Trump going off the rails right now outside courthouse.

I don't know how much more evidence of mental illness is necessary. This post by him should be evidence enough, but it is believed and accepted by most of his supporters.
surada is right on this one, odanny. You guys are going lose or win with a massive dif between victors and losers.
They are saying the opposite. I have been watching this morning. Rambunctious does lie to protect his guy and has no trouble morally or ethically with it.

How about we have wager. If he goes to jail, I leave the board. If he doesn't, you do us all a favor (and raise the board I.Q. by 10 points) and leave.
If he had he would be in jail..
Once the court case concludes then the jury of his peers may (or may not) find him guilty. The judge may sentence him to prison.
If that is the case then you will have this proof you need. He will be in jail so then you can finally say "wow! Look, he's in jail. That means he's guilty."
Meanwhile don't forget he is still on the hook for nearly half a billion dollars after another judge determined he has engaged in other fraudulent business practices. The only reason he hasn't had to settle up that debt yet is because he is stalling with an appeal that he has very little chance of being successful with.
So it's only a matter of time.
. no one has investigated Trump until he ran for president.
Maybe a criminal with decades of skeletons in his closet should really try to keep a lower profile and not draw so much attention to himself huh?
This is why presedential candidates are usually so heavily vetted before they run. As soon as they put themselves out there then their past becomes fair game.
Remember in 2016 when people were asking for Trump's tax recirds and he kept lying and saying he couldn't release them because they were under audit? That worked for a good long while but it was only a matter of time before SOMEONE got hold of them. It is the same with all his other shady and illegal scandals.
The things that have come to light about Trump SHOULD be enough to doom any political candidate. You guys have formed this curious cult of personality around Trump though where you don't care if he is guilty. You'll continue making excuses for him no matter what. Your double standards on character traits when it comes to this clown are ridiculous.
... you are listening to propaganda...
Believe me I KNOW propaganda and fake news when I see it and I can tell you this is pure projection here.
It is YOU who is swallowing the cult kool aid hook, line, and sinker.
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Once the court case concludes then the jury of his peers may (or may not) find him guilty. The judge may sentence him to prison.
If that is the case then you will have this proof you need. He will be in jail so then you can finally say "wow! Look, he's in jail. That means he's guilty."
Meanwhile don't forget he is still on the hook for nearly half a billion dollars after another judge determined he has engaged in other fraudulent business practices. The only reason he hasn't had to settle up that debt yet is because he is stalling with an appeal that he has very little chance of being successful with.
So it's only a matter of time.

Maybe a criminal with decades of skeletons in his closet should really try to keep a lower profile and not draw so much attention to himself huh?
This is why presedential candidates are usually so heavily vetted before they run. As soon as they put themselves out there then their past becomes fair game.
Remember in 2016 when people were asking for Trump's tax recirds and he kept lying and saying he couldn't release them because they were under audit? That worked for a good long while but it was only a matter of time before SOMEONE got hold of them. It is the same with all his other shady and illegal scandals.
The things that have come to light about Trump SHOULD be enough to doom any political candidate. You guys have formed this curious cult of personality around Trump though where you don't care if he is guilty. You'll continue making excuses for him no matter what. Your double standards on character traits when it comes to this clown are ridiculous.

Believe me I KNOW propaganda and fake news when I see it and I can tell you this is pure projection here.
It is YOU who is swallowing the cult kool aid hook, line, and sinker.
You know propaganda because it is all you listen to. We knew that.
I don't see that happening... I admit I did early on because its a NY jury and a corrupt judge but I'm starting to think we are headed for a not guilty verdict....
The only way Trump is not convicted is if there’s one guy who is intent on hanging the jury regardless of the evidence or the urging of his fellow jurors. That is a possibility in any Trump trial.
That is what he was indicted for... not one crime has been exposed in 18 days of testimony.....

allllllllll them thar cancelled & signed checks as a 'retainer' - by yer chosen one - & had zero retainer declarations attached per the law .... why? why was that? because they weren't retaining nuthin', but hushing the porn star.

Read the full indictment against Trump​

Published 9:49 AM EDT, April 8, 2023
Read the full indictment against Trump


allllllllll them thar cancelled & signed checks as a 'retainer' - by yer chosen one - & had zero retainer declarations attached per the law .... why? why was that? because they weren't retaining nuthin', but hushing the porn star.

Read the full indictment against Trump​

Published 9:49 AM EDT, April 8, 2023
Read the full indictment against Trump


So because he wrote checks somehow he is guilty of crime?...
You haven't told me what the crime is....

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