Trump is more an ongoing criminal than a former president. His crime spree continued once he was elected to office. The crime sprees continue .....

Lefties defended the outrageous sexual conduct of a freaking former Arkansas governor who might have been mixed up in a fraudulent real estate deal in his short time as a practicing lawyer that the liberal media quickly forgot. People related to the Clinton's died unexpectedly under strange circumstances but the media wasn't really interested. Sodomy with an intern barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office was "nobody's business but his own". Credible testimony of rape from his victims was laughed off with a claim of "statute of limitations". How many payoff's did the Clinton's have to endure? Nobody knows because the media didn't care.
Neither jurors nor we the public have the slightest notion as too what will be presented to this trial in the way of evidence and/or new facts. Thus I say many jurors could be less bias than they know.

Trump is more an ongoing criminal than a former president. His crime spree continued once he was elected to office. The crime sprees have yet to subside.

Voter Fraud is in high gear as we speak . Hopefully all will be arrested who participate. Trump is quite a hollow man. He is also a broken record which is obvious as the man repeats himself over and over. Trump and supporters have nothing new to offer.

Throw Donald Trump in jail today .......... freeze his assets and then invoice the Trump assets for his expenses while leeching off the taxpayers while incarcerated no matter how many years.

Do judges and others in the industry think Trump behavior and disregard for the rule of law is having a positive impact on future criminals?

Lock him up until all matters have been heard before a judge and jury then send him the bill ...... best demand electronic payments immediately upon demand.
187 minutes on Jan6th Trump did nothing to stop the terrorism and left a paper trail behind for all of us to view ......

Jan 6, 2024 — 7.1 “Reinsert the Mike Pence Lines”. President Trump tweeted three times on the morning of January 6th, repeating a false claim of election

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