Trump Campaign, RNC Unveil Massive Election Integrity Program


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Doomers: I have a feeling we're not in 2020 anymore.

Lefties? Ya hear those drumbeats, off in the distance?

That foreboding premonition ya just can't get out of your heads that change is coming?

Yeah, it is.

More than 100,000 volunteers and attorneys will work in each battleground state to ensure the 2024 elections are transparent and fair.

Whenever a ballot is being cast or counted, Republican poll watchers will be observing the process and reporting any irregularity. In the event of an irregularity or problem, RNC lawyers and the volunteer attorneys that they have coordinated will provide rapid response services to resolve the issue using a sophisticated, tested action protocol. […]

There are five areas of observation where we will guarantee coverage and aggressive attorneys will be engaged at all these stages to stop Democrat attempts to circumvent rules:

  1. Logic & Accuracy Machine Testing
  2. Early Voting
  3. Election Day Voting
  4. Mail Ballot Processing: Adjudication & Duplication
  5. Post-Election: Canvass, Audits, Recounts
Attorneys will be stationed at every single target processing center where mail ballots are tabulated. This program starts with lawyers committing to battleground state polling sites, county boards of elections, secretaries of state offices, and in the Republican Party War Rooms.

Every single battleground state is operating its own “Election Integrity Hotline.” The State Republican War Room is the command center where lawyers will field all incoming questions and issues reported by poll watchers and voters statewide. Lawyers will guide poll watchers through the appropriate election code and provide clarity on how various issues should be answered, resolved, or escalated. This system will be operational from the first day of early voting through election day – and afterward if necessary. (RNC)

“The Democrat tricks from 2020 won’t work this time," said RNC Chief Counsel Charlie Spies.

2024: May the best ideas win - the rigging is officially over.

Good luck Dems!
The rigging isn't over.

MI and PA are so far gone that it'll be next to impossible to trust the result...AZ is nearly to that point....MN has been irretrievably corrupted since Al Franken stole a Senate seat without a whimper....Moonbats in WI are scrambling like mad to get to the 2020 cheating made legal again.

The Trumpsters have a seriously tough row to hoe, and they'd best be running 50 yards beyond the tape.
Doomers: I have a feeling we're not in 2020 anymore.

Lefties? Ya hear those drumbeats, off in the distance?

That foreboding premonition ya just can't get out of your heads that change is coming?

Yeah, it is.

2024: May the best ideas win - the rigging is officially over.

Good luck Dems!
I think it is Trump that fears a free and fair election, certainly not the Dems. Who will Trump blame for losing if the election is fair? He even cries fraud when he wins so there is no stopping him.
The rigging isn't over.

MI and PA are so far gone that it'll be next to impossible to trust the result...AZ is nearly to that point....MN has been irretrievably corrupted since Al Franken stole a Senate seat without a whimper....Moonbats in WI are scrambling like mad to get to the 2020 cheating made legal again.

The Trumpsters have a seriously tough row to hoe, and they'd best be running 50 yards beyond the tape.

You are here:


But last I checked, you're not voting for Trump anyway.

So, there's that.
Keeping a fire lit under your ass, every time you start patting yourself on the back for being so clever.

You ain't won shit yet....The only way you're going to win is keep at it.

The fact that you don't say "us" is quite telling.

I'm almost 46, no wide eyed teenager.

Cynicism and world weariness can be a useful thing, up to a point.

However, it can also become a monkey on your back that defeats any purpose before you even find one.
They telegraphed how they were going to cheat numerous times in '20, and the GOP sat on their hands.

There is still a large percentage of the Republican Party that just doesn't like Trump.

They don't like Trump because he stands up for the Average American and many Republicans, as well as ALL dimocrap scum, think Average Americans are either the enemy or worthy only of derision and mocking.

Ever notice that every White dimocrap thinks he/she is better than you? ALL of them.

Blacks, Hispanics and Self-Gassing Jews are part of the criminal cabal for their own nefarious reasons.
The fact that you don't say "us" is quite telling.

I'm almost 46, no wide eyed teenager.

Cynicism and world weariness can be a useful thing, up to a point.

However, it can also become a monkey on your back that defeats any purpose before you even find one.
I come over when results are delivered that meet my standards, which has yet to happen with Trump...I quit just jumping on the bandwagon that tells me what they think I want to hear, after getting chumped yet again in '94.

IOW, neither happy talk nor the LO2E argument work on me....Which makes guys like me some of the most constructive critics that you'll find.
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There is still a large percentage of the Republican Party that just doesn't like Trump.

They don't like Trump because he stands up for the Average American and many Republicans, as well as ALL dimocrap scum, think Average Americans are either the enemy or worthy only of derision and mocking.

Ever notice that every White dimocrap thinks he/she is better than you? ALL of them.

Blacks, Hispanics and Self-Gassing Jews are part of the criminal cabal for their own nefarious reasons.
Yet Trump is still the reigning king of unforced errors, particularly when is comes to seriously pushing back on those who hate us all within his own party.

When he ceases stepping on his own dick (i.e. standing by Ronna McRomney, McCarthy, Johnson), then he may begin to interest me...Until such a time, he's little better than any of the other GOP traitors.
Yet Trump is still the reigning king of unforced errors, particularly when is comes to seriously pushing back on those who hate us all within his own party.

When he ceases stepping on his own dick (i.e. standing by Ronna McRomney, McCarthy, Johnson), then he may begin to interest me...Until such a time, he's little better than any of the other GOP traitors.
How many of us could withstand the scrutiny that OMB faces every single day?

Sponge Brains Shits Pants can, literally, shit his pants in front of the Pope, lie about his son dying in Combat and his Uncle being eaten by Cannibals and the DISGUSTING FILTH buries it. And every other thing he lies about.

Remember when the DISGUSTING FILTH sent and Army of Reporters to Alaska to find everything, every dirty secret, they could about Sarah Palin? Going through her garbage, filming here every move....... They even had one scumbag rent the house next door.

Could you survive that? I couldn't. I doubt you could survive a google search.

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