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